Daughtery's of Kentucky
Posted 22 Jun 2015 by Amanda Campbell
In May 1786 farmer and trader, received 2 land grants in Lincoln and then Madison Co., KY totaling 600 acres.
Cornelius came from Ireland to America C1760 and setteled in Botetourt County, Virginia. The following was taken from Genealogy of Kentucky Families, Vol. A-M, page 262: Cornelius Dougherty is said to have come from Ireland to Virginia in 1760, where he married Mary Hill. He was at Estrill's Station in Kentucky sometime between 1776 and 1781. He or more likely his son, Cornelius, served under General George R. Clark in the fall of 1782. His son, Alexander, served with Colonel Benjamin Logan that year. One of the two William Dougherty's with Logan at Estrill's Station in 1781 probably was Corneluis's son. His son or brother, David, signed a petition to divide Lincoln County in 1783. His daughter, Ann, married Jeremiah Perry in Madison County in 1787. He and his daughter, Isabel, didn't get along with her father and she went to live in the home of a Michael McNeely that year. Note: Michael McNeely was married to Cornelius Daugherty's wife Mary Hill's sister. That would make Mrs. McNeely Isabel's aunt. Alexander married Margaret Rogers in Madison Co unty in 1791. Noble married Jane Van cleve, with his brothers, John and Christopher, as witnesses's. By 1800, Noble, John and William were living in Washington County and Christopher and his wife, Martha, moved to Hardin County, where he died between 1812 and 1819. Cornelius appears to have had sons, George, and David, and perhaps, Abraham? His son, James Hill, married in 1819 to Mary Foster in Cumberland County, Kentucky, where several other members of the family moved. James Hill Dougherty moved to Sangamon County, Illinois in 1824 and eventually to Tennessee, where he died.
The Joseph Dougherty who died in Cumberland County in 1819 and his neighbor, William, appear to be not connected with the family of Cornelius, but to have been the sons of William Dougherty who moved from the Cowpasture to now Bath County, Virginia, to Green County, Kentucky, about 1790. Unquote.
"THE DAUGHERTY'S OF KENTUCKY: This is the title used by the noted genealogist, Mr. William C. Stewart, on the article he wrote for the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society. These were in Volume 53, No. 183, April 1955, and Volume 54, No. 189, Oct. 1956. The article, pertaining to our branch of the people named Dougherty, in the October 1956 issue. In Vol. 53, page 135, Mr. Stewart says: "The name Dougherty is spelled Daugherty; Doherty; Doughetee; Dockerty; Doghity; Dogherty; and in various other ways. No matter how it is spelled;led[ they all trace back to Dochartack, of the Province of Ulster, Ireland".
In another book, telling of the Clans and Septs of Ireland, we find "O 'Dochartaigh", meaning destructive. Around the 12th century the head of the Sept was known as Dochartaight the Terrible. It was a large and powerful Sept. of the same stock as the O'Donnells; originating in the Barony of Raphoe,. They extended their territory until they became Lord of Inishowen, in the 14th century. In 1608 they were greatly reduced as a result of the Ill-timed rebellion of Sir Cahir O'Dochartaight. When we speak of the people from the Province of Ulster, Ireland, we are, of course, speaking of the people of the Protestant faith, what we in America call the Scotch Irish.
Mr. Stewart states that *Cornelius Dougherty came to America and settled in Virginia around 1760, where he married Mary Hill. He went to Kentucky in 1776. These were early days in that frontier region. We recall
the first white settlement there was by Capt. Harrod, in 1774, but was aban doned after a few months because of Indian attacks. There had been no permanent Indian villages in this area for many years. This was the hunting grounds For many tribes and through it, from north to south, ran the Warrior's Road used by Indians War Parties, and those who wanted to hunt. There were others who went for bartering. Countering the statement that Cornelius Daugherty came from Ireland circa 1760 the author of this document has chosen to believe that Cornelius Daugherty was actually the second child of one of the twelve children born to Robert Dougherty (from Lagan Valley, ) and a Rebecca Cunningham from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. If this is true, then Cornelius was born in either Rockbridge or Augusta Count y, Virginia where the majority of his siblings were also born. The historical facts later on support that Cornelius Daugherty was born in Augusta County, Virginia vice the reporting being born in Ireland and then immigrating to Augusta County, Virginia and marrying Mary Hill. Some historians support that Daniel Boone was the first white man into what is now kno wn as Kentucky, however(Cornelius and Family went with Daniel Boone to K y. They lived at Estells Station for 7 yrs., historical facts indicate th at there were at least two white men into Kentucky prior to Daniel Boone establishing Boonesborough. One being a Capt. Robert Harrod (his settlement was abandoned after only a few months) and the second was a Henry Dougherty (1st. cousin to Cornelius Daugherty) who was at one time the first white man into Kentucky up the North Holston River into what is now known as the Cumberland Gap from Virginia into Kentucky. Historical facts ab out the signing of the Cumberland Gap Compact support that Daniel Boone was not the first white man into Kentucky. There were several Daugherty 's who signed the pact.
The year of 1777 was known as the year of the bloody "7's". By 1778 so many settlers had been killed, or had returned to their homes on the other side of the mountains, that all remaining settlers in Kentucky had moved into three gallant little forts. In that year Boonesborough was attacked by Indians, the siege lasting for nine days, the longest in border history. The battle called Estrill's Defeat, in the early spring of 1781, was one of the most controversial battles in Kentucky Indian warfare. The Battle of Blue Licks practically closed the Revolutionary War in Kentucky, but there were Indian attacks on settlers until the 1790's .
On the 15th day of October, 1779, Cornelius Dougherty was granted a tract of land by Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia, containing 500 acres of land in Lincoln County, Kentucky on the main branch of Muddy Creek. This was surveyed the 19th day of December, 1783. The Assignee of this land for Dougherty was Wallace Estrill. The Dougherty's lived at Estrill's Station on the Wilderness Road, 16 miles below Goone's Fort, for several years (actually believed to be for seven years?}. Fort Estrill is 3 3 /4 miles S.E. of Richmond, Kentucky. Cornelius Dougherty's land was first granted to him by the Gov. of Virginia, for, prior to 1780, Kentucky was known as Kentucky County, Virginia. This name was given in December, 1 776. After Kentucky became a state, the area the Dougherty's were in became Madison County, Kentucky. A son of Cornelius Dougherty, James Hill Dougherty, said they lived at Estrill's Station for seven years. They undoubtedly lived there until the Indian Wars were settled. They probably helped Capt. Estill in his defense of the fort when Capt. Estill was killed in 1782.
During the Revolutionary War, a Cornelius Dougherty from Madison County served under George Rogers Clark in 1782. Mr. Stewart thinks this is Cornelius, the son of the first Cornelius, rather than the father.
Cornelius's son Alexander served under Col. Benjamin Logan that same year. One of the two William Dougherty's serving with Col. Logan at Estrill's Station in 1781 was probably another of Cornelius, Sr.'s sons. It is not clear whether David Dougherty's who signed the petition to divide Lincoln County, Kentucky in 1783 is his son or his brother? We do know his daughter Ann Dougherty married Jeremiah Perry in Madison County, Kentucky in 1787.
Cornelius Dougherty, II (the great Grandfather of Garnett Hughes) was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, in 1804. He was the grandson of the Cornelius Dougherty who went to Kentucky with Daniel Boone. His father and mother, Christopher and Martha Dougherty, had come to Hardin County, Kentucky in 1800. Here Christopher died in 1811 when great Grandfather Hughes was only seven years old. In the Hardin County, Kentucky Court House
the following is recorded in Marriage Book, A, page 156. (Exact copy). "Cornelius Dougherty and Nancy Hundly were married on the 4th of September, 1 824. Arch Hundly gave consent in person. Martha Dougherty gave consent as to mark in witting, proven by John Dougherty. Executed on the 5th day of September, 1824 by me: Josiah N. Yager.
Amanda Campbell originally shared this on 22 Jun 2015