Colonel David McGee
M, #1901, b. 1792, d. 1851
Birth | 1792 | |
Death | 1851 | At age ~59. |
John Smith Millsap
M, #1902, b. 1847, d. 25 January 1925
Birth | 1847 | In Missouri, United States. |
Death | 25 January 1925 | At age ~78 in Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas, United States.1 |
Military | | Grave inscription CO C 9 Missouri Calvery. This was Union |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
- [S2858] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 03 December 2022), memorial page for John Smith Millsap (1 Aug 1847–24 Jan 1925), Find a Grave Memorial ID 237081005, citing Saint Matthew's Cemetery, Riverside, Platte County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Chris German (contributor 46781630) .
Nancy Isabella Hallam
F, #1903, b. 1850, d. 27 July 1927
Birth | 1850 | In Pennsylvania, British North America.1,2 |
Death | 27 July 1927 | At age ~77 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States.2 |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
- [S2857] "Bessie Millsap in the 1900 United States Federal Census." Ancestry Accessed 3 Dec. 2022., Wife's middle initial is not obviously L to me... Could be I as in Isabella...
- [S2859] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 03 December 2022), memorial page for Nancy Isabelle “Belle” Hallam Millsap (30 Sep 1850–27 Jul 1927), Find a Grave Memorial ID 78292467, citing Mount Washington Cemetery, Independence, Jackson County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by k75evad (contributor 47379698) .
James Henry Millsap
M, #1904, b. 1824, d. 1890
Birth | 1824 | |
Death | 1890 | At age ~66. |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
Mildred Sullivan
F, #1905, b. 1825, d. 1873
Birth | 1825 | |
Death | 1873 | At age ~48. |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
John Benjamin Hallam
M, #1906, b. 1818, d. 1878
Birth | 1818 | |
Death | 1878 | At age ~60. |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
Susanna Rogers
F, #1907, b. 1820, d. 1881
Birth | 1820 | |
Death | 1881 | At age ~61. |
Last Edited | 3 December 2022 |
Sarah Nancy Richardson
F, #1911, b. about 1738, d. about 1788
Birth | about 1738 | In Virginia, British America.1 |
Marriage | about 1750 | Besides familysearch tree and Dowling's tree, what other evidence is there for her.
According to Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet, "His wife was named Elizabeth when, on 24 May 1785 he sold 53 acres of his land to his son-in-law’s father John Gordon. "
His wife's name is not in his will. It is possible he had more than one wife.1,2 |
Death | about 1788 | In Goochland County, Virginia, United States.1 |
Misc | | Parents - no evidence. Lots of DNA matches, but most of them appear to be other lost Richardson souls rather than accepted children of John Richardson and mary Curd.
I see no real evidence of parents... nor even her last name! Most people have Sarah Richardson marrying a Claybrook, and we have a match with her. She dos not appear to be that Sarah.
Another has her marring a Cox/Cocke
Her father's will dated 1753 names a Sarah Richardson as a daughter, so she wasn't married yet, so no proof.
Her mother had a will too, but no Sarah is mentioned. Note the death date guess is about the same time the mother died.
FS tree has her last name Richardson but no parents.
About the Richardson family:
Another one: } |
Misc | | DNA Matches -. There are lots of DNA matches but most of them cannot be confirmed as children of John Rchardson and Mary Curd. |
Misc | | What is her name? It's not clear her name is Sarah or Nancy. It could be Elizabeth and she could be the daughter Elizabeth. Did she marry a Cox? There seems to be no evidence.
Elizabeth was not married when her father wrote his will in 1753. I see no Elizabeth in the DNA matches. she supposedly married William Henry Cox and had three children from 1750-1762. But William Henry Cox married Ann Madison and had children born 1774-1780. The tree has her dying before 1773 so he can marry the next wife. There is this though: "In 1761, Henry Cox and Elizabeth sold 300 acres of this land. " which is said to have been most of the land she inherited from her father in 1753. I see zero sources for a Cox marriage.
Another source says Elizabeth married Lumpkin but WikiTree sayts she is the daughter of Allen Richardson and Sally Olive. Allen's father is unknown. |
Misc | | About Elizabeth Cox. Back to Henry. It appears likely that Henry and his family moved to Halifax Co. around 1779 when we first find him buying land there. Previous to Halifax and certainly through 1773, the year of his marriage to Ann Madison, he was in Charlotte. In 1761, by deed, we find him in Lunenburg Co., however, Charlotte was formed from Lunenburg in 1764 so it is possible that only the county moved, not Henry. The 1761 transaction is vital. This is a land sale of 200 acres to John Cox [probably his brother as we will see later]. The land is situated in Goochland and by description most certainly appears to be part of 300 acres of land which was given to Elizabeth Richardson by her father John Richardson, husband of Mary Curd. The deed is signed by Henry Cox and wife Elizabeth. On this same day he sells another 100 acres to Thomas Dawson, again describing land, which is obviously the rest of Elizabeth Richardson's land from her father. The deed is signed by Henry Cox and wife Elizabeth. Both of these deeds are witnessed by a Joseph Davis [the likely brother-in-law of Henry as we shall see later]. These deeds were grabbers. It was probably the finding of these two deeds which led us to the rest of what we found. (These deeds and John Richardson's will can be found posted on the documents sections of this site.)3 |
Last Edited | 31 October 2024 |
- [S2890] "Randall Rountree : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling)." Geneanet Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Hints for further research, no sources provided
- [S4471] "William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 5 Oct. 2023., See PDF
Rountree William (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.pdf
- [S7256] "Finding Henry." Freepages Accessed 28 Oct. 2024., Alas, this seems to make sense!
Randall Rountree
M, #1912, b. 1758, d. 1837
Birth | 1758 | |
Death | 1837 | At age ~79. |
Last Edited | 8 January 2023 |
William Rountree
M, #1914, b. circa 1700, d. before December 1765
Based solely on proximity, the earlier William Rountree of New Kent County, Virginia was probably the father of this William Rountree, but we have no proof and are unlikely to find any owing to the absence of records. The malicious burning of the New Kent County courthouse in 1787 destroyed all the early records of that county and another courthouse fire in Hanover County in 1865 destroyed nearly all of its records as well. The result is that we have virtually no public records that might allow us to determine the early genealogy of this family. The only New Kent records that remain are in the vestry books of two of New Kent’s six parishes, and they are little help to us, since they merely confirm that our William Rountree resided somewhere in old New Kent County.
The first mention of this William Rountree is in Saint Peter’s parish of New Kent County. The vestry book of that parish contains an entry for the 2 March 1728/9 baptism of “Dudley son of Wm. & Dorcas Rowntree”, born on 4 January 1728/9.1 There are no other citations for any Rountree in the St. Peter’s records. However, the vestry book of Blisland Parish contains an entry dated 15 October 1741 of the account due “Mr. William Rountree Junr” for some unknown service to the parish.2 It is not clear whether this was William Rountree or his son – if William, then this record suggests that his father (or some other elder William Rountree) was still alive at the time and living in Blisland.3 A John Rountree is also mentioned in the same vestry book on three occasions from 1725 through 1729. He was likely another son of the elusive William Rountree Sr.
1. The Vestry Book and Registry of St. Peters Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia 1684-1786, G. C. Chamberlayne (1937), p489.
2. The Vestry Book of Blisland Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1721-1786, G. C. Chamberlayne, (1935), p 77
3. A William Rountree used as a headright in 1684 who was a militia member in 1700 may not have still been alive in 1741. Thus we have to consider the possibility that the “Junr.” was not our William Rountree, but rather his son. Other records of the son do not suggest that he was old enough in 1741 (the reference is surely to an adult) but the possibility exists.
Birth | circa 1700 | In New Kent Co., Virginia, British America. May not be the son of Francis!1 |
Marriage | 1720 | In Albemarle Co., Virginia, British America. From Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet: "Finally, I might also note that it is not clear that all of William Rountree’s children were by a single wife. The only mention of Dorcas is in the record of the birth of the son Dudley in early 1729. William Rountree’s children appear to have been born over a span of 20 or more years, a relatively long period of fertility for women in that day and age."2,3,4,1 |
Death | before December 1765 | In Goochland County, Virginia, British America.1 |
Misc | | DNA Matches - GOOD. 7/6/2024 Scott's DNA on Samuel Anderson 23 matches across 9 children. A selection were all both parents.
Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson: 34 matches with Randall Rountree b1700 across 9 children. Looks solid to me! |
Misc | | Ancestry notes. From familysearch tree:
The earliest record for this William Rountree probably pre-dates the 1728 Vestry record of their son. A vestry book is primary documentation defined as a record made at the time of the event. Admittedly, there is no documentation for the birth year of William Rountree Sr., but it is very probable it is before 1702. I invite serious experienced researchers in to the dialogue. In my decades of research experience, I don't recall ever seeing the given name Richardson for a male child. William Rowntree of Sharcock County Cavan married Ann Richardson probably about 1691 but certainly by 1693. That marriage resulted in William Rowntree inheriting land in County Cavan which had been owned by his father in law, William Richardson and which was ultimately lost probably because of debt either by that William Richardson or his son, William Richardson.. (I have cited deeds for all of this and those deeds are already on for this County Cavan Ireland Rowntree family) This William Rowntree (originally of Co. Ardnagh and thereafter of County Cavan) and Charles Rowntree of Luttuan Co Monaghan were involved in the deeds dating from 1709 (which reference the marriage settlement of 1691 or 1693). If they were not brothers, they were near relatives. A Charles Rowntree is the earliest Rowntree to receive a Virginia land grant. That land grant is dated 4 November 1685 for 350 acres in the upper parish of Nansemond. (Va Patent Book 7 p. 487) Also William Rowntree of County Cavan had a sister, Lettice Rowntree, daughter also of William Rowntree. These are all given names linked in the Virginia Rowntree (Rountree) family. Charles Rowntree is a merchant in Ireland. William Rowntree of Sharcock, son of William Rowntree was also a merchant. It is known that merchants in England and Ireland acquired land in Virginia. There is just too much primary documentation to discard this information as baseless.1 |
Misc | | Why are the records gone... The malicious burning of the New Kent County courthouse in 1787 destroyed all the early records of that county and another courthouse fire in Hanover County in 1865 destroyed nearly all of its records as well. The result is that we have virtually no public records that might allow us to determine the early genealogy of this family. The only New Kent records that remain are in the vestry books of two of New Kent’s six parishes, and they are little help to us, since they merely confirm that our William Rountree resided somewhere in old New Kent County.
See William Rountree.pdf |
Misc | | Parents: Unknown. We don't have any DNA matches of siblings of William.
William did not move to North Carolina, at least OUR William did not. I see this:"Find it interesting that Probatešs for William Rountree, 1791 and Francis 1793 in Craven County, NC" A record of a William in Craven County in 1741 is in the Descendants of Francis Rountree.
One of the sources attached says his father is probably William, but there is a will for Francis that has a child named William. But this was posted on familysearch: Francis Rountree of Chowan, NC Although this man wrote a will in 1730, filed 1734 in Chowan, NC and named a son as William who received the plantation where Francis lived (in NC) - there is no known relationship or link to THIS William found in Goochland, VA in 1749. Men of the same name exist and records certifying a link would provide proof - otherwise there is none and this CANNOT be assumed to be the same man.5,6,1,7 |
Religious Affiliation | | William Rountree was affiliated with Quaker and later Anglican.8 |
Misc | | William Rountree's wife.9,1 |
Misc | 30 September 1730 | Named in father's will in North Carolina, British America.5 |
Property | 17 March 1749 | 700 acres in St. James parish of Goochland County on 17 March 1749.7 |
Misc | 23 November 1753 | Turns in runaways in Virginia, British America.10 |
Residence | about 1760 | In Goochland County, British America. It isn’t clear exactly when he moved into Goochland County, but it appears to have been in the early 1760s. A William Rountree, probably his son, was appointed supervisor in a Goochland County road order in 1760 for a road that bordered the son’s property. But William Rountree Sr. must have been in Goochland when his daughters Betty and Dorcas were married there in 1761 and 1763. On 18 October 1763 he was granted a license to operate an Ordinary at his house in Goochland County. A list of bills due to the ordinary were among the items listed in the inventory of his estate. And two debts suits. Bob's Filing Cabinet7 |
Will | 1 October 1765 | In Goochland County, Virginia, British America.11,1 |
Probate | 16 September 1766 | In Goochland County, Virginia, British America.11 |
Last Edited | 28 October 2024 |
- [S5798] "William Rountree (abt.1699-bef.1765)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 4 Sep. 2024., See PDF with sources as well as arguments against Dorcas being a Dudley and William's father being Francis.
Rountree William (abt.1699-bef.1765) WikiTree.pdf
- [S3001] "Dorcas Dudley in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
- [S2864] "On the Identity of Dorcas Rountree." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 5 Dec. 2022. Downloaded., More, see the downloaded document
- [S5467] "William Roundtree in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 Accessed 1 Jun. 2024., This birth year makes no sense - look at the birth dates of the children.
- [S2927] "NC Wills, page 321." Ancestry Accessed 7 Jan. 2023.

- [S3013] "William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 30 Jan. 2023., See PDF of this document

- [S4471] "William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 5 Oct. 2023., See PDF
Rountree William (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.pdf - [S2865] "Dorcas Dudley." #LZ6L-RSD. Accessed 5 Dec. 2022., "Dorcas Dudley." #LZ6L-RSD. Accessed 5 Dec. 2022. Downloaded.
- [S2863] "On the Identity of Dorcas Rountree." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 5 Dec. 2022., See PDF downloaded

- [S4470] Journals of the House of Burgesses 1619-1776 (13 volumes)
Repository: Family History Library; Salt Lake City, Utah, Vol. 8 p. 132. Found reference 10/5/2023 - [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
William Rountree
M, #1915, d. 8 September 1775
William Rountree (? – Aug/Sept 1775) His birth year is uncertain, but his name alone suggests he was either the first or second son. He does not appear to be the same William Rountree who served in 1756 in the French and Indian War, though some descendants insist on claiming so.21 However, it is conceivable that he was the William Rountree “Junr.” mentioned in the Blisland parish record of 1741 cited above, placing his birth at 1720 or earlier. [See the explanatory footnote.22 ] He first appears in Goochland County in 1757 when his father made a deed of gift of 350 acres each to his sons Randall and William.23 He is apparently the William Rountree who married Jean Fenton in adjoining Henrico County (presumably her residence rather than his) on 4 November 1759.24 He received a slave in his father’s will, plus £10 “as recompense for tending me in my sickness in Hanover Co.” He died in Goochland County, leaving a will dated 18 August 1775 and recorded 16 September 1775 which presumably named all five of his children.25 He left his plantation to son Thomas Rountree, and divided his other lands between sons Samuel Rountree and William Rountree. The remainder of his estate was split among the three sons and “my two daughters” Jane Rountree and Nancy Rountree. He named his “brother Randolf (sic) Rountree” one of the executors. His son William Rountree was apparently the one who applied for a Revolutionary pension in 1833 from Henrico County, giving his birth date as 3 January 1763.26
21. See separate page for more on this subject.
22. If “Junr” was our William Rountree, then some elder William Rountree “Senr.” must have still been alive. A William Rountree used as a headright in 1684 who was a militia member in 1700 may not have still been alive in 1741. Even if imported as a young teenager, he would have been in his mid seventies by 1741. Thus we have to consider the possibility that the “Junr.” was not our William Rountree, but rather his son. Other records of the son do not suggest that he was old enough in 1741 (the reference is surely to an adult) but the possibility exists. That might also explain the deed of gift to William and Randall if they were the two eldest sons. His name is also significant, in that Virginians of the early 1700s commonly named either their first or second sons after themselves. Thus it is possible that William Rountree Jr. was born as early as 1720 or before.
23. Goochland County Deed Book 7, p202-6.
24. Douglas Register, p4.
25. Goochland County Deed Book 11, pp133.
26. Pension file #S6028.
Will | Aug 18 1775 / Sept 16 1775 | In Goochland County, Virginia, British North America. William Rowntree Source: Abstracts of Wills from Goochland Co., Va 1727-1777. ‘William RowntreeAug 18 1775 / Sept 16 1775DAB 11, p.133-134.To my son, Thomas Rowntree, the plantation where I now live on Long Branch.The rest of the land to be divided between my two sons, Samuel and William Rowntree.To Samuel Rowntree, a negro woman.To son, William Rowntree, a Negro woman.To son, Thomas, a negro boy.To daughter, Jane Rowntree, 1 Negro girl.To daughter, Nancy Rowntree, 40 pounds current money, feather-bed and furniture.To son, Thomas Rowntree, a feather-bed and furniture.To my three boys, 2 cattle each and my working tools.Rest of my estate to be divided between my two daughters, Jane and Nancy Rowntree.Ex: My brother, Randolph Rowntree, and Major Hugh Moss.Wit: Thomas Chancellor, William Rian and Sarah Chancellor. |
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give and bequeath to my son William Rowntree one Negro Girl named Nell and her increase; also the sum of ten pounds current money as a recompense for his trouble in tending me in my sickness in the County of Hanover; also five head of cattle; some small and some grown.1 |
Last Edited | 5 October 2023 |
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Dudley Rountree
M, #1916, b. 4 January 1729, d. 26 March 1800
Birth | 4 January 1729 | In St. Peter's Parish, New Kent County, Virginia, British America. Note, the birth record of Dudley Rountree b1729 does NOT say his mother's maiden name was Dudley.1,2 |
Death | 26 March 1800 | At age 71.3,4 |
Misc | | Daughter Mary married Stephen Turner. |
Misc | | Married Susannah Roberts 1739-1818.3,5 |
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Dudley, one Negro Fellow named Jamie to him and his Heirs forever.6 |
Misc | 22 December 1783 | Daughter Nancy married Blackmore Hughes in Bedford, Virginia, United States.5 |
- [S2866] "Virginia Births and Christenings, 1584." 1917 Accessed 5 Dec. 2022.
- [S2999] The Parish Register of Saint Peter's New Kent County, Virginia 1680 - 1787, published by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Virginia. Richmond, VA (1904). Downloaded from 1/9/2023.
- [S2890] "Randall Rountree : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling)." Geneanet Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Hints for further research, no sources provided
- [S5797] "Dudley Rountree in the Family Data Collection." Individual Records Accessed 6 Jul. 2024.
- [S3003] "Virginia, County Marriage Records, 1771." 1989 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Richardson Rountree
M, #1917, b. circa 1735, d. 1819
Birth | circa 1735 | |
Death | 1819 | In Edgefield, North Carolina, United States.1,2 |
Misc | 1766 | Named in his father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give and bequeath unto my son Richardson Rowntree all my land that lies on the creek commonly called Middle Creek and also on this side of the creek from mouth of a branch that comes into the said creek a little below the bridge and so up the said branch to a marked white Oak standing near the head of the said Branch and from the said white oak on a straight line to the head of Haw Branch and so down the said branch to Mr. Josias Paynes’ line to his and his heirs forever it being by estimation two hundred acres be the same more or less; Also a Negro boy named George to him and his heirs forever with five head of cattle, some grown and some small.3 |
Misc | 1775 | Married in 1775 to Mary Mildred Hart 1752-/1819.4 |
Last Edited | 28 October 2024 |
- [S3004] "Richardson Rountree in the South Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1670." 1980 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023., Died intestate
Document exists - [S3014] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 30 January 2023), memorial page for Richardson Roundtree (1735–20 Mar 1819), Find a Grave Memorial ID 202400304, citing Edgefield Village Cemetery, Edgefield, Edgefield County, South Carolina, USA; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Bonnie (Faver) Hawkins (contributor 50022884).
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
- [S2890] "Randall Rountree : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling)." Geneanet Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Hints for further research, no sources provided
Isabella Rountree
F, #1918, b. circa 1736
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: My will and desire is that my Negro Fellow named Ripp be hired out from time to time during the life by my executors and the profits of his hire to go to the use of my daughter Isabell and her children to be paid out at the Discretion of my executors once every year in clothing and C.1 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Dorcus Rountree
F, #1919, b. circa 1738
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Misc | 29 September 1763 | Married Drury Morell in St James Northam Parish, Goochland, Virginia, British Colonial America.1 |
Misc | 1766 | Inheritance from father. I give and bequeath to my grandson John Murrel one Negro girl named Jean and her increase to him and his heirs forever to be delivered to Drury Murrel to bring up and be delivered to his son John Murrel at the age of twenty one years. ... My will and desire that all the residue of my Estate may be sold and the money arising be equally divided between the following children (viz) Turner, Molley, Darcas, Drusiller and my grandson John Bailey that money that is Jno Bailey’s part to be paid him by my Executors at the age of twenty one years.2 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S3005] "Virginia Marriages, 1785." 1940 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Elizabeth ("Betty") Rountree
F, #1920, b. circa 1740, d. BY 1783
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Birth | circa 1740 | |
Death | BY 1783 | |
Misc | 4 June 1761 | Married Callam Bailey in St James Northam Parish, Goochland, Virginia, British Colonial America.1 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S3006] "Virginia Marriages, 1785." 1940 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
Thomas Rountree
M, #1921, b. circa 1740, d. circa 1815
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Birth | circa 1740 | |
Death | circa 1815 | |
Property | 1766 | In 1766.1 |
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give unto my son Thos Rowntree a peace (sic) or parcel of land commonly called and known by the name of Brocks beginning at the mouth of the Branch that runs into the Middle Creek a little below the bridge with my son Richardson’s line and so along the said line to Mr. Josias Payne’s line and along the said Payne line to the Creek that I live on and so up the said Creek to the mouth of a branch at my Cart path that goes to the Middle Creek and so up the said branch about one hundred yards to my line and so along that said line to a corner Pine Neare(sic) the Old Ordinary and so to the Middle Creek and down the said Creek to the mouth of the branch where it first began being by my Estimation two hundred fifty acres to him and his heirs forever be the same more or less. Also one Negro boy named Charles, one feather bed and furniture to him and his heirs forever.1 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Turner Rountree
M, #1922, b. CA 1742–1745, d. 24 December 1797
A valient participant in this area's revolutionary struggles of 1780-1781, Turner rountree is thought to have been born about 1745 in Blisland Parish, New Kent county, Virginia. He died in Union Co., SC on 4 December 1797.
Turner moved with his parents, probably when aged five or less to St James Northam Parish, Goochland Co., Virginia. The 1765 will of his father, William Rountree, left hin the following legacy: "I give and bequeath to my son turner Rountree my Manor Plantation with all the residue of the said tract thereunto belonging ...also one negro girl named Lucy and her increase ...also one feather bed and furniture one copper still and one copper kettle. To him and his heirs forever".
In Goochland County, on 26 August 1766, Turner was married to Sarah Woodson. Their son Woodson, was born there on 30 December 1769 and their daughter Molly (Mary) on 23 August 1771. In the interim, times being what they were the following small incident was captured by an alert press: the Birginia Gazette, 4 December 1766 -- "Taken up by the Subscriber in Goochland Co, a Sorrel mare, branded on the near buttock thus DC, about 6 years old, with a switch tail and hanging mane. Posted and appraised to four pounds, ten shillings ... Turner Rountree. Thus, we may believe that Turner and Sarah s[pent the early years of their marriage on his late father's "manor plantation" and that at least some of their children were born there. And it seems he was not averse on occassion, to a bit of liquid spirits, or to intrepid deeds -- more varied than confronting "Red Coats".
Turner and his family moved on to South Carolina between 1774 and 1778. He was witness to the jan 20 1774, will of Robert Woodson of Goochland County, St James Northam parish. Then, his name appears on 1778 and 1779 jury lists of South carolina's Ninety-six District, "Spartan" Division, as does that of his brother Richardson Rountree. His revolutionary record shows that Turner was engaged "for 442 days duty as a horseman from 7th May 1780 to 25th June 1781 inclusive -- in Capt Benjamin Jolley's Company Col Brandon's Regiment". For his service he was paid "fifty nine pounds, five shillings and eight pence half penny sterling.
On March 6, 1780, Turner Rountree of Fairforest, 96 district, SC purchased from William Wofford of Lawson's Fork, same district and state, 200 acres "including the dwelling house and plantation whereon the said Turner Rountree now lives". This pro[perty was "bound by Nichol, Vernon, Thomas cox, Tinsley, Fairforest Creek, Woodson's Spring branch, and Charles King's land" ... On April 10, 1797, he made a deed of gift of this latter 200 acres to his older son Woodson.
Turner's will, dated 24 December 1787 ... the date of death reported to the court, was proved in open court on 1 Jan 1788, and his two sons designated as the executors.
Along with those sons, the will sited as surviving children, Molly, wife of Thomas blassingame, and Sally wife of Henry Birdsong. Provisions were made for his widow, but she referred to only as "my wife". there subsequently was wrangling among sme of the heirs over the estate. In September 1799, Turner's widow, Sarah, was named administratrix by the court in lieu of the previously designated executors. On the baid of later cendsus listings, Sarah is thought to have died in Union County between 1810 and 1820.
The known children of Turner and Sarah are: Woodson rountree, Molly (Mary) Rountree, Sally rountree, William rountree, and Polly (Drake) Rountree. Notes from Union County SC Hearlodry page 239 by Arthur M. Reagan.
Birth | CA 1742–1745 | |
Death | 24 December 1797 | |
Misc | Pa | Parents: No proof that Dorcus was a Dudley nor daughter of Ambrose Dudley. |
Misc | 1766 | Property, father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give and bequeath to my son Turner Rowntree my Manor Plantation with all the residue of the said Track (i. e. tract) thereunto belonging to him and his heirs forever; also one Negro girl named Lucy and her increase to Him and his heirs forever; also one Feather bed and furniture; one copper still; one copper kettle to him and his heirs forever. Fell named Jamie to him and his Heirs forever ... My will and desire that all the residue of my Estate may be sold and the money arising be equally divided between the following children (viz) Turner, Molley, Darcas, Drusiller and my grandson John Bailey that money that is Jno Bailey’s part to be paid him by my Executors at the age of twenty one years.1 |
Misc | 26 August 1766 | Married 26 August 1766, Goochland Co., VA, to Sarah Woodson 1744-1800/ in Goochland County, British America.2 |
Military | between 1780 and 1781 | In South Carolina, United States. Turner Rountree served in the military between 5/7 and 6/1780 in SC in Col. Thomas Brandon's regiment. His revolutionary record shows that Turner was engaged "for 442 days duty as a horseman from 7th May 1780 to 25th June 1781 inclusive -- in Capt Benjamin Jolly's Company Col Brandon's Regiment"
Rountree, Turner2nd Spartan Regiment17801781A Horseman under Capt. Benjamin Jolly, Col. Thomas Brandon from 5/7/1780 to 6/25/1781. |
Will | 1797 | In Union County, North Carolina, United States.3 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
- [S2890] "Randall Rountree : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling)." Geneanet Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Hints for further research, no sources provided
- [S3008] "will of Turner Rountree." Ancestry Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
Mary ("Molly") Rountree
F, #1923, b. circa 1745, d. 1813
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Birth | circa 17451 | |
Death | 1813 | In Union, South Carolina, United States. |
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Molley one Negro Wench named Phillis also the sorrel mair(sic) and colt, a horse, one best feather bed and furniture, the sum of 30 six Dollars current money and thirty geese and one Double loon for her kindness for me in my sickness to her and her heirs forever ... My will and desire that all the residue of my Estate may be sold and the money arising be equally divided between the following children (viz) Turner, Molley, Darcas, Drusiller and my grandson John Bailey that money that is Jno Bailey’s part to be paid him by my Executors at the age of twenty one years.2 |
Misc | 22 December 1767 | Married William Whitlock in St. James Parish, Virginia, British America. |
Misc | 26 November 1804 | Husband's will in Union, South Carolina, United States.3 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S3011] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 29 January 2023), memorial page for Mary “Molly” Roundtree Whitlock (1745–1813), Find a Grave Memorial ID 176004744, citing Whitlock Family Graveyard, Cross Keys, Union County, South Carolina, USA; Maintained by Lela Parris Koch (contributor 47311410).
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
- [S3012] "South Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980." Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
Drucilla Rountree
F, #1924, b. 17 February 1748, d. 17 February 1781
See William Rountree (c1700-1765) of New Kent County Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.
Birth | 17 February 1748 | |
Death | 17 February 1781 | At age 33. |
Misc | 14 July 1765 | Married Anthony Haden 1746-1828 at St James Northam Parish in Goochland County, Virginia, British America.1 |
Misc | 1766 | Father's will in Goochland County, British America. Item: I give and bequeath to my Daughter Drusilla Haden one Negro boy named Ben to her and her Heirs for Ever and thirty Geese. ... My will and desire that all the residue of my Estate may be sold and the money arising be equally divided between the following children (viz) Turner, Molley, Darcas, Drusiller and my grandson John Bailey that money that is Jno Bailey’s part to be paid him by my Executors at the age of twenty one years.2 |
Last Edited | 29 January 2023 |
- [S2890] "Randall Rountree : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling)." Geneanet Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Hints for further research, no sources provided
- [S2892] Goochland County Virginia Will Book 9 p. 38 & 39, Repository: – Virginia – Goochland – Probate Records
Location: Screens 35 & 36 of 529. Will presented at court: September 16, 1766. Downloaded from
Dorcas Dudley
F, #1925, b. about 1704, d. about 1765
Birth | about 1704 | In New Kent Virginia, British America.1,2,3,4 |
Marriage | 1720 | In Albemarle Co., Virginia, British America. From Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet: "Finally, I might also note that it is not clear that all of William Rountree’s children were by a single wife. The only mention of Dorcas is in the record of the birth of the son Dudley in early 1729. William Rountree’s children appear to have been born over a span of 20 or more years, a relatively long period of fertility for women in that day and age."5,6,7,8 |
Death | about 1765 | In Goochland County, Virginia, British America. I have seen 1 Oct 1766 St James Northam, Goochland with no evidence9,10 |
Misc | | Parents. Some versions of the St. Peters record give the mother's maiden name as Dudley, but the real record does not provide her maiden name. Some versions of the birth record indicate Dorcas' maiden name was Dudley, but that's not what the original record states: "Dudley son of Wm. & Dorcas Rountree born Jan 4 bap. March 2d, 1728-9." One could argue that the writer "knew" she was a Dudley, but it's not in the record.
Also see (another source) William Rountree's wife - On the Identity of Dorcas Rountree Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet.pdf
Also, all of his children may not have been from a single wife.
From familysearch tree: Born Note: Born note: Dorcas b. 1704, New Kent Co., VA, d. bef 5 Oct 1765, VA (Goochland Co.?). Her first name proven from St. Peter's Parish, New Kent Co., VA when "Dudley Roundtree, son of William and Dorcas Roundtree was baptized March 2, 1728/9". Gregory Brown lists birth year as 1700. There is speculation that she may have been only one of William's wives since she is not found mentioned with his other children. ??? Her father is believed by some to be Ambrose Dudley. Because the son's name was Dudley it has been assumed that that was her maiden, since sons are often named for their maternal grand father. But, it has been said, they had sons named Turner, Richardson, Thomas, Randall and Randolph. Thus, her maiden name may have been Turner, Richardson, Thomas, Randall or Randolph. Who knows? It is noted that she had one son, at least two grandsons, and one great grandson named Dudley Roundtree. She had a son, a grandson, two great grandsons and one great great grandson named Turner Roundtree. She had one son, a grandson, a great grandson, a great grear grandson, a great great great grandson and a great great great great grandson named Turner Roundtree. She had a grandson and a great grandson named Turner Richardson Roundtree. John G. R. Roundtree states that there are eight Richardson Roundtrees on his branch and that the Roundtrees and Richardsons intermarried in Yorkshire, England. A Roundtree was mayor of York, very interesting for a Quaker to be an office holder during a period when Quakers were so unpopular. The Roundtrees were Quaker, but William and Dorcas' children were listed in Church of England records in VA. Some are listed as Quakers when they moved to SC, but their children did not marry into Quaker families...they had no problem fighting in the Rev. War and no objection to owning slaves. It took my family six generations to get back to the Episcopal Church. A research of 1700 l and records around land owned by William's father might well give clues as to her maiden name. Boys, in those days, seldom traveled far to find mates, often marrying neighbor girls. This is a questionable match until proven, right or wrong. It is listed in "Magna Charta" by Wurts, where she is listed as daughter of Ambrose Dudley WFT 15/818 lists birth year as 1693. Her date of birth given as 1693 by James E. Cox, 4818 Lee Rd., Phenix City, AL 36867.6,11,12,13,3,4,5 |
Misc | | DNA Matches - Excellent. 7/6/2024 Scott's on samuel Anderson. 23 matches on the children of Dorcas Dudley, similar to William Rountree ________________________ The DNA match with Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson goes through a son of Ambrose Dudley named Ambrose who married Hannah Harwood. The connection is with Hannah and Ambrose's son William (1753-1799). Trouble is, who is this William? The tree has little evidence.
I find a marriage record of Hannah Harwood to an Ambrose Dudley, no date, father William Harwood, mother Grey in North America Family Histories. No evidence for the child William Dudley whose descendant I have a match with. |
- [S2944] "Dorcas Dudley (1703–1765) • FamilySearch." Ancestors Accessed 8 Jan. 2023.
- [S3009] "Dorcus Dudley in the Family Data Collection." Births Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
- [S5462] "Dorcus Dudley in the Family Data Collection." Individual Records Accessed 1 Jun. 2024.
- [S5463] "Dorcus Dudley in the Family Data Collection." Births Accessed 1 Jun. 2024.
- [S3001] "Dorcas Dudley in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 Accessed 29 Jan. 2023.
- [S2864] "On the Identity of Dorcas Rountree." Bob's Genealogy Filing Cabinet Accessed 5 Dec. 2022. Downloaded., More, see the downloaded document
- [S5467] "William Roundtree in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 Accessed 1 Jun. 2024., This birth year makes no sense - look at the birth dates of the children.
- [S5798] "William Rountree (abt.1699-bef.1765)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 4 Sep. 2024., See PDF with sources as well as arguments against Dorcas being a Dudley and William's father being Francis.
Rountree William (abt.1699-bef.1765) WikiTree.pdf
- [S3010] "Dorcus Dudley in the Family Data Collection." Deaths Accessed 29 Jan. 2023., Is this our Dorcas Dudley Rountree? Why not last name Rountree?
- [S5464] "Dorcus Dudley in the Family Data Collection." Deaths Accessed 1 Jun. 2024.
- [S2889] "Randolph Rountree - Historical records and family trees." MyHeritage Accessed 6 Jan. 2023., Note, a child was named Dudley...
- [S3002] "Dorcas Dudley in the Alabama, U.S., Surname Files Expanded, 1702–1981." Ancestry Accessed 29 Jan. 2023., See media attached
Note the birth and marriage dates are strange. Marriage way after the birth of the children? Yet Dorcas is the mother of Dudley, the only real record we seem to have.
- [S2998] "" Historical Southern Families. Volume XI Accessed 28 Jan. 2023.