Judy's Ancestors

Person Page 89

Thomas Baber

M, #2201, b. about 1720, d. 1778


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1688, d. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Hutchins (b. 1690, d. 1732)
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Lawson (b. 1718, d. 1778)

SonObediah Baber+ (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
Birthabout 1720In Virginia, British America.1
Last Edited3 July 2023


  1. [S3317] "Descendants of Robert Baber, the Immigrant." Baberfamilytree https://baberfamilytree.org/usa/robert1651.htm. Accessed 8 Apr. 2023.
  2. [S3322] "Obadiah Baber in the Virginia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1652." 1900 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2343874:62347?indiv=try&h&pid=222410260129&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Elizabeth Lawson

F, #2202, b. 1718, d. 1778
Pedigree Link

Family: Thomas Baber (b. about 1720, d. 1778)

SonObediah Baber+ (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
Death1778At age ~60.
Last Edited8 April 2023

Amelia Baber

F, #2203, b. 1710
Nothing seems to be known about Amelia Baber.


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1688, d. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Hutchins (b. 1690, d. 1732)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited13 August 2023

John Baber

M, #2204, b. 1710


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1688, d. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Hutchins (b. 1690, d. 1732)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 April 2023

Christopher Baber

M, #2205, b. 1722
Nothing seems to be known about Christopher Baber.


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1688, d. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Hutchins (b. 1690, d. 1732)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited13 August 2023

Mary Baber

F, #2206, b. 1724
Nothing seems to be known about Mary Baber.


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1688, d. 1764)
MotherElizabeth Hutchins (b. 1690, d. 1732)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited13 August 2023

Anna Elizabeth Baber

F, #2207, b. 1710


FatherRobert Baber (b. 20 July 1651, d. 1720)
MotherSarah Somerset (b. about 1658, d. before 1750)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 April 2023

Obediah Baber

M, #2211, b. about 1760, d. 1822
Obediah Baber was born in Fluvanna County, Virginia. He was a Revolutionary War soldier. On April 4, 1782, he married Hannah Martin, daughter of John and Rachel Pace Martin. (Douglas Register) They moved to Clark County about 1786, and bought 35 acres from William and Frances Bush on May 27, 1794. This was land on Four Mile Creek. (DB1, p. 209) On August 19, 1796, Obediah bought 18 acres from Uriah and Mary Ingram. The records of the old Providence Baptist Church show that Obediah and Hannah were accepted for membership by “experience” on April 11, 1788.Obediah died on January 28, 1822, and his will was proved in Clark County in the same year. Hannah spent her last days living with her daughter Rachel in Montgomery County. On November 14, 1844, Hannah applied for her widow’s pension for the Revolutionary War service of Obediah. She noted that she had been married by Philip Webber, a Baptist minister; and that she and her family had moved from Virginia to Kentucky in the Fall of 1786. Her brother and sister, Valentine Martin and Rachel Bush swore to the Revolutionary service of Obediah. Valentine recalled that Obediah had a brother, Elisha, who had died in the service.Obediah and Hannah Martin Baber had the following children: Hiram, Rachel, Isham, Lucy, Elizabeth, Mary, Hannah, Nancy and Thomas.

"Revolutionary War Service." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/1545525/person/-1923686601/media/8ac37978-5456-4bf1-90e1-dfeec5c171fc?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.


FatherThomas Baber (b. about 1720, d. 1778)
MotherElizabeth Lawson (b. 1718, d. 1778)
Pedigree Link

Family: Hannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)

DaughterMary Baber
SonHiram Baber (b. 1782)
DaughterRachel M. Baber (b. between 1784 and 1789, d. 17 April 1870)
SonIsham Baber+ (b. about 1785, d. 1862)
DaughterHannah Delilah Baber (b. 1786, d. 9 September 1852)
DaughterLucy Baber (b. circa 1788, d. 23 November 1839)
DaughterElizabeth Baber (b. about 1789)
DaughterNancy Agnes Baber (b. 1 October 1800, d. 1857)
SonThomas Baber (b. 1 October 1800, d. 1 November 1873)
Birthabout 1760In Virginia.
Marriage4 April 1782In Fluvanna County, Virginia, United States.1,2
Death1822In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.2
MilitaryWar pension rejected. Obadiah Baber Revolutionary War Pension

VA Revolutionary War record: Obadiah Baber or Beaver/Hannah.

Rejected-not six months service.

State of Kentucky of Clark County ___ on This day 14th day of November in the year 1844. Personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid, Rachael Bush a resident of Clark County and State aforesaid and aged Seventy Six years since the 20th day of August 1844, having then entered her 77th year who being first duly sworn according to law doth, on her oath ___ and depose. That she was born in goochland County in the State of Virginia on the 20th day of August in the year 1768. In the Fall of the year ____ Four of her Brothers to wit, William, Martin, Or__son Martin, John Martin, and Valentine Martin,and on of her sisters, to wit Elizabeth Martin, removed from Fluvanna County, Virginia to what is now Clark County Kentucky where she has lived ever since It was then Fayette County. Her Father had some two or three years after she was born , removed from (?) Maryland to Fluvanna County in Virginia. Her she lived untill she came to Kentucky as before stated. She is well acquainted with Hannah Baber (alias Beaver) the Widow of Obadiah Baber (alias Beaver) being Sisters. The said Hannah was married was married [sic] to Obadiah Baber (alias Beaver) in Fluvanna County Virginia, before the deponent removed to Kentucky, how long before she cannot tell nor the year, but she well remembers, that when Obadiah Baber and Hannah his wife removed to Kentucky from Virginia they had three Children. The Deponent was at the marriage of the said Obadiah and Hannah, remembers the Wedding [sic] well and that Phillip Webber then a Baptist preacher was the preacher who married them. She also remembers well that John (?)Timberlane was the Clerk of the Court in Fluvanna County who granted ______ as it was said the marriage Licence Obadiah Baber and Hannah his wife removed to Kentucky in the year 1786 and she thinks in the month of March, and settled in what is now Clark County Kentucky then Fayette County, and continued to live in the ______ Clark County as long as he lived. She does not remember the years of his the said Obadiah's death, but she supposes it has been some twenty two or three years ago. He died in Clark County, Kentucky leaving Hannah Baber (alias Beaver) his widow, who is yet alive, and living at Randal Gordon's her son in laws in Montgomery County Kentucky. The said Obadiah Baber was never married but the one time and his Widow the said Hannah has been a Widow ever since the death of the said Obadiah ___ she having never married any other person but Obadiah Baber (alias Beaver).
She knows the said Obadiah Baber and Hannah were married before the 1st day of January 1794 ____ she cannot state the time of their marriage more particularly than she has herein before done and she knows the said marriage took place after the __ Obadiah Baber had ceased his War against against [sic] Great Britain.
She never knew of any Family Record Registry or Bible in which the marriage of the said Obadiah Baber and Hannah have kept, nor of any written discharge that the said Obadiah had discharging him from the Army or Service, as a soldier. She remembers also that Obadiah Baber entered the service of the United States as a private Soldier, but the day month or year she cannot remember, but thinks it was warm weather when he returned she does not know or remember in what Company or Regiment he served nor through what part of the Country he was marched but he entered the service whilst he lived in Fluvanna County Virginia and he served according to her best recollection a Tour of Six Months. She thinks he was gone that long, and besides she has always understood in the family that he did serve that long. She does not know whether he volunteered or was drafted, but she would think it probable he was a volunteer from the circumstances, that there was no backwardness in ______ out in those days to ___ the ____ she thinks he was a malitia [sic] man. She is very clear in her memory as to the facts herein set forth so far as they were and are within her own knowledge. She and her Sister (the Said Hannah) having lived for a great many years in the same County (of Clark County Kentucky) where their inter___________________________________
the fact and circumstances before detailed with more confidence and further ______
Given under my hand as ?Marshal of the peace aforesaid on the day and year aforesaid. Fielding Bush, J.P.C.C.
Also on the same day and year aforesaid, personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the peace in an for the County of Clark, in the state of Kentucky, Valentine Martin aged Seventy years going on Seventy one) years who upon oath doth depose that he is the Brother of the said Rachel Bush whose affidavit is contained on this Sheet of paper and of Hannah Baber (alias Beaver) the Widow of Obadiah Baber decd. He has heard the said affidavit of the said Rachael Bush read and as far as he can remember, he concurs in her statement of fact. He does not remember the Wedding or marriage of Obadiah Baber to his sister Hannah being too young but has always understood they were married as stated by the said Rachael Bush, remembers they were man and wife and so lived, and were so reputed, before he this deponent moved to Kentucky which was in 1786 as stated by the said Rachael Bush. He settled in what was then Fayette County_________________lived ever since. He remembers the death of Obadiah Baber, but cannot even stat the year. He thinks however it was upwards of twenty years ago. Obadiah Baber was never married but the one time and his Widow (the said Hannah.) is still alive living with Randall Gordon in Montgomery County Ky, being yet a Widow, and never having been married to any other man but the said Obadiah.
He does not remember Obadiah Baber's entering the service in the Revolutionary War, as a soldier nor his return home but he has always understood in the family that Obadiah Baber had been a soldier in the Revolutionary War against Great Britain, and had served Six Months but cannot state under what officers, in what Company or Regiment he did serve. He can only speak of his services by represent___ and speak ___ that he has no doubt the said Obadiah did serve as before stated and further he saith not. Valentine Martin

Given under my hand as Justice of the Peace aforesaid, on this day & date aforesaid and I further certify that the _____ Martins are both well known to the subscriber and are persons of good moral character and entitled to full faith and credit.
Fielding Bush, J.P.C.C.
State of Kenty
Clarke County ____
I Jarret P. Bullock Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that Fielding Bush __ whose name appears to ___ above now is and was at the time of ___ ____ ___ acting Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and a member of the said County Court to which I am clerk duly commissioned and qualified as such and that full faith and credit ________to be given to all his official acts as such. In Testimony where of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at Winchester this 14th day of November 1844.
Att James P. Bullock

State of Kentucky, Montgomery County ___
On this 20th day of November in the year 1844 personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and a member of the County Court of the aforesaid of Montgomery, which is a Court of Record Hannah Baber (alias Beaver) a resident of the said County of Montgomery, who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provission made by the Act of Congress, posted July 7th 1838 entitled an act granting half pay and pensions to ___ in Widows. That she is the Widow of Obadiah Baber (alias Beaver) decd. who was a private in the army of the Revolution against Great Britain, served as a volunteer and was attached to the Militia. The said Obadiah went out as a volunteer twice, in the service of the revolutionary War. The first time the said Obadiah entered the Service, he took sick shortly after joining the army and returned home sick. The said Obadiah Baber (alias Beaver) had a Brother named Elisha who was about the same time a regular soldier in the Revolutionary War and died in the service as she always understood and believes. Sometime after the said Obadiah returned home from the army sick, as before stated there was another call for men, and the said Obadiah Baber went again (being the second time) as a volunteer, in the army, and served six Months, and when Washington took the British she is not certain where, but thinks it was probably at Yorktown, the said Obadiah and Other who were with him came home, of whom William Martin her Brother, now and for some six or seven years past, dead, was one. She cannot owing to the infirmity of old age and a failure of ______, give dates correct but remembers that she and the said Obadiah Baber were married in Fluvanna County, Virginia, as well as she can remember some three or four months after General Washington took Cornwallis by a Baptist preacher named Phillip Webber. They had been married but little over nine months when their first child (Hiram Baber) was born and he will be Sixty two years of age on the 25the day of December 1844. She thinks the said Obadiah Baber had a written discharge, but she and the said Obadiah could neither of them read and she does not know what has become of it, nor by whom it was signed. She often heard the said Obadiah Baber speak of the officers under whom he served but being strangers to her, she can't remember the names, except that she thinks Warren Cash (alias Kash.) was one of them, but of what grade she cannot state. She does not know what has become of the said Warren Cash. She knows of no one living who served with the said Obadiah Baber in the War. She remembers it was stated that the officer whose name she has forgotten went to a place called Point a (?) Fork to join the army about five years after her said Marriage she had three Children, and moved to Kentucky and _____ on a Creek called Four Mile where they continued to live until the said Obadiah died, which was about 22 years ago (the time of his death was on the 28th day of January 1822.) When they moved to Kentucky the place where they settled on Four Mile Creek was then in Fayette County, but now Clark County upon the death of the said Obadiah Baber she moved to her son in law's (Randal Gordon's) in Montgomery County Ky where she has lived ever since, and expects to live untill her death.
She has no documentary evidence of the Services of the said Obadiah Baber. Obadiah Baber never had any other wife but her, nor has she ever married since his death. She and the said Obadiah Baber were raised in about half mile of each other and she was under _______ to know of his services aforesaid.
She on the account of age and bodily infirmity, is unable to go to Court, being as it is from where she lives, Six miles to Mount Sterling the seat of Justice of Montgomery County where the Courts of Record sit. She has never drawn a pension and that her marriage aforesaid to the said Obediah Baber took place previous to the first day of January 1794, to wit at the time above stated and that she was not married to the said Obadiah prior to his leaving the service.
Hannah X Baber

More....Randall Gordon deposition

Obadiah Baber Revolutionary War Pension VA Revolutionary War record: Obadiah Baber or Beaver/Hannah
Clark County, Kentucky
MiscFamily Group Record, Kentucky.2
Religious AffiliationObediah Baber was affiliated with Baptist.2
MiscNot sure of list of children.
Residence1782In Fluvanna County, Virginia, United States.3
Residence1800In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.4
Will28 September 1815In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.5
Residence1820In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.6
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3321] "Obadiah Baber in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/43243:7836?indiv=try&h&pid=222410260129&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  2. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image
  3. [S3318] "Abadiah Baber in the Virginia, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1607." 1890 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/32879647:3578?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  4. [S3319] "Obadiah Baber in the Kentucky, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1810." 1890 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/8038166:3549?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  5. [S3323] Obadiah Baber will; Clark County, Kentucky. Will Book #5, bottom of page 152
  6. [S3320] "Obediah Baber in the 1820 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/71611:7734?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Hannah Delilah Martin

F, #2212, b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844
Pedigree Link

Family: Obediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)

DaughterMary Baber
SonHiram Baber (b. 1782)
DaughterRachel M. Baber (b. between 1784 and 1789, d. 17 April 1870)
SonIsham Baber+ (b. about 1785, d. 1862)
DaughterHannah Delilah Baber (b. 1786, d. 9 September 1852)
DaughterLucy Baber (b. circa 1788, d. 23 November 1839)
DaughterElizabeth Baber (b. about 1789)
DaughterNancy Agnes Baber (b. 1 October 1800, d. 1857)
SonThomas Baber (b. 1 October 1800, d. 1 November 1873)
Birth11 April 1761In Goochland County, Virginia, British America.1
Marriage4 April 1782In Fluvanna County, Virginia, United States.2,1
Death1844At age ~83 in Kentucky, United States.
MiscParents: John Martin and Rachel Pace.1
Religious AffiliationHannah Delilah Martin was affiliated with Baptist.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image
  2. [S3321] "Obadiah Baber in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/43243:7836?indiv=try&h&pid=222410260129&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

John Martin Baber

M, #2213, b. 16 April 1816, d. 16 April 1886


FatherIsham Baber (b. about 1785, d. 1862)
MotherElizabeth C. Gordon (b. 11 August 1792, d. about 1860)
Pedigree Link

Family: Julia Ann Aker (b. about 1820, d. 1895)

SonJames Preston Baber (b. 27 May 1856, d. 19 July 1932)
Birth16 April 1816In Kentucky, United States.1
Marriage15 February 1838In Clay County, Missouri, United States.2
Death16 April 1886At age 70 in Missouri, United States.1
Residence1839In Platte County, Missouri, United States.3
Property1 May 1846Quarter section, which is 160 acres on 1 May 1846 in Platte County, Missouri, United States.4
Residence1850In District 16, Clinton, Missouri, United States.5
Residence21 June 1860Plattsburg in Hardin, Clinton, Missouri, United States.6
Residence1870Plattsburg in Hardin, Clinton, Missouri, United States.7
Residence1880In Hardin, Clinton, Missouri, United States.8
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3339] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15946899/john-m-baber: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for John M. Baber (16 Apr 1816–16 Apr 1886), Find a Grave Memorial ID 15946899, citing Grayson Cemetery, Grayson, Clinton County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Lisa Landis (contributor 46832937)., Tombstone photo with full dates
  2. [S3335] "John Baber in the Missouri, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1754." 1850 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/110778:2094?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  3. [S3338] "John Baber in the Missouri, U.S., Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1830." 1870 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/14963327:3557?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  4. [S3334] "John Baber in the U.S., General Land Office Records, 1776." 2015 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1337070:1246?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., Image and more about the transaction available
  5. [S3337] "John M Baber in the 1850 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/3725115:8054?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., Hopkins is a wagon maker and John Baber is a farmer
  6. [S3336] "John M Baber in the 1860 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/40111030:7667?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  7. [S3331] "John Baber in the 1870 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/439829:7163?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  8. [S3333] "J. M. Baber in the 1880 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/33484796:6742?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Julia Ann Aker

F, #2214, b. about 1820, d. 1895
Pedigree Link

Family: John Martin Baber (b. 16 April 1816, d. 16 April 1886)

SonJames Preston Baber (b. 27 May 1856, d. 19 July 1932)
Birthabout 1820In Kentucky, United States.1
Marriage15 February 1838In Clay County, Missouri, United States.2
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3332] "Julia A Baber in the 1870 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/439830:7163?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.
  2. [S3335] "John Baber in the Missouri, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1754." 1850 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/110778:2094?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Hiram Baber

M, #2215, b. 1782


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited9 April 2023

Lucy Baber

F, #2216, b. circa 1788, d. 23 November 1839


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Birthcirca 17881,2
Death23 November 1839In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.2
Misc15 February 1803Married Matthew Davis.1,2
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image
  2. [S3354] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/67830057/lucy-davis: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for Lucy Baber Davis (14 Nov 1785–23 Nov 1839), Find a Grave Memorial ID 67830057; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Kari (contributor 46844363).

Elizabeth Baber

F, #2217, b. about 1789


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1789In Clark County, Kentucky, United States.
Misc25 September 1805At Married Maxfield Davis.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image

Mary Baber

F, #2218


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Misc11 August 1808Married John Owen.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image

Hannah Delilah Baber

F, #2219, b. 1786, d. 9 September 1852


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Birth1786In Kentucky, United States.1
Death9 September 1852At age ~66 in Davis County, Iowa, United States.1
Misc19 March 1810Married Daniel Lowe.2,1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3350] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/29956107/hannah-delilah-lowe: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for Hannah Delilah Baber Lowe (1786–9 Sep 1852), Find a Grave Memorial ID 29956107, citing Wheeler Cemetery, Davis County, Iowa, USA; Maintained by Elizabeth R (contributor 46791442).
  2. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image

Nancy Agnes Baber

F, #2220, b. 1 October 1800, d. 1857


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Birth1 October 1800In Kentucky, United States.1
Death1857At age ~57 in Kentucky, United States.1
MiscTwin with Thomas.
Misc25 November 1813Married Nelson R. Owen in Winchester, Clark, Kentucky, United States.2,1,3
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3351] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/156444656/nancy-owen: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for Nancy Baber Owen (1800–1857), Find a Grave Memorial ID 156444656, citing Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Quietude (contributor 47201639).
  2. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image
  3. [S3352] "Nancy Baber in the Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783." 1965 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/901900195:61372?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Thomas Baber

M, #2221, b. 1 October 1800, d. 1 November 1873


FatherObediah Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1822)
MotherHannah Delilah Martin (b. 11 April 1761, d. 1844)
Pedigree Link
Birth1 October 18001,2
Marriage25 July 1900
Death1 November 1873At age 73 in Missouri, United States.1,2
BurialAt Richmond Cemetery in Richmond, Ray, Missouri, United States.2
MiscTwin with Nancy Agnes.
Misc28 December 1829Married Clarissa Gordon.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3348] Obediah Baber document, Kentucky family archives; vol. 4 Author Kentucky Genealogical Society (Frankfort, Kentucky), Pages 384, Brookings Oregon Family History Center. Found "Rachel Baber Gordon." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/16582783/person/28452945528/media/42c97ed0-502a-460f-bc9d-8d7504c39389?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., See image
  2. [S3353] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/17907572/thomas-baber: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for Thomas Baber Sr. (1 Oct 1800–1 Nov 1873), Find a Grave Memorial ID 17907572, citing Richmond Cemetery, Richmond, Ray County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by moraycc (contributor 46909452).

Henry Zenor

M, #2222, b. 1787, d. 1854
Pedigree Link
Marriage25 May 1810In Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky, United States.1,2
Death1854At age ~67.
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3358] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/14167803/elizabeth-zenor: accessed 9 April 2023), memorial page for Elizabeth Tyler Zenor (1788–28 Feb 1853), Find a Grave Memorial ID 14167803, citing Mount Holly Cemetery, Fairdale, Jefferson County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by GenealogyTracer95 (contributor 48276502)., Tombstone photo with birth year and full death year.
  2. [S3359] "Eliza Tyler in the Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783." 1965 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/901945441:61372?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

Catharine Frederick

F, #2223, b. 1780, d. 1807
Pedigree Link
Marriage23 January 1806In Jefferson, Kentucky, United States.1
Death1807At age ~27.
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3360] "Benjamin Tyler in the Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783." 1965 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2356703:61372?indiv=try&h&pid=162450068232&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023., Image of the record exists

Abraham Whittaker

M, #2224, b. 1775
Pedigree Link
Marriage16 October 1801In Jefferson, Kentucky, United States.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3362] "Nancy Tyler in the Kentucky, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1802." 1850 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/35799:2089?indiv=try&h&pid=162450021460&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.

David Blankenbaker

M, #2225
Pedigree Link
Marriage29 October 1812In Jefferson, Kentucky, United States.1
Last Edited9 April 2023


  1. [S3364] "Polly Tyler in the Kentucky, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1783." 1965 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/901969663:61372?indiv=try&h&pid=162450018575&db. Accessed 9 Apr. 2023.