Judy's Ancestors

Person Page 195

John Daniel

M, #4851, b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679
He died in 1666, and after his death his widow married as his third wife THOMAS HARMONSON of an old EASTERN SHORE family. Children::


-- Bates and Daniel in Colonial Granville County.


FatherRoger Daniel (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
MotherAnn Cary (b. 1590, d. after 1658)
Pedigree Link

Family: Elizabeth Williams (b. about 1623)

SonWilliam Daniel
SonJohn Daniel (b. about 1650, d. before 14 October 1688)
DaughterElizabeth Daniel+ (b. about 1655, d. about November 1692)
Birth18 August 1626In Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.
Marriage1633NOTE marriage at 10 years old?
I've seen a comment that he may have married two different Elizabeths.1
Death1679At age ~53 in Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British America. If the will was proved July 1679, why is death often listed as "about 1688"?2,3
MiscFather: Roger Daniel. On November 8, 1653, John Daniell was used as a right by Joseph (Crashaw) Croshaw for the taking of land in York County, Virginia. W. B. Newman reports that 1653 was the date of arrival in Virginia for John of York. There is reference (John L. Daniel of Hendersonville, TN., Register Report, 27 Nov. 1997.) that lists John Daniel, son of Roger Daniell, Sr., as being transported by Joseph Croshaw along with 4 others. (See General Note 2 for information about Joseph Crashaw)3
MiscChildren. Familysearch lists 14 children for John Daniel and Elizabeth Williams, but they have some repeated names...
Immigration1653Virginia, British America. On November 8, 1653, John Daniell was used as a right by Joseph (Crashaw) Croshaw for the taking of land in York County, Virginia. W. B. Newman reports that 1653 was the date of arrivalin Virginia for John of York. There is reference (John L. Daniel of Hendersonville, TN., Register Report, 27 Nov. 1997.) that lists John Daniel, son of Roger Daniell, Sr., as being transported by Joseph Croshaw along with 4 others. (See General Note 2 for information about Joseph Crashaw)3
Will17 November 1676In Isle of Wight Co, Virginia, British America. In the Name of God Amen I John Daniell of the county of Northampton in Virginia Planter beinge in perfect health of body and sound minde and memory (Blessed bee God) But consideringe with my selfe the frailty and uncertainty of this present transitory Life and that all flesh must Ressigne to Death when it pleaseth God to Call Have made and ordained this my last will & testament in manner & forme following (vizt). First and principally I humbly Comit & Comend my Soule to all mighty God my Creator. My body to the Earth to be decently Interred att the discretion of my heires and Executrix hereafter named in hopes & assuredly be provinge to have a Joyful Resurrection & to obtaine Everlasting life through the only merits of my above Savior Jesus Christ And as for that temporall Estate it hath pleased God to Endowe me withall (my juste debts beinge paid & funerall charges defrayed) I Devize give will & bequeath in mannor & forme followinge (that is to say).

Impris - I fully, wholly, really, & absolutely Devize give will & bequeath all my Lands Tenements, Houses, orchards, fealds and all other things and appurtenances unto them belonging in Northampton County aforesaid in Virg(ini)a where I now live or else where Unto my Derist and lovinge wife Elizabeth Daniell her heires & assigns for ever to bee By her & them possessed Enjoyed, aliened, bargained, & Sold at her will and pleasure As also All my Negroes male & female men, weamon, & children whatsoever. I likewise devize give, will & bequeath to my Said loving wife Elizabeth Daniell and her heires& assigns for ever to bee by her and them possesed, Enjoyed, Bargained sold, aliened, or otherwise disposed of att her will and pleasure as aforesaid and all the rest of my Estate what soever horses mares Cattle, Chattles, money, wares goods, merchandize Tobbaccos & other things, of what kinde or nature soever I likewise fully, wholly, really, & absolutely give will and bequeath to my said lovinge wife Elizabeth Daniell her heires, Executers, Adm(ministrat)ors, & assigns for ever to bee att her absolute sole disposle will & pleasure, And Lastly I Doe Constitute ordaine make & appointe my Said loving wife Elizabeth Daniell my absolute & undoubted heire of all my reale Estate as Land & Negroes as afore said, and my full and sole Executrix of this my last will and testament hereby and wholy revokeing All former wills and bequests by me either made or spoken & will that this only shall stand & are for & as my last will & testament & none other. In testimony whereof I the said John Daniell have hereunto putt my hand & fixed my seale this 17th day of November A(nno) dom(ine) 1676
the marke of the said John Daniell
ye seale ( )

Signed sealed delivered & published by the said testator as his last will & testament in presence of us Charles Parkes, John Robins, Dan. Neech, Hu Stringor(?)

The 28th day of September A(nno) dom(ini) 1688. This the last will and testament of John Daniell late of this County deceased was proven in open Court by the Corporall oathes of Major John Robins, Daniel Neech, & Charles Parkes & allowed of & ordereth bee recorded. Teste Dan. Neech C(ounty) C(lerk) Co. North(amp)ton Recorded Teste Dan. Neech C(ounty) C(lerk)" ®309[1]

The above information was from www.paynedaniel.com
Recorded July 17, 1679; Proved July _, 1679
Isle of Wight County Virginia
W. B. 2, Page 2033,3
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6314] "Elizabeth (Williams) Daniel (abt.1623-1702)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Williams-4691. Accessed 18 Aug. 2024., see notes in the PDF for possible parents and caveats for the ones in WIkiTree!
    Williams Elizabeth Daniel (abt.1623-1702) WikiTree.pdf
  2. [S6390] "I99019: Roger DANIEL 'the Immigrant' (ABT 1595." ABT 1685) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/genealogy/myff/d0029/g0000017.html. Accessed 26 Aug. 2024.
  3. [S6301] "John Daniel I (1626-1688)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Daniel-347. Accessed 17 Aug. 2024.

Elizabeth Williams

F, #4852, b. about 1623
Pedigree Link

Family: John Daniel (b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679)

SonWilliam Daniel
SonJohn Daniel (b. about 1650, d. before 14 October 1688)
DaughterElizabeth Daniel+ (b. about 1655, d. about November 1692)
Birthabout 1623In Northampton County, Virginia, British America.
Marriage1633NOTE marriage at 10 years old?
I've seen a comment that he may have married two different Elizabeths.1
MiscParents. WikiTree proposes, but READ the comments in HER WikiTree entry!

John Williams
Born about 1570 [location unknown]
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling(s) unknown]
Husband of Anne (Weston) Williams — married 6 Dec 1589 in Roxwell, Essex, England
Father of William Williams, John Williams II, Obediah Williams, Richard Williams, Elizabeth (Williams) Daniel and Edward Williams
Died [date unknown] [location unknown]

Anne Williams formerly Weston
Born about 1574 in Writtle, Essex, England
Daughter of Jerome Weston Knt and Mary (Cave) Weston
Sister of Richard Weston KG, William Weston, Mary (Weston) Clerke, John Weston, Elizabeth (Weston) Cottom, Dorothy (Weston) Pinchon, Winifred (Weston) Gardner and Margaret (Weston) Leventhorpe
Wife of John Williams — married 6 Dec 1589 in Roxwell, Essex, England
Mother of William Williams, John Williams II, Obediah Williams, Richard Williams, Elizabeth (Williams) Daniel and Edward Williams
Died about 1629 at about age 55 [location unknown]
Last Edited18 August 2024


  1. [S6314] "Elizabeth (Williams) Daniel (abt.1623-1702)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Williams-4691. Accessed 18 Aug. 2024., see notes in the PDF for possible parents and caveats for the ones in WIkiTree!
    Williams Elizabeth Daniel (abt.1623-1702) WikiTree.pdf

Ann Bates

F, #4853, b. 1688, d. 18 May 1724


FatherJohn Bates (b. 10 March 1655, d. 25 December 1719)
MotherElizabeth Daniel (b. about 1655, d. about November 1692)
Pedigree Link
Birth1688In Skimeno, York, Virginia, British America.1
Death18 May 1724At age ~36 in Halifax, Halifax, Virginia, British America.1
Last Edited17 August 2024


  1. [S6300] "Ann (Bates) Daniel (1688-1724)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Bates-1430. Accessed 17 Aug. 2024.

Roger Daniel

M, #4854, b. about 1595, d. about 1680
ROGER DANIEL (and his wife, whoever she was) were the parents of the following children, at least one and possibly more of whom were born in ENGLAND:

(1) THOMAS DANIEL, died in YORK COUNTY in 1679.
(2)JOHN DANIEL, died in ACCOMAC (NORTHAMPTON) Co. Va. in 1666.

-- Colonial Granville County.


FatherRoger Daniel (b. 10 September 1581, d. 16 September 1652)
MotherMargaret Bishop
Pedigree Link

Family: Ann Cary (b. 1590, d. after 1658)

DaughterElizabeth Daniel
SonRoger Daniel (b. about 1619)
SonDarby Daniel (b. about 1625)
SonJohn Daniel+ (b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679)
SonWilliam Daniel (b. before 1632)
SonHugh Daniel (b. about 1632, d. About l1665)
SonThomas Daniel (b. about 1635, d. 1679)
Birthabout 1595In Taunton, Dorset, England. I'm using the Wikitree info for now. Note WikiTree has Ann Cary born a different place than Roger Daniel. How far apart? We do know that the Cary and Daniel family came to America together.1
Deathabout 1680In Granville, North Carolina, British America. North Carolina, really?1
MiscSAR Application for Elias Daniel.2
MiscRrelationship with Miles Cary.3
Immigration1635. Primrose. 1635 on the "Primrose" with her husband, Roger Daniel IV, b: c 1595

I see the above everywhere but links to source information are dead and I can find nothing.
Residencebefore 1650In Virginia, British America.4
Immigration1654Virginia, British America.5
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6312] "Roger Daniel IV (abt. 1595." abt. 1680) ID/Link/URL/Cite/UserID https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Daniel-919. Accessed 18 Aug. 2024., PDF:
    Daniel Roger IV (abt.1595-abt.1680) WikiTree.pdf
  2. [S6321] "Ann Daniel in the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889." 1970 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/826864:2204?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 20 Aug. 2024., See image of the three pages
    They do not make much sense with modern evidence...
  3. [S6390] "I99019: Roger DANIEL 'the Immigrant' (ABT 1595." ABT 1685) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/genealogy/myff/d0029/g0000017.html. Accessed 26 Aug. 2024.
  4. [S6310] Bates and Daniel in Colonial Granville County and Its People: Loose Leaves from The Lost Tribes of North Carolina. (1965). United States: Genealogical Publishing Company. Downloaded Bates and Daniel pages 8/17/2024., Bates and Daniel sections of this booklet. I put in some ? when I could not figure out the words in the document. If in doubt, check the PDF. PDF here:
    Daniel, Bates in Colonial Granville County and its people.pdf
  5. [S6320] "Roger Daniel Junior in the U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s." 1900s https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/4032875:7486?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 20 Aug. 2024.

Ann Cary

F, #4855, b. 1590, d. after 1658
She being the famous Anne Carey Lovell is less than dubious!
Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/167670249/anne-lovell: accessed August 20, 2024), memorial page for Anne Carey Lovell (unknown–1622), Find a Grave Memorial ID 167670249, citing St. Dunstan Churchyard, Hunsdon, East Hertfordshire District, Hertfordshire, England; Maintained by Lucas (contributor 50499237).
Pedigree Link

Family: Roger Daniel (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)

DaughterElizabeth Daniel
SonRoger Daniel (b. about 1619)
SonDarby Daniel (b. about 1625)
SonJohn Daniel+ (b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679)
SonWilliam Daniel (b. before 1632)
SonHugh Daniel (b. about 1632, d. About l1665)
SonThomas Daniel (b. about 1635, d. 1679)
Birth1590In Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.
Deathafter 1658In Bristol, England?1
MiscCary family. JN. The author of Colonial Granville County did not have the wife of Roger Daniel a Cary herself... Probably related to the Miles Carey who was a friend of Roger Daniel.

Miles Carey who was in Virginia was too young to be the father of the Ann Cary who may have married Roger Daniel. She might have been a sister of his, if she was a Cary.
ROGER DANIEL came to VIRGINIA with his "known kinsman" MILES CARY, from BRISTOL, ia ENGLAND. The "quote" is from the "VIRGINIA CARYS" one of the really fine genealogical works of the last century and absolutely dependable, so far as the author could go with the lights before him, but anyway it is the last word so far as the CARY FAMILY is concerned. Just how ROGER DANIEL was related to MILES CARY we will never know. If there is a record it is in ENGLAND and I don't ever intend to hunt for it. I don't care. But that a son of ROGER DANIEL married ANNE CARY, one of the daughters of MILES CARY the emigrant I am quite sure. The book does not give this. It says she "probably never married". The author had no record and no facts on which to base any other statement. Three hundred years is hard to bridge with scant material, when one wants to be absolutely accurate. The first CARYS and their kinsmen the DANIELS located in WARWICK COUNTY. Later generations of both families shifted around a bit, but usually where there was a member of one of the families, a member of the other would show up. This happend in PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, Va., where JAMES DANIEL settled and died in 1763. I Quote;

WILLIAM CARY: "The immigrant's youngest son, "the miller" was established on a plantation his father had acquibed on the North end of MULBERRY ISLAND at the mouth of SKIFF'S CREEK. His grandson (WM. CARY, JR.) responding to the lure of a broader boundary, migrated to new lands in PRINCE EDWARD, where his descendants have since been seated." - Virginia Carys p. 128.

I found nothing else in the Virginia Carys book about the Daniel family except Miles was a kinsman... Nothing about a marriage of a Cary to any Daniel.
--The Virginia Carys2
Immigration1635Virginia. 1635 on the "Primrose" with her husband, Roger Daniel IV, b: c 1595

I see the above everywhere but links to source information are dead and I can find nothing.
Immigration1671Maryland. Possible... Immigrated after her death in England... Even assuming the English death is not hers, why would she use her maiden name since we have children of Roger Daniel and Ann Carey born before 1671.3
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6313] "Ann Cary (1590-aft.1658)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cary-1188. Accessed 18 Aug. 2024., The comments have to be wrong. Mile carey was too young to have been the father of Roger Daniels' wife... I think...

    This says even though she died in England, she immigrated with her husband in 1635. All of the source links are to dead rootsweb pages except FS. Some interesting things in the comments though. In particular comments about the numerous Ann Carey people...
    More about her in the PDF, including comments:
    Cary Ann (1590-aft.1658) WikiTree.pdf
  2. [S6310] Bates and Daniel in Colonial Granville County and Its People: Loose Leaves from The Lost Tribes of North Carolina. (1965). United States: Genealogical Publishing Company. Downloaded Bates and Daniel pages 8/17/2024., Bates and Daniel sections of this booklet. I put in some ? when I could not figure out the words in the document. If in doubt, check the PDF. PDF here:
    Daniel, Bates in Colonial Granville County and its people.pdf
  3. [S6319] "Ann Carey in the U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s." 1900s https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1366456:7486?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 20 Aug. 2024.

John Daniel

M, #4856, b. about 1650, d. before 14 October 1688


FatherJohn Daniel (b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679)
MotherElizabeth Williams (b. about 1623)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1650In Northampton County, Virginia, British America.
Deathbefore 14 October 1688In York County, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited17 August 2024

Mary Williams

F, #4857, b. about 1650, d. 1724
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1650In York County, Virginia, British America.
Death1724In York, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited17 August 2024

William Daniel

M, #4858
WILLIAM DANIEL died leaving a will in ACCOMAC COUNTY, dated in 1688 in which he mentions two sons and his wife SARAH; witnessed by JOHN WILLIAMS, SR.
--Bates and Daniel in Colonial Granville County.


FatherJohn Daniel (b. 18 August 1626, d. 1679)
MotherElizabeth Williams (b. about 1623)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited18 August 2024

Sarah Williams

F, #4859
Pedigree Link
Last Edited17 August 2024

Colonel William Randolph

M, #4860, b. about 7 November 1650, d. 21 April 1711
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Isham (b. 10 October 1659, d. 29 December 1735)

SonThomas Randolph (b. 3 February 1682, d. 21 October 1729)
Birthabout 7 November 1650In Moreton-Morrell, Warwickshire, England.
Death21 April 1711In Turkey Island, Henrico County, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited17 August 2024

Mary Isham

F, #4861, b. 10 October 1659, d. 29 December 1735
Pedigree Link

Family: Colonel William Randolph (b. about 7 November 1650, d. 21 April 1711)

SonThomas Randolph (b. 3 February 1682, d. 21 October 1729)
Birth10 October 1659In Bermuda Hundred, Chesterfield, Virginia, British America.
Death29 December 1735At age 76 in Turkey Island, Henrico Co., Virginia, British America.
Last Edited17 August 2024

Bowler Cocke

M, #4862, b. 1696
Pedigree Link
Birth1696In Bremo, Henrico County, Virginia, British America.1
Last Edited18 August 2024


  1. [S6304] "Sarah Fleming b. Abt 1700 St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I32582&tree=Tree1. Accessed 18 Aug. 2024.

Thomas Daniel

M, #4863, b. about 1635, d. 1679


FatherRoger Daniel (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
MotherAnn Cary (b. 1590, d. after 1658)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 16351
Death1679In York County, Virginia, British America.2
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6390] "I99019: Roger DANIEL 'the Immigrant' (ABT 1595." ABT 1685) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/genealogy/myff/d0029/g0000017.html. Accessed 26 Aug. 2024.
  2. [S6310] Bates and Daniel in Colonial Granville County and Its People: Loose Leaves from The Lost Tribes of North Carolina. (1965). United States: Genealogical Publishing Company. Downloaded Bates and Daniel pages 8/17/2024., Bates and Daniel sections of this booklet. I put in some ? when I could not figure out the words in the document. If in doubt, check the PDF. PDF here:
    Daniel, Bates in Colonial Granville County and its people.pdf

Roger Daniel

M, #4864
Pedigree Link

Family: Joane George

SonRoger Daniel+ (b. 10 September 1581, d. 16 September 1652)
Last Edited18 August 2024

Joane George

F, #4865
Pedigree Link

Family: Roger Daniel

SonRoger Daniel+ (b. 10 September 1581, d. 16 September 1652)
Last Edited18 August 2024

Roger Daniel

M, #4866, b. 10 September 1581, d. 16 September 1652


Pedigree Link

Family: Margaret Bishop

SonRoger Daniel+ (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
Birth10 September 1581In Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England.
Death16 September 1652At age 71 in Accomac, Northampton, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited18 August 2024

Margaret Bishop

F, #4867
Pedigree Link

Family: Roger Daniel (b. 10 September 1581, d. 16 September 1652)

SonRoger Daniel+ (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
Last Edited18 August 2024

Darby Daniel

M, #4868, b. about 1625


FatherRoger Daniel (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
MotherAnn Cary (b. 1590, d. after 1658)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 16251
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6390] "I99019: Roger DANIEL 'the Immigrant' (ABT 1595." ABT 1685) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/genealogy/myff/d0029/g0000017.html. Accessed 26 Aug. 2024.

William Daniel

M, #4869, b. before 1632


FatherRoger Daniel (b. about 1595, d. about 1680)
MotherAnn Cary (b. 1590, d. after 1658)
Pedigree Link
Birthbefore 16321
Last Edited26 August 2024


  1. [S6390] "I99019: Roger DANIEL 'the Immigrant' (ABT 1595." ABT 1685) https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/genealogy/myff/d0029/g0000017.html. Accessed 26 Aug. 2024.

Joyce Jones

F, #4870, b. after July 1634, d. before 1685
Pedigree Link

Family: Captain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)

DaughterAlexia Fleming (b. 1666, d. before 6 September 1692)
Birthafter July 1634In Kings Stanley, Lasboro, Gloucestershire, England.
Marriage1666In Westmoreland County, Virginia, British America.1
Deathbefore 1685In Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited19 August 2024


  1. [S6286] "Alexander Fleming b. 1612 Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 30 Dec 1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116504&tree=Tree1. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024., Huge amount of information here:
    Fleming Alexander b 1612 - Early Colonial Settlers.pdf

Alexia Fleming

F, #4871, b. 1666, d. before 6 September 1692


FatherCaptain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)
MotherJoyce Jones (b. after July 1634, d. before 1685)
Pedigree Link
Birth1666In Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, British America.1
Deathbefore 6 September 1692In Richmond City, Virginia, British America.1
Miscabout 1668Named in her father's will.1
Last Edited19 August 2024


  1. [S6286] "Alexander Fleming b. 1612 Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 30 Dec 1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116504&tree=Tree1. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024., Huge amount of information here:
    Fleming Alexander b 1612 - Early Colonial Settlers.pdf

Ursula Unknown

F, #4872, b. 1616, d. before 4 May 1662
Pedigree Link

Family: Captain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)

DaughterUrsula Fleming (b. 1659)
Birth1616In Berwick Upon Tweed, Durham, England.1
Marriage1659In Old Rappahannock, Virginia, British America.1
Deathbefore 4 May 1662In Old Rappahannock, Virginia, British America.1
Last Edited19 August 2024


  1. [S6286] "Alexander Fleming b. 1612 Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 30 Dec 1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116504&tree=Tree1. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024., Huge amount of information here:
    Fleming Alexander b 1612 - Early Colonial Settlers.pdf

Ursula Fleming

F, #4873, b. 1659


FatherCaptain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)
MotherUrsula Unknown (b. 1616, d. before 4 May 1662)
Pedigree Link
Birth1659In Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, British America.
Last Edited19 August 2024

Elizabeth Fleming

F, #4874, b. 4 September 1645, d. before 1658


FatherCaptain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)
MotherElizabeth ("Elspet") Anderson (b. about 1614, d. 1658)
Pedigree Link
Birth4 September 1645In Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland.1
Deathbefore 1658In Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland.1
Last Edited19 August 2024


  1. [S6286] "Alexander Fleming b. 1612 Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 30 Dec 1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116504&tree=Tree1. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024., Huge amount of information here:
    Fleming Alexander b 1612 - Early Colonial Settlers.pdf

Marion Fleming

F, #4875, b. 20 February 1648


FatherCaptain Alexander Fleming (b. 1612, d. 30 December 1668)
MotherElizabeth ("Elspet") Anderson (b. about 1614, d. 1658)
Pedigree Link
Birth20 February 1648In Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland.1
Last Edited19 August 2024


  1. [S6286] "Alexander Fleming b. 1612 Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Scotland d. 30 Dec 1668 Old Rappahannock County, Virginia: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I116504&tree=Tree1. Accessed 15 Aug. 2024., Huge amount of information here:
    Fleming Alexander b 1612 - Early Colonial Settlers.pdf