Judy's Ancestors

Person Page 71

Nancy E. Spencer

F, #1751, b. about 1854, d. before 1870


FatherThomas Andrew Spencer (b. 22 January 1825, d. 27 August 1904)
MotherMartha Ellen Chapman (b. 20 February 1830, d. 23 May 1910)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1854In Platte County, Missouri, United States.1,2
Deathbefore 1870Nancy E. Spencer is not in the household in the 1870 US Census.3
Residence1860Camden Point in Green, Platte, Missouri, United States.1
Last Edited3 November 2022


  1. [S102] "United States Census, 1860." Familysearch https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHZG-KZ2?id=L7GV-DWR. Accessed 23 Jun. 2021.
  2. [S2578] "Nancy E Spencer in the 1860 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/40598623:7667?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.
  3. [S103] "United States Census, 1870." Familysearch https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M4XS-V8C. Accessed 23 Jun. 2021.

Jane Newman

F, #1752, b. 22 July 1613, d. 12 December 1655


FatherColonel Robert Newman (b. before 1575, d. January 1655)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1578, d. 1613)
Pedigree Link

Family: Colonel William Presley (b. 1608, d. after 12 December 1656)

SonPaul Presley (b. 1627, d. 1684)
DaughterUrsula Presley (b. 1632, d. about 1665)
DaughterJane Presley (b. 1633)
SonWilliam Presley+ (b. about 1635, d. about 1684)
SonPeter Presley, Sr.+ (b. 1636, d. before 1693)
Birth22 July 1613In Wiltshire, England.
Marriagebefore 1634In England.
Death12 December 1655At age 42 in Northumberland County, Virginia, British America.
MiscOr was she born Jane Mottrom?
Last Edited23 March 2024

Hannah Newman

F, #1753, b. 1594


FatherColonel Robert Newman (b. before 1575, d. January 1655)
MotherElizabeth (b. 1578, d. 1613)
Pedigree Link
Birth1594In England.
Last Edited6 November 2022

Giles Webb

M, #1755, b. 15 April 1677, d. 1732
Pedigree Link
Birth15 April 1677In North Farnham Parish, Rappahannock, Virginia, British America.1
Marriageabout 1705In Virginia, British America.2
Death1732At age ~55.
MiscParents: Mary and John Webb.1
Last Edited7 November 2022


  1. [S2629] "Virginia Births and Christenings, 1584." 1917 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRR4-FCM. Accessed 7 Nov. 2022.
  2. [S2464] "Giles Webb in the Virginia, U.S., Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, U.S., 1649." 1800 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/6923:5063?indiv=try&h&_phsrc=Sgq1875&db. Accessed 16 Oct. 2022.

Jane Morris

F, #1763, b. about 1674, d. after 1683


FatherAnthony Morris (b. 1645, d. November 1682)
MotherUnknown King
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1674In Northumberland County, Virginia, British America.1
Deathafter 1683In Northumberland County, Virginia, British America.
Misc20 December 1683Inherits from her father.2
MiscGuardianship. Eventually William King, uncle of Jane, the daughter of Anthony, was
appointed her guardian.2
Last Edited30 March 2024


  1. [S2462] Jenkins, Nelle Morris. Morris genealogy, 1605 to 1959. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Willo Pub. Co. [1959] https://archive.org/details/morrisgenealogy100jenk. Downloaded 7/31/2022.
  2. [S5028] Bruce, P. A. 1., Stanard, W. G. 1. (2016). The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography; Volume Yr. 1917. United States: BiblioBazaar. archive.org., Also available on jstor.
    Also see PDF of the issue:
    Morris NotesQueries-1917.PDF

Samuel Spann

M, #1764, b. about 1690


FatherCuthbert Spann (b. 1650, d. 1701)
MotherDorothy Samford (b. 1646, d. 19 March 1712)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1690
Last Edited8 November 2022

Richard Spann

M, #1765, b. 15 June 1684, d. 1728


FatherCuthbert Spann (b. 1650, d. 1701)
MotherDorothy Samford (b. 1646, d. 19 March 1712)
Pedigree Link
Birth15 June 1684In St. Stephens Parish, Northumberland, Virginia, British America.1
Death1728At age ~44 in Northumberland County, Virginia, British America.
Will17 April 1728In Northumberland County, Virginia, British America.2
Last Edited8 November 2022


  1. [S2663] "Richard Spann in the Virginia, U.S., Extracted Vital Records, 1660." 1923 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/10154:61462?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.
  2. [S2665] "notes." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/10909433/person/-492754657/media/94c356c4-d2a4-40f2-a95d-0b16f588a391?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022.

Adina Borgmier

F, #1769
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 November 2022

Angela Dawn Borgmier

F, #1770
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 November 2022

Deborah Elaine Borgmier

F, #1771, b. 21 July 1953, d. 2 April 1961


FatherRobert Lee Borgmier (b. 5 February 1927, d. 17 January 2015)
MotherLaveta Grace Anderson (b. 28 January 1927, d. 28 January 1998)
Pedigree Link
Birth21 July 1953In Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri, United States.1
Death2 April 1961At age 7 in Missouri, United States.1
Last Edited1 June 2023


  1. [S2652] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21555767/deborah-elaine-borgmier: accessed 08 November 2022), memorial page for Deborah Elaine Borgmier (21 Jul 1953–2 Apr 1961), Find a Grave Memorial ID 21555767, citing Kidder Cemetery, Kidder, Caldwell County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by Caryn Hood (contributor 46777279) .

Dianna Carol Owens

F, #1772
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 November 2022


F, #1773
Pedigree Link
Last Edited8 November 2022

Mersy Hammond

F, #1774, b. 17 March 1715


FatherJob Hammond, II (b. 10 July 1677, d. 19 October 1758)
MotherAmadine Baylis (b. 18 January 1683/84, d. 19 October 1746)
Pedigree Link
Birth17 March 17151,2
MiscName may be Merry or Mary.3
Last Edited22 March 2024


  1. [S2470] "Job Hammond II in the Alabama, U.S., Surname Files Expanded, 1702–1981." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/167644:61266?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 16 Oct. 2022.
  2. [S5011] "Laura Hammond." Sites https://sites.rootsweb.com/~ruthptb/Laura_Hammond.html. Accessed 25 Mar. 2024., Re accuracy (from the document):

    From Jim Hammond: In Laura Hammond's document, for example, I'm fairly certain that her claim of lineage prior to Job No. 1 is not right. I just haven't seen any documentary evidence to support it, and she didn't provide any. And probably when such documents are posted on the web, they should carry some such disclaimer that some of the claims are not supported by documentary evidence.

    From Amy Gilreath: Just want to correct this one thing from Laura Hammond:

    Samuel Hammond sold all his property including his household equipment - pots & pans, his mare, 29 head of hogs, etc and moved to NC in 1767. [See Fairfax Co., VA Deed Book G, p. 282, 22 Sept. 1767]. Tories had nothing to do with it ...
  3. [S4996] Hammond Family - The Baltimore Sun Aug 13 1905 page 12. Downloaded 3/13/2024., Also PDF file:
    Hammond Family - The Baltimore Sun Aug 13 1905 page 12.pdf

Jarvis Hammond

M, #1775, b. 27 September 1725


FatherJob Hammond, II (b. 10 July 1677, d. 19 October 1758)
MotherAmadine Baylis (b. 18 January 1683/84, d. 19 October 1746)
Pedigree Link
Birth27 September 17251,2
Last Edited8 November 2022


  1. [S2470] "Job Hammond II in the Alabama, U.S., Surname Files Expanded, 1702–1981." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/167644:61266?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 16 Oct. 2022.
  2. [S5011] "Laura Hammond." Sites https://sites.rootsweb.com/~ruthptb/Laura_Hammond.html. Accessed 25 Mar. 2024., Re accuracy (from the document):

    From Jim Hammond: In Laura Hammond's document, for example, I'm fairly certain that her claim of lineage prior to Job No. 1 is not right. I just haven't seen any documentary evidence to support it, and she didn't provide any. And probably when such documents are posted on the web, they should carry some such disclaimer that some of the claims are not supported by documentary evidence.

    From Amy Gilreath: Just want to correct this one thing from Laura Hammond:

    Samuel Hammond sold all his property including his household equipment - pots & pans, his mare, 29 head of hogs, etc and moved to NC in 1767. [See Fairfax Co., VA Deed Book G, p. 282, 22 Sept. 1767]. Tories had nothing to do with it ...