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John Philip and Elizabeth (Brenner) Klamm

  • Klamm

John Philip Klamm was born 17 December, 1880 at his parents’ farm in Clay County, Missouri. In 1900 he was living with his parents and the census reported he was a “farm laborer”. On August 13, 1902, he married Elizabeth Susanna Brenner.

Philiip (or “J.P.”) and “Lizzie” lived various places throughout their lives and it was a bit difficult to figure out, so here’s our best guess. They were still in Clay County in May 1903 when their first child, Herman, was born. Their sons Oliver and Ralph were born in 1906 and 1908 in Bonner Springs, Kansas. According to a postcard of the Bonner Springs fire in November 1908, Philip and a brother had a harness shop in Bonner Springs. Since most of the downtown was destroyed, they probably moved back to Clay County after the fire.

In the 1910 census Philip is farming in Clay County on rented property next to the property of his father. The family is still in Clay County in 1912 and 1915 when Frances and Della are born. But in 1918 Winston is born in Ottawa, Kansas. Family history is that they lost their farm in Clay County.

From about 1918 to 1925 they are in Paola, Kansas, where Philip is operating a auto garage and battery station (which may or may not be the same thing).

They probably stayed in Paola through 1925, but we know they went to Texas. Ralph graduated high school in Weslaco, Texas in 1927, so they were there then. Lizzie loved to tell stories about Texas, which she hated. You can imagine the trip from Paola, Kansas, to the Rio Grande Valley of Texas in a 1920s open touring car with 6 children, two adults, and everything you could bring with you. Winston told the story that he sat behind his father and his father chewed (and spat)!

In the 1930 census, Philip is a paperhanger in Kansas City. By 1935 they are back in Platte County, Missouri, living on land inherited by Lizzie. On the acres around their house they maintained a small farm with chickens and a huge vegetable garden (and Lizzie’s huge flower garden). At some point they built a smaller house on the property in which to live.

Philip and Lizzie sold each of their children a lot on which to build a house. The price was $1 and he helped them build a house if they chose to build one. They are in a row on Klamm Road in Riverside. The grandchildren Ruby, Carol, Marjorie, Judy and Kenny were raised there.

In later years they moved to the house that belonged to Ralph in order to be closer to some of the children. After Lizzie died in 1956, Philip went to live with his son Winston, where he died in 1958.

Back row : Oliver, Herman, J. P., Ralph
Middle row: Lizzie, Frances Front row: Della, Winston
Dora, Oliver, Frances, Winston, Ruby holding Judy, J.P., Lizzie
Front for: Ruby, Joan, Carol, Donald