Judy's Ancestors

Person Page 218

Sarah ("Sary") Mills

F, #5426, b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734


FatherWilliam Mills (b. 1628, d. 26 April 1676)
MotherTabitha Wight (b. 1647, d. 20 January 1701)
Pedigree Link

Family: Colonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)

DaughterMary Magruder+ (b. about 1685, d. before 16 January 1731)
DaughterElizabeth Magruder (b. about 1685, d. about 1764)
SonNinian Magruder (b. 1686, d. before 26 June 1751)
SonSamuel Magruder (b. about 1687, d. after 1739)
DaughterSarah Magruder (b. about 1691)
SonJohn Magruder (b. about 1694, d. after 10 August 1750)
DaughterVerlinda Magruder (b. about 1698, d. before 27 March 1745)
SonJames Magruder (b. about 1699, d. before 19 July 1775)
SonWilliam Magruder (b. about 1701, d. about 22 July 1765)
DaughterEleanor Magruder (b. about 1705, d. about 1765)
SonAlexander Magruder (b. about 1706, d. before 12 June 1751)
SonNathaniel Magruder (b. 1707, d. before 1734)
Birthbetween 1666 and 1670In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.1,2
Marriage1686In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.3,4,1,2
Death9 May 1734Probate in Prince George's County, Maryland, British America. Early Colonial Settlers has her Sarah (Unproven) Mills daughter of William Mills (1628 England-1676) and Tabitha Wight (1647-1701).
"In Samuel Magruder's will of 1711, Prince George's County, MD, was witnessed by Edward Willett, Tabitha Willett (Edward's wife) and Ann Smith. Anchovie Hills, the home plantation of Alexander Magruder, bordered "Trenant", the home plantation of William Mills, Sr., which adds to the fact that Sarah was probably one of the unnamed daughters in William Mills' will."
"Samuel Magruder and Sarah named a son William. And the most reveling part of this family connection is that they had a grandson by their son Samuel, who was named William Mills Magruder."1
MiscWho is she... See the LONG analysis in The Mystery of Sarah Magruder and Mary Pottenger

There are two proposals for her parents:

William Mills (1628-1676) and Tabitha Wight (1647-1701)


Ninian Beall and Ruth Moore
This is stated in Samuel Magruder's entry in Colonial Families of the United States Vol 1, page 349

SAMUEL MAGRUDER, b. 1654.; d. 1711; of "Good Luck,” Prince George’s County, Md.; was Civil and Military Officer (High Justice and Captain of Militia) for Prince George’s County, 1696; Gentleman Justice, 1697-1705; Member of the House of Burgesses, 1704-7 ; one of His Majesty’s Commissioners, 1696; m. Sarah, d. 1734, dau. of Ninian and Ruth (MOORE) BEALL, Commander-in-Chief of Maryland forces; Lieutenant of Lord Baltimore’s Yacht, or Vessel of War, the Loyall Charles; Member of the House of Burgesses, Prince George's County, 1696-99.

I. Samuel, (d. 1779 ; m. Elinor WADE, dau. of Robert WADE.
II. Ninian, (d. 1751; m.1750.
IV. James, d. 1775; m. Barbara. COMES or COOMBS.
V. William, (1. 1765.; 772. Mary —.
VI. Alexander, d. 175:; m. Anne —-—.
VII. Elizabeth, m. William BEALL.
VIII. Sarah.
IX. Verlinda, m. John BEALL, son of Alexander BEALL.
X. Mary, m. George C. CLAGGETT.
XI. Elinor, m. Nehemiah WADE.
XII. Nathaniel.
MiscDNA Matches - 1 to Ninian. 10/18/2024 DNA on Sarah Ellen Spencer
Scott has 1 match with Ninian only to Sarah.
Judy has no matches and neither of us have any matches to Samuel, which is as far back as we can go.
Will16 January 1731In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America. Will and estate. 1732 Will, Death, Estate

Sarah Magruder wrote her will in 1731. It was proved three years later in 1734. (See Complete Will under Research Notes)

Magruder, Sarah, widow, Prince George Co., 16 Jan. 1731: wrote will, probated 28 Sept. 1734 (Orphans court Bk J, p. 2325-36) [1]

Land, called HEAD AKE, lying in the Eastern Branch of Potowmack, containing 300 acres, to be equally divided bewteen daughter, Eleanor Wade, wife of Nehemiah Wade and Sarah Claggett, daughter of George Clagett and my daughter Mary Claggett, decd.
to dau. Elizabeth Beall, wife of William Bell, one silver tankard
to dau. Verlinda Bell, one silver tankard
to dau. Eleanor Wade, two silver tumblers, two silver salts and six silver spoons
to Mary Edmonson, six silver spoons
to William Selby, son of William Selby, six silver spoons and one negro girl
to Sarah Magruder, daughter of Ninian, my son, one negro man called Will
to John Magruder, son of said son, Ninian, one malotto boy named Bailey
to Samuel Bell, son of Ninian Bell, desc., one negro boy named Batchelor now in possession of said Samuel Bell
to Sarah Clagett, one negro girl
to sons and daughters: John, James, Verlinder, Alexander, Eleanor: one working negro
to sons and daughters: Samuel, Ninian, Elizabeth, John, James, Verlinda, William, Alexander and Eleanor and granddaughter Sarah Clagett ...
execs: John Magruder and John Bell
wit: Jno. Baldwin Adamson, Anne Adamson
June 1734: inventory five pages long; kin: Samuel and Ninian Magruder; creditors Jo: Coswell, Joseph Casser, exec: John Magruder, John Beal (merchant)

Death and Burial

Sarah Magruder died 9 May 1734 in Prince George's County, Maryland (Probate). [1] She was buried in the Beall Bacon Hall Plantation Cemetery, Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland [4]


Mrs. Sarah Magruder 20.54 PG £543.17.4 Sep 3 1734 Sep 28 1734 [1]

Appraisers: Thomas Clagett, Richard Keene.
Creditors: John Caswell, Joseph Baser.
Next of kin: Samuel Magruder, Ninian Magruder.
Administrators/Executors: Mary Magruder, John Magruder, John Beal (merchant). [5]1,2
Probate28 September 1734In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.1,2
Last Edited8 November 2024


  1. [S7088] "Sarah (Mills) Magruder (abt.1669-1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Mills-3442. Accessed 19 Oct. 2024., See The Mystery of Sarah Mills and Mary Pottenger for justification of the Mills parents.

    See the VERY LONG and very complete profile:
    Mills Sarah Magruder (abt.1669-1734) at WikiTree.pdf
  2. [S7089] "Sarah Mills b. Between 1666 and 1670 Calvert County, Maryland d. 9 May 1734 Prince George's County, Maryland." probate: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I12765&tree=Tree1. Accessed 19 Oct. 2024., This is a very long profile. See the PDF
    Mills Sarah b. Between 1666 and 1670 - Early Colonal Settlers.pdf
  3. [S7057] "Samuel Magruder Sr. (abt.1654-1711)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Magruder-10. Accessed 17 Oct. 2024., HUGE profile for him:
    Magruder Samuel (abt.1654-1711) at WikiTree.pdf
  4. [S7058] "Samuel Magruder b. 1661 Calvert County, Maryland d. 16 Apr 1711 Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland." Probate: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I2020&tree=Tree1. Accessed 17 Oct. 2024., 12 children listed and a huge number of transactions:
    Magruder Samuel b. 1661at Early Colonial Settlers.pdf
  5. [S7087] "The Mystery of Sarah Magruder and Mary Pottenger ID/Link/URL/Title." Wikitree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:The_Mystery_of_Sarah_Magruder. Accessed 19 Oct. 2024., JN. His conclusion seems to be the Mills sisters...

    See the full document for the whole story...
    The Mystery of Sarah Magruder and Mary Pottenger.pdf

Alexander Magruder

M, #5427, b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677
Alexander, the immigrant, was an Officer in the army of Charles II., and was captured at the Battle of Worcester, 1651; in the same year he was sent as a prisoner of war to Virginia, by way of Barbadoes, but in 1652 he ransomed himself and received a grant of 500 acres of land at "Turkey Buzzard Island," Calvert County, Md., near the Patuxent River; at the time of his death, in 1677, he was possessed of upwards of 4000 acres of land, known as "Craignaigh," "Dumblane," "Good Luck," "Anchovie Hills." He m. (firstly) Margaret, dau. of William BRAITHWAITE, Member of the First General Assembly of Md., 1637; Commander of the Isle of Kent, 1633, the earliest seat of the Proprietary Government of Md.; Acting Governor of the Province, 1644, and cousin-german to Cecilius, Second Lord Baltimore; m. (secondly) Sarah --——; m. (thirdly) Elizabeth HAWKINS.
-- Colonial Families of the United States.
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Sarah (b. 1630, d. about 1671)

SonColonel Samuel Magruder+ (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
SonJames Magruder (b. 1658, d. 23 December 1685)
SonJohn Magruder (b. about 1662, d. between 1686 and 1704)
DaughterIsabel Magruder (b. about 1666, d. after 1768)

Family 2: Elizabeth (b. about 1640)

DaughterElizabeth Magruder (b. 1671, d. before October 1687)
SonAlexander Magruder (b. 1671, d. 20 May 1746)
SonNathaniel Magruder (b. 1673, d. 27 March 1734)
Birthabout 1610In Belliclone, Maderty Parish, Perthshire, Scotland.
Marriageabout 16521
Marriageabout 1672In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.2
Deathbefore 25 July 1677In Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
BurialAt Anchovie Hills cemetery in Naylor, Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.3
MiscParents. ALEXANDER MACGRUETHER, the progenitor of the Magruders of Maryland, was the son of Alexander MacGregor, b. Perthshire, Scotland, 1569; d. Perthshire, Scotland, 1605; descended from Alpin, King of Scotland, 834, and Lady Margaret Drummond, dau. of Campbell, First Laird, or Baron of Keathock, in Angus, Perthshire, and wid. of Sir Andrew Drummond, Fourth Laird of Ballyclove.4
MiscRoyal Ancestors.5
Last Edited8 November 2024


  1. [S7060] "Sarah (Unknown) Magruder (1630-abt.1671)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-692902. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024., Snippets above. The full profile is here:
    Magruder Sarah (Unknown) Magruder (1630-abt.1671) at WikiTree.pdf
  2. [S7064] "Elizabeth (Unknown) Magruder (abt.1640-)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-192503. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024., Not much is known about her, but there is lots of information about the family in this profile:
  3. [S7065] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/89803827/alexander-magruder: accessed October 18, 2024), memorial page for Alexander “The Immigrant” Magruder II (1610–1677), Find a Grave Memorial ID 89803827, citing Anchovie Hills cemetery, Naylor, Prince George's County, Maryland, USA; Maintained by JillGat (contributor 47637647).
  4. [S7059] Colonial Families of the United States of America. in Seven Volumes. Volume I. (2012). United States: Genealogical Publishing Company.. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024 at ancestry.com
  5. [S7350] Roberts, G. B. (2010). The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies Or the United States. United States: Genealogical Publishing Company. Accessed on ancestry.com, See image of page 140 attached


F, #5428, b. 1630, d. about 1671
Pedigree Link

Family: Alexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)

SonColonel Samuel Magruder+ (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
SonJames Magruder (b. 1658, d. 23 December 1685)
SonJohn Magruder (b. about 1662, d. between 1686 and 1704)
DaughterIsabel Magruder (b. about 1666, d. after 1768)
Birth1630In Maryland, British America.1
Marriageabout 16521
Deathabout 1671In Maryland, British America. On 31 March 1671, Sarah "Magrooder" the wife of Alex "Magrooder" proved her right to 250 acres for importing five persons into the province, including an Elizabeth Green. The 250 acres were patented as "Dunblaine" to Alex "Magrooder" on 1 September 1671. Alexander Magruder's land transactions ceased shortly after wife Sarah's death in 1671/1672. There were no land transactions with his last wife Elizabeth Hawkins or Green, whom He married about 1672. It is possible that she was the Elizabeth Green whom first wife Sarah indentured in 1671.1
Misc31 March 1671Proved her right to 250 acres.1
Last Edited18 October 2024


  1. [S7060] "Sarah (Unknown) Magruder (1630-abt.1671)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-692902. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024., Snippets above. The full profile is here:
    Magruder Sarah (Unknown) Magruder (1630-abt.1671) at WikiTree.pdf

James Magruder

M, #5429, b. 1658, d. 23 December 1685


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherSarah (b. 1630, d. about 1671)
Pedigree Link
Birth1658In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Death23 December 1685At age ~27 in Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

John Magruder

M, #5430, b. about 1662, d. between 1686 and 1704


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherSarah (b. 1630, d. about 1671)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1662In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.1
Deathbetween 1686 and 1704In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.1
Last Edited18 October 2024


  1. [S7063] "John Magruder (abt.1662-)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Magruder-82. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024.

Isabel Magruder

F, #5431, b. about 1666, d. after 1768


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherSarah (b. 1630, d. about 1671)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1666In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Marriage1684In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathafter 1768In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

John Henry

M, #5432, b. about 1650, d. before 26 June 1739
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1650
Marriage1684In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 26 June 1739In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024


F, #5433, b. about 1640
Pedigree Link

Family: Alexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)

DaughterElizabeth Magruder (b. 1671, d. before October 1687)
SonAlexander Magruder (b. 1671, d. 20 May 1746)
SonNathaniel Magruder (b. 1673, d. 27 March 1734)
Birthabout 16401
Marriageabout 1672In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.1
MiscChildren. Children

Elizabeth Magruder, b. 1671, Upper Marlboro, Calvert County, Maryland, d. Bef Oct 1687, Prince George's County, Maryland (Age < 16 years) [1]
Alexander Magruder, b. 1671, Calvert County, Maryland, d. 20 May 1746, Prince George's County, Maryland - Probate (Age 75 years) [1]
Nathaniel Magruder, b. 1673, Calvert County, Maryland, d. 27 Mar 1734, Prince George's County, Maryland - Probate (Age 61 years) [1]1
Last Edited18 October 2024


  1. [S7064] "Elizabeth (Unknown) Magruder (abt.1640-)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-192503. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024., Not much is known about her, but there is lots of information about the family in this profile:

Elizabeth Magruder

F, #5434, b. 1671, d. before October 1687


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherElizabeth (b. about 1640)
Pedigree Link
Birth1671In Upper Marlboro, Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore October 1687In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Alexander Magruder

M, #5435, b. 1671, d. 20 May 1746


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherElizabeth (b. about 1640)
Pedigree Link
Birth1671In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Death20 May 1746Probate at age ~75 in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Nathaniel Magruder

M, #5436, b. 1673, d. 27 March 1734


FatherAlexander Magruder (b. about 1610, d. before 25 July 1677)
MotherElizabeth (b. about 1640)
Pedigree Link
Birth1673In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Death27 March 1734Probate at age ~61 in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Elizabeth Flournoy

F, #5437, b. 1721, d. 1793
Pedigree Link
Marriage18 September 1741In Virginia, British America.1,2
Death1793At age ~72.
Last Edited18 October 2024


  1. [S7068] "Entry for Thomas Spencer, 'Virginia, Vital Records, 1715." 1901" https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:2:HSC3-NVJC. Accessed 18 Oct. 2024.
  2. [S7349] "Thomas Spencer Sr. (1721-1793)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Spencer-517. Accessed 8 Nov. 2024., The profile has a list of children and his will. Rootsweb links are dead.

Elizabeth Magruder

F, #5438, b. about 1685, d. about 1764


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1685In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathabout 1764In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
MiscMarried Ninian Beall Jr and William Beall.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Ninian Magruder

M, #5439, b. 1686, d. before 26 June 1751


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birth1686In Calvert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 26 June 1751In Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.
Misc10 August 1712Married Elizabeth Brewer in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Samuel Magruder

M, #5440, b. about 1687, d. after 1739


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1687In Ca1vert County, Maryland, British America.
Deathafter 1739In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Misc1707Married Eleanor Wade in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Sarah Magruder

F, #5441, b. about 1691


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1691In Ca1vert County, Maryland, British America.
DeathIn Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Misc1708Married William Selby in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

John Magruder

M, #5442, b. about 1694, d. after 10 August 1750


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1694In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathafter 10 August 1750In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Misc1 December 1715Married Susanna Smith in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Verlinda Magruder

F, #5443, b. about 1698, d. before 27 March 1745


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1698In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 27 March 1745In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Misc1712Married John Beall in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

James Magruder

M, #5444, b. about 1699, d. before 19 July 1775


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1699In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 19 July 1775In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
MiscMarried Barbara Coombs.
Last Edited18 October 2024

William Magruder

M, #5445, b. about 1701, d. about 22 July 1765


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1701In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathabout 22 July 1765In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
MiscMarried Mary Fraser.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Eleanor Magruder

F, #5446, b. about 1705, d. about 1765


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1705In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathabout 1765
Misc1727Married Nehemiah Wade in Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Alexander Magruder

M, #5447, b. about 1706, d. before 12 June 1751


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1706In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 12 June 1751In Frederick County, Maryland, British America.
MiscMarried Ann Wade.
Last Edited18 October 2024

Nathaniel Magruder

M, #5448, b. 1707, d. before 1734


FatherColonel Samuel Magruder (b. about 1654, d. 16 April 1711)
MotherSarah ("Sary") Mills (b. between 1666 and 1670, d. 9 May 1734)
Pedigree Link
Birth1707In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Deathbefore 1734In Prince George's Co., Maryland, British America.
Last Edited18 October 2024


F, #5449
Pedigree Link
Marriage11 August 1707Unless maybe one of Anne's names was Ruth?

Memorandum: 11 Aug 1707 Ruth Skinner, wife of Clarke, examined by Thomas Greenfeild1
Last Edited19 October 2024


  1. [S7084] "Ruth MNU Skinner d. Between 1707 and 1709 Calvert County, Maryland: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I44329&tree=Tree1. Accessed 19 Oct. 2024.

John Pottenger, Gent

M, #5450, b. before 29 November 1661
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Mills (b. 1666, d. 1724)

DaughterAnne Pottenger+ (b. about 1671, d. before February 1716)
DaughterSarah Pottenger (b. 20 June 1688, d. after 1743)
DaughterMary Pottenger (b. 1689, d. 1719)
SonJohn Pottenger (b. 1691, d. 1719)
SonSamuel Pottenger (b. 1693, d. 1742)
SonRobert Pottenger (b. 1694, d. 1738)
DaughterRachel Pottenger (b. 1700, d. 1757)
DaughterJemima Pottenger (b. 1702, d. 1734)
SonWilliam Pottenger (b. 1704, d. 1728)
DaughterVerlinda Pottenger (b. 1706, d. 1747)
Birthbefore 29 November 1661In Lambourn, Berkshire, England. Or 1642.
MiscDNA Matchs - good. 10/19/2024 DNA matches on Sarah Ellen Spencer
John Pottenger b1661
Scott 2 matches: both both parents with Rachel and Verlinda
Judy 2 matches with Verlinda - good matches both parents.
Last Edited19 October 2024