Neeltje Gerritse Van Couwenhoven
F, #2851, b. 20 September 1641, d. 1672
Daughter of Gerrit Wolfertszen Van Couwenhoven and Aeltje Cornelis Cool.
Baptized 20 September 1641 at Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam, sponsors Wolfert Gerritszen, Huyge Aertszen, Hester Simons.
Married Roelof Martense Schenck, son of Marten Schenck, at probably Flatlands, Kings Co., Long Island, New York, in 1660.
Children by Roelof Martense Schenck:
1. Marten Roelofse Schenck b. 22 Jan 1661 or 22 Jun 1661, d. 2 May 1721 or 1727
2. Annatje Roelofse Schenck b. c 1663, d. 1688
3. Jannetje Roelofse Schenck b. 1665
4. Marike Schenck b. 14 Feb 1667
5. Jan Roelofse Schenck b. 1 Mar 1670, d. 30 Jan 1753
6. Garret Roelofse Schenck b. 27 Oct 1671, d. 5 Sep 1745
More on husband Roelof Martense Schenck:
Son of Marten Schenck.
Immigrated to New Netherlands in 1650, and obtained a patent for 23 morgens of land at Flatlands on 19 Jan 1661. On 19 Mar 1674 he bought 200 acres, with buildings, in Amersfoort from the heirs of Govert Loockermans. He took the oath of allegiance at Flatlands in 1698. On 20 Apr 1688 he bought one half of a mill and the island it was on, from a brother. He was a magistrate 1662-1664; a representative at the Hempstead convention in 1665; sherrif of the county in 1685; Justice of the Peace, 1684, 1689 and 1692; Captain of horse in 1690.
Married 2nd Annetje Pieterse Wyckoff.
Children by Annetje Pieterse Wyckoff:
1. Margaretta Roelofse
2. Neeltje Roelofse
3. Mayke Roelofse
4. Sara Roelofse
Married 3rd 19 November 1688 Tryntje Kregier, daughter of Martin Cregier and Lysbeth at Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, Flatbush, Kings Co., Long Island, New York. Married the 19 November (1688). Roelof Martense, widower of Annetie Pieters, and Catrina Cregier, widow of Stoffel Hooghlan: one living at N. Amersfort and the second at New York.
Will dated on 4 September 1704 proved 26 Jul 1705. Roeloff Schenck, of Flatlands, in Kings County, upon Nassau Island. To my wife Katharine, during her life, all my farm or tenements at Flatlands, where I now live, with the houses, gardens and orchards. And all in accordence with a certain agreement made between me and my said wife before our marriage, and bearing date November 9, 1688. If my wife should marry then the above bequest to be null and void. I leave to my loving son Martin Schenck, after the death of my wife, all my houses, lands, meadows and tenements, within the bounds of Flatlands, or elsewhere, and he is to pay the following legacies, viz:, to each of my children, Janike, Marytie, John, Garritt, Margarite, Neltie and Sarah, £64, 10s. each, and the same to the children of my daughter Anake, deceased, Roeloff and Albert. And they are to have all the personal property after my wife's decease. My eldest son Martin shall have for his birthright my negro boy Anthony. I make my son Martin sole executor. Witnesses: Coert Stevens, Garret Stoothoff, Henry Filken.
Died circa 1672.
Bio includes data from The Brouwer Genealogy Database.
Birth | 20 September 1641 | In New York, New York County, New York, British America.1 |
Marriage | 16601 | |
Death | 1672 | At age ~31 in New York, New York County, New York, British America.1 |
- [S3995] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 28 June 2023), memorial page for Neeltje Gerritse Van Couwenhoven Schenck (20 Sep 1641–1672), Find a Grave Memorial ID 173184979, citing Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA; Maintained by Gone Exhumin' (contributor 47456821).
Catrina ("Trynjie") Creiger
F, #2852, b. 1645, d. 1713
Catrina Creiger was baptized Dec 31, 1645 @ New Amsterdam (NYC), NY. She was the d/o Captain Martin Creiger (b. abt 1614 Toulouse, France-d.early 1713 in the Mohawk Valley, Canastagione,NY) & Lysbet (Elizabeth) Jans. Captain Martin Cregier was the first Burgomaster (Mayor) of New Amsterdam, NY.
Catrina Cregier was married to her first husband (Nicasius De Sille) only briefly before she was married to Christoffel Hooglandt (marriage banns) June 23, 1661 ("It was formally announced from the pulpit of the church in the fort"). They were parents to: Dirck (b. 1662-d. 1721), Elizabeth (b. 1664, d. young),Harman I (b. 1666, d. young), Martin (b.1667, d. young), Christoffel (b. 1669-d. 1748), Francis (b. 1672), Jacob (b. 1676, d. prior to 1684), Harmanus II(b. 1681-d. 1771).
After the death of "Stoffel" Hooglandt in Feb. 1684, she continued to live at their home located on Pearl Street betw. State & Whitehall Streets, NYC until she next married twice widowed Roelof Martense Schenck in 1688. The service was held at the Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church on Long Island.
At that time she "moved to the bay" (Flatlands - near Jamaica Bay) where she lived thru the death of her 2nd husband (1705). Although her other children moved away from Long Island, her youngest son Harmanus (1681-1771) lived @ Long Island the rest of his life. Catrina Creiger died the last part of 1713 (after the death of her father earlier in 1713). Both she & her son Harmanus II were members of the Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church (est. 1654).
Her diminutive Dutch nickname was "Trynjie".She is often referred to in legal records as "Trynjie" just as her husband was referred to as "Stoffel".
Birth | 1645 | In Manhattan, New York County, New York, British America.1 |
Marriage | 1688 | In Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church on Long Island.1 |
Death | 1713 | At age ~68 in Flatlands, Kings, New York, British America.1 |
- [S3996] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 28 June 2023), memorial page for Catrina “Trynjie” Creiger Schenck (1645–1713), Find a Grave Memorial ID 139148218, citing Flatbush Reformed Dutch Church Cemetery, Flatbush, Kings County, New York, USA; Maintained by Lyn H. H. (contributor 48203886).
Neltje Roelofse Schenck
F, #2853, b. 23 January 1681, d. 27 July 1751
Born in 1682, she was a daughter of Roelof Martense Schenck and Annetje Wyckoff.
Married Albert Willemszen Van Kouwenhoven, son of Willem Gerritse and Jannetje Monfoort, on 2 October 1701.
She and Albert Willemszen Van Kouwenhoven were members of the at Reformed Dutch Congregations, Freehold and Middletown, Monmouth Co., New Jersey, circa 1710.
Birth | 23 January 1681 | In Flatlands, Kings County, New York, British America.1 |
Death | 27 July 1751 | At age 70 in Pleasant Valley, Monmouth County, New Jersey, British America.1 |
- [S3998] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 28 June 2023), memorial page for Neltje Roelofse Schenck Cowenhoven (23 Jan 1681–27 Jul 1751), Find a Grave Memorial ID 34331523, citing Schenck-Couwenhoven Cemetery, Holmdel, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA; Maintained by Bill C (contributor 46853876).
Pieter Claesen Wyckoff
M, #2854, b. 26 January 1625, d. 30 June 1694
Pieter Claesen Wyckoff might have been born in the village of Norden in the Holy Roman Empire (present day East Friesland, Germany). Pieter emigrated to America in 1637, as an indentured servant to Kiliaen van Rensselaer, in Rensselearwyck (now Albany, New York). After Claesen worked off his indenture, he labored as a tenant farmer, leasing land from the Rensselaer patroonship
Pieter came to Fort Orange (now Albany, NY), Province of New Netherlands, April 7, 1637 on the ship Rensselaerwick.
He was 13 years old. The log of this ship contains the following: "This ship sailed from Amsterdam, Holland, 25 Sept. 1636, anchored off the seaport, The Texel, on 8 Oct. 1636, reached New Amsterdam, New Netherland, 4 March 1637, and Tuesday, 7 April 1637, about three o'clock in the morning we came to anchor before foort aeranien [Fort Orange], the end of our journey upward."
Pieter married Grietje Corneli VanNess (1627-1689) in 1645 at Renssalaer, New York, United States. He was 20 years old and Grietje was 18. She was the daughter of Cornelius Hendrick VanNess (1602-1684) and Maycke Hendrieux VanDerBurchgraeff (1602-1664).
Pieter was a prominent figure in Dutch and later English colonial Kings County, New York. All persons surnamed Wyckoff in North America, including many variations in spelling, can be traced to his family. He acquired land and became a local judge (justice of the peace). He was influential in establishing the Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church at the juncture of Flatbush Avenue and Kings Highway in Brooklyn, NY. There is a bronze placque in the church honoring him and it is said he was buried in an area where a portion of the church stands.. According to "The Wyckoff Family in America - A Genealogy" by William F. Wyckoff, Pieter was said to have been "a man of over six feet tall and large in proportion, that he had blue eyes and tawny yellow hair, high and prominent cheek-bones, a broad face and a firm square chin." When the British took over the Dutch colony in 1664, Pieter Claesen adopted the fixed surname of Wyckoff.
from findagrave
Chapter I, pages 9-18, of The Wyckoff Family in America, 1934 version, is about Pietr Claesen (Wyckoff.)
Birth | 26 January 1625 | In Probably East Frisia.1 |
Marriage | 1645 | In Renssalaer, New York.1 |
Death | 30 June 1694 | At age 69 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, British America.1,2 |
Burial | | In Brooklyn, Kings, New York, British North America.1,2 |
Misc | | Last name Wyckoff. When the British took over the Dutch colony in 1664, Pieter Claesen adopted the fixed surname of Wyckoff.1,3 |
Misc | | Father not Claes Cornelissen van Schouw.4 |
Misc | | References. The Wyckoff Family in America, 1934 and 1950 versions 1934 version has almost 30 pages of introductory material. Both are available for free download.
The Washington Ancestry Vol III by Charles Hoppin Downloadable free from google. |
Misc | | Wyckoff House. This house in its oldest part, which is th e lower part of the building lying to th e west, is the oldest building in New York City and State. The steep slope of the roof and the proportions are purely medieval. This wooden, one-story farmhouse is an example of the Flemish Medieval Survival and the Dutch Colonial styles of architecture.
The land on which it stands was acquired from the Canarsic Indians in 1636 by Wouter Van Twiller, Director General of New Netherland (1632-8). The property was confiscated by the Dutch West India Company in 1652 and passed to the ownership of the Duke of York when New Ne therland was seized by the English. The property was given to the town of Flatlands in 1667. It was then being lived in by Pieter Claesen Wyckoff.
Pieter Claesen (who took the name of Wyckoff after the ceding of New Amsterdam to the English) came from Holland in 1636 and for a time in 1655 was a superintendent on Peter Stuyvesant's farm. He rose to be a man of wealth as well as a magistrate in Flatlands and was one of the representatives at the convention held at Flatbush to send delegates to Holland to lay before the States-General and the West India Company the distressed condition of New Amsterdam. The house remained in the possession of the Wyckoffs until 1901 and has lately been acquired by the foundation established by the Wyckoff Association in America.
Landmarks Preservation Commission |
Immigration | 7 April 1637 | Fort Orange, New Netherlands. Arrived on the Rensselaerwick. The trip to New Netherland in this sailing ship began in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) on 25 Sep 1636. By November 7 the ship had reached Spain, but because of high waves and unfavorable winds, they reversed their course and set sail for England. They anchored November 16 at Ilfracombe on the western shore. They remained there until January 9 when they set sail once again. They arrived at Manhatten (New Amsterdam) on March 4. Although their destination was Fort Orange (later known as Albany), they found that the Hudson River was impassable due to ice. On March 26, they resumed their journey, arriving at Fort Orange on April 7. [Notes by Cliff Lamere in the Log of the Ship Rensselaerswyck, attached.] _________________
The founder of the Wyckoff family in America came to Fort Orange®, Province of New Netherlands 7 April, 1637, in the vessel Rensselaerswyck. This ship sailed from Amsterdam, Holland, 25 September, 1636: anchored off the seaport The Texel, 8 October, 1636: reached New Amsterdam, New Netherland, 13 March, 1637: and "Tuesday / April 1637, about three o'clock in the morning we came to anchor before foert oeranien [Fort Orrange] the end of our vovage upward.” The Rensselaerswyck was outfitted by Killian Van Rensselaer, a diamond merchant of Amsterdam, Holland, who had a speculative contract with the West India Corporation for a concession of a large body of land near the head of navigable waters on the Hudson River, under which he was required to transport men and animals to the new country. The Wyckoff Family in America 1934 version, page 92,1 |
Misc | 1655, 1663, 1664 | Served as schepen or magistrate.2 |
Last Edited | 16 January 2024 |
- [S4009] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 01 July 2023), memorial page for Pieter Claesen Wyckoff (26 Jan 1625–30 Jun 1694), Find a Grave Memorial ID 27704603, citing Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA; Maintained by Erik Lander (contributor 503045).
- [S4639] Wyckoff, W. F., Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Streeter (1934). The Wyckoff Family in America, a Genealogy: Prepared from the Manuscript Genealogical Collections of the Late William F. Wyckoff of Jamaica, New York. United States: Tuttle Company. Downloaded from 1/15/2024., This 1934 version includes almost 30 pages of introductory material not included in the 1950 version, which is entirely genealogy.
Chapter I, Pietr Claesen, pages 9-18
Chapter II, Grietje Van Ness, pages 19-24
Chapter III, The Wyckoff Home, pages 25-28
Then some records
Chapter IV starts the genealogy, which only includes Wyckoff so our Annatje - [S4637] Hoppin, Charles Arthur. The Washington ancestry and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families. Vol 3. Prepared for Edward Lee McClain by Charles Arthur Hoppin ... Greenfield Ohio: Privately printed. Greenfield, 1932. Downloaded form google 1/14/2023., You can find many explanations for the name online. I think we don't know...
- [S4637] Hoppin, Charles Arthur. The Washington ancestry and records of the McClain, Johnson, and forty other colonial American families. Vol 3. Prepared for Edward Lee McClain by Charles Arthur Hoppin ... Greenfield Ohio: Privately printed. Greenfield, 1932. Downloaded form google 1/14/2023.
- [S4640] "Wyckoff House." Wikipedia Accessed 16 Jan. 2024.
Grietje Cornelise VanNess
F, #2855, b. 1627, d. 1689
Birth | 1627 | |
Marriage | 1645 | In Renssalaer, New York.1 |
Death | 1689 | At age ~62. |
Misc | | Parents: Cornelius Hendrick VanNess (1602-1684) and Maycke Hendrieux VanDerBurchgraeff (1602-1664.)1 |
Last Edited | 14 January 2024 |
- [S4009] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 01 July 2023), memorial page for Pieter Claesen Wyckoff (26 Jan 1625–30 Jun 1694), Find a Grave Memorial ID 27704603, citing Flatlands Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA; Maintained by Erik Lander (contributor 503045).
Mayke Roelofse Schenck
F, #2856, b. 14 January 1684, d. 25 November 1736
Birth | 14 January 1684 | In Kings County, New York, British America.1 |
Death | 25 November 1736 | At age 52 in New York, British America.1 |
- [S3999] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 28 June 2023), memorial page for Mayke Roelofse Schenck Van Voorhees (14 Jan 1684–25 Nov 1736), Find a Grave Memorial ID 173750544; Burial Details Unknown, location of grave unknown; Maintained by Gone Exhumin' (contributor 47456821).
Sarah Roelofse Schenck
F, #2857, b. 18 December 1685, d. 1 December 1744
Birth | 18 December 1685 | In Flatlands, Kings, New York, British America.1 |
Death | 1 December 1744 | At age 58 in Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey, British America.1 |
Burial | | At Middletown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, British America. Golden Family Cemetery.1 |
Misc | 12 November 1705 | Married Jacob Willemse Van Kouwenhoven in Flatlands, Kings County, New York, British America.1 |
- [S4000] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 28 June 2023), memorial page for Sarah Roelofse Schenck Covenhoven (18 Dec 1685–1 Dec 1744), Find a Grave Memorial ID 55115795, citing Golden Family Cemetery, Middletown, Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA; Maintained by Brett (contributor 46887842)., Tombstone image available
Maria Margaretha De Bockhurst
F, #2858
Jan Martense Schenck
M, #2859
John Chapman
M, #2860, b. 1 December 1747, d. 12 November 1833
Birth | 1 December 1747 | In Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, British America.1,2 |
Death | 12 November 1833 | At age 85 in Monroe County, Kentucky, United States.1,2 |
Misc | 12 November 1778 | Married Elizabeth Ann Kelly in Saint Paul's Parish Baltimore, Maryland, United States.1 |
- [S4008] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 01 July 2023), memorial page for John Chapman Sr. (1 Dec 1747–12 Nov 1833), Find a Grave Memorial ID 178365775, citing Chapman Cemetery, Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky, USA; Maintained by Ro§e❈ (contributor 47359710).
- [S4007] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 01 July 2023), memorial page for Margaret Douglas Chapman (1715–1790), Find a Grave Memorial ID 205861953; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Ro§e❈ (contributor 47359710).
Thomas Chapman
M, #2861, b. 1703, d. about 1777
Birth | 1703 | In Baltimore, Maryland, British America. |
Death | about 1777 | In Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, United States. |
Misc | | May have had several spouses. |
John Spencer
M, #2862, b. 1792
Rebecca Ratliff
F, #2863, b. 1800, d. ABT 1831–1839
Birth | 1800 | In Virginia, United States. Some people have her born in Russell, VA in 1800. Russell and Tazewell are over 40 miles from each other. On the other hand, we only have him in Tazewell in 1801 where he starts a salt operation "on said Ratliff's place". One tree has her born March 30, 1810 in Tazwell County, Virginia.1 |
Marriage | 25 March 1830 | In Tazewell, Virginia, United States.2,3 |
Death | ABT 1831–1839 | |
Misc | | DNA Matches. Only 1 DNA match and it is with John Ratliff and Charlotte White |
Misc | | Daughter Louise Steele (1831-1880.) |
- [S5223] "Rebecca Ratliff in the Family Data Collection." Births Accessed 27 Apr. 2024.
- [S3766] Ratliff, Larry, Jack Hockett, and Gerald Ratliff. Some Descendants of John Ratliff & Charlotte White 1765-1997. Bowie, Md: Heritage Books, 2021., See images
You can search for snippets here:
- [S4049] "Rebecca Ratliff in the Virginia, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1740." 1850 Accessed 8 Jul. 2023.
Robert Anthony Ratliff
M, #2864, b. 15 September 1696, d. August 1738
Birth | 15 September 1696 | In Talbot County, Maryland, British America. Sometimes called Robert Anthony Ratcliffe If you decide he is Anthony, twin of William, the son of Richard Ratliff, then he was born 15 Sep 1696
This is particularly strange that we never hear of any Ratliff relatives if he was a twin. His supposed twin William lived until 1775 according to WikiTree.
This is inconsistent with some stories of his being born in England and coming to Maryland ca 1710-11.1,2,3,4 |
Marriage | 6 May 1715 | In Talbot County, Maryland, British America.5,6,3 |
Death | August 1738 | At age 41 in Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.1,2,7,3,8 |
Misc | | Parents? "Some claim Richard's son William had a twin, Robert or Robert Anthony Ratcliff. The Ratcliff book that cites the births of the children recorded at St. Michael's Church Register, Talbot, MD does not have any sets of twins, nor any son Robert or Anthony. There was a son named Richard, born 5 Mar 1691/2 - certainly not a twin and probably died young. The will of William's father mentions no son Robert or Anthony. However - on Ancestry from a transcript from St Michaels Parish, Talbot, MD, there is the record for "Anthony Ratcliffe, son of Richard Ratcliffe, born 15 Sep 1696 - the same date as William. "
DNA likes Richard Ratcliff b1661 and Mary Caterne b1662
Also a John Ratcliff Sr b 1694 Talbot, Maryland, d 1771 North Carolina Married Sarah Fellows, many children listed.
Or John Ratcliff b1696 who married Elizabeth Knyvett But the Wikitree entry has this: "Elizabeth Knyvett was not married to John Ratliff and did not have son Robert. "
Robert Ratliff b1724 Calvert Co., Maryland SAR says son of James Ratliff b ca 1690 Sussex England immigrated 1711 Record ID 2204::847933 [There was a now broken link, I know not what about]
Name Robert Ratliff Birth Date 1724 Birth Place Calvert, Maryland SAR Membership 81128 Role Ancestor Application Date 9 July 1962 Father James Ratliff Children James Ratliff Source.Title U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-19701,9,8 |
Misc | | DNA Matches - good. 9/20/2024 DNA on Marthenia Ratliff Scott - almost 100 matches across multiple people
8/11/2024 Scott's DNA on Samuel Anderson Robert Ratliff James 1 Robert Ratliff Benjamin 5 - 2 checked were both parents William R both parents Lydia 3 total. 2 both parents, 1 CE Nathaniel Jeffries and Mary Tate
Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson 6/2/2024 26 DNA matches across 4 children - James, William and Silas Both parents on the ones I checked. _____________________ Scott Borgmier has 96 DNA matches with 4 children of Robert Ratliff (Ratcliff) bca1698 and Mary Touchstone. John is gone now, multiple Williams, so probably 4 different people. 18 with one of the Williams. |
Misc | | SAR description of origins of Ratliff family.10 |
Misc | | Children. Some have a Samuel b1728. Samuel Ratliff was one of the Early Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia ______________ "Old William" Some have William "Old William" 1724-1820 dying in Pike Co, KY and Reuben 1732-1810 dying in Green Co., KY1,8 |
Religious Affiliation | | Robert Anthony Ratliff was affiliated with Quaker. |
Misc | | Parents and DNA. 10/3/2024 Judy has 33 matches for Robert b1698 and 32 for Mary Touchstone, BUT that is the end of the matches! None with Richard and no spouses. This is far out, but NOT a good sign! I have no parent for Robert Anthony and none is suggested that has DNA matches.
There is one match for Richard born 1614 and Alice Rawsthorne with son James which is both parents, but that's it.
Scott has no match with Richard and Alice. There is one under another Robert, who could be our Robert witha different birth date... and has CA Reuben Ratliff and Holloway. Same match under Caterne and |
Residence | 1733 | Monocosie Hundred in Prince George's County, Maryland, British America. List of Taxables.7,11 |
Probate | 21 June 1740 | In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America. Inventory. |
Last Edited | 3 October 2024 |
- [S6240] "Robert Anthony Ratliff (1696-1740)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 13 Aug. 2024., See PDF with more info:
Ratliff Robert Anthony (1696-1740) WikiTree.pdf
- [S4568] "Mary Touchstone b. Bef 1705 Cecil County, Maryland d. Bef 1741 Prince George's County, Maryland: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va Accessed 13 Oct. 2023.
- [S6529] "Robert Anthony Radcliffe : Family tree by Jeff CONNOR (jeffconnor)." Geneanet*qnpup9*_gcl_au*MTgwMDAwNDkxLjE3MjA4MzAyNTQ.*_ga*MTE1OTAwNzk2Ny4xNzIwODMwMjU1*_ga_LMK6K2LSJH*ZDk2MTJhNzAtN2IxNi00OWU0LWI3MGQtZTg3YjhhMWI0NGIyLjEwMTEuMS4xNzI2MDc1NjQ0LjAuMC4w. Accessed 11 Sep. 2024., There is a lot of specific information here with no evidence. The only source is familysearch and I see no evidence of anything in the FS tree. So all specific dates are very suspect.
- [S6531] "Anthony Ratcliffe in the Maryland, U.S., Births and Christenings Index, 1662." 1911 Accessed 11 Sep. 2024.
- [S4116] "Richard Touchstone II Susannah Mary Christian Johnson WILL of Richard 1729 —" Familysearch Accessed 15 Jul. 2023.
- [S6232] "Mary Alice (Touchstone) Ratliff (1695-1741)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 11 Aug. 2024., The wikitree article says "They were the parents of at least 13 sons and 1 daughter"
- [S6242] Carson, B. J. D., Hazlewood, H. S. (1989). The William Ratcliff/Ratliff Family of Maryland and Anson County, North Carolina. United States: B.J. Carson. Downloaded from 8/12/2024., Robert Ratliff and Mary Touchstone from this book...
- [S6709] "Robert Ratcliff b. Bef 1701 d. 21 Jun 1740 Prince George's County, Maryland." inventory: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties Accessed 26 Sep. 2024.
- [S6241] "Second Generation." Sites Accessed 13 Aug. 2024., PDF of entire discussion of Richard Ratliff b1661:
Ratliff Richard b1661 katy at rootsweb.pdf - [S4518] "Robert Ratliff in the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889." 1970 Accessed 7 Oct. 2023.
- [S6249] Tracey, G. L., Dern, J. P. (1998). Pioneers of Old Monocacy: The Early Settlement of Frederick County, Maryland, 1721-1743. United States: Clearfield Company.
Mary Alice Touchstone
F, #2865, b. 1695, d. 24 June 1741
Birth | 1695 | In Cecil County, Maryland. Maybe 17021,2,3,4 |
Marriage | 6 May 1715 | In Talbot County, Maryland, British America.1,3,5 |
Death | 24 June 1741 | At age ~46 in Prince George's County, Maryland, British America. Geneanet: 24 juin 1741 (24 Jun 1741)Prince George's, Maryland, USA2,3 |
Misc | | DNA Matches - looks good. 9/20/2024 DNA on Marthenia Ratliff Scott has almost a hundred DNA matches with siblings of Reuben Ratliff
Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson 26 matches with Mary Touchstone BUT most may be with our guy and our guy... William and Reuben. One with Silas is Reuben Ratliff and Frances Hollowell
_____________ Scott Borgmier has 104 matches on 5 children of Mary Touchstone and he is properly under Reuben. Lydia, William, Silas, Reuben, Benjamin |
Misc | | Parents. Geneanet Father Richard Touchstone Mother Susannah Mary Christian Johnson Spouse Robert Anthony Radcliffe Children Daniel Stephen Radcliff James Radcliff John Ratcliff Benjamin Ratliff Daniel Stephen Ratliff Edward Ratliff James Ratliff John Ratliff Lydia Lidia Ratliff Reuben Henry Ratliff Richard Ratliff Samuel Ratliff Silas Ratliff Stephen Ratliff William Ratliff2,3 |
Last Edited | 20 September 2024 |
- [S4116] "Richard Touchstone II Susannah Mary Christian Johnson WILL of Richard 1729 —" Familysearch Accessed 15 Jul. 2023.
- [S4568] "Mary Touchstone b. Bef 1705 Cecil County, Maryland d. Bef 1741 Prince George's County, Maryland: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties." Colonial-settlers-md-va Accessed 13 Oct. 2023.
- [S6232] "Mary Alice (Touchstone) Ratliff (1695-1741)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 11 Aug. 2024., The wikitree article says "They were the parents of at least 13 sons and 1 daughter"
- [S6480] Muir, D. J. (2018). The Ancestors of John Harper and Christine Robinson of Bath Co., KY. (n.p.): Lulu Press, Incorporated. Accessed on 9/2/2024.
- [S6529] "Robert Anthony Radcliffe : Family tree by Jeff CONNOR (jeffconnor)." Geneanet*qnpup9*_gcl_au*MTgwMDAwNDkxLjE3MjA4MzAyNTQ.*_ga*MTE1OTAwNzk2Ny4xNzIwODMwMjU1*_ga_LMK6K2LSJH*ZDk2MTJhNzAtN2IxNi00OWU0LWI3MGQtZTg3YjhhMWI0NGIyLjEwMTEuMS4xNzI2MDc1NjQ0LjAuMC4w. Accessed 11 Sep. 2024., There is a lot of specific information here with no evidence. The only source is familysearch and I see no evidence of anything in the FS tree. So all specific dates are very suspect.
Lydia Ratliff
F, #2867, b. 1718, d. 1798
Birth | 1718 | In Prince George's County, Maryland, British America.1,2 |
Marriage | 1741 | In Augusta Co., Virginia, British America.1,2 |
Death | 1798 | At age ~80 in Montgomery County, Virginia, United States.1,2 |
Misc | 1749 | Married Jacob Lorton in Augusta Co., Virginia, British America.2 |
Misc | 17 May 1749 | Administer husband's estate.3,4,2 |
Last Edited | 13 August 2024 |
- [S4515] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 07 October 2023), memorial page for Lydia Ratcliff Elswick (1718–Oct 1798), Find a Grave Memorial ID 183157231, citing Elswick Family Cemetery, Blacksburg, Montgomery County, Virginia, USA; Maintained by Gathering Roots (contributor 47213048).
- [S6245] "Lydia (Ratliff) Lorton (1718-1798)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree Accessed 13 Aug. 2024., See the website for more info.
- [S4516] "Report on the Chalkley manuscripts, 21st Congress, the National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution." Accessed 7 Oct. 2023.
- [S4517] "Lydia Elswick in the Virginia, U.S., Land, Marriage, and Probate Records, 1639." 1850 Accessed 7 Oct. 2023.
Richard Ratliff
M, #2869, b. 1799, d. 1838
I can't be sure I got the correct Richad Ratliff...
Birth | 1799 | |
Marriage | 12 July 1833 | In Tazewell, Virginia, United States.1,2,3 |
Death | 1838 | At age ~39. |
Misc | | Parents: Richard Sr. & Frances.1 |
- [S3766] Ratliff, Larry, Jack Hockett, and Gerald Ratliff. Some Descendants of John Ratliff & Charlotte White 1765-1997. Bowie, Md: Heritage Books, 2021., See images
You can search for snippets here:
- [S4042] "Lydia Ratcliff in the Virginia, U.S., Compiled Marriages, 1740." 1850 Accessed 8 Jul. 2023.
- [S4040] Brock, R. A. (Robert Alonzo)., Lewis, V. A. (Virgil Anson). (1888). Virginia and Virginians: eminent Virginians ... History of Virginia from settlement of Jamestown to close of the Civil War. Richmond, Va.: H.H. Hardesty. pages 747-748. Downloaded V2 and V2 8 Jul. 2023., This is on page 747-748 of Virginia and Virginians V2 by By Virgil Anson Lewis, Robert Alonzo Brock · 1996. I downloaded V1 and V2 from 7/8/2023.
Captain Meshack S. Ratliff
M, #2870, b. 1835
A farmer of Washington county, was born in Tazewell County, Virginia, March 20, 1834. He was married in that county, June 5, 1850, to Lucinda Ratcliff of Tazewell County. The fruit of the union is twelve children: Shadraek W., John R., Lydia Jane (now deceased), Mary Elizabeth, James Muncy, George W., Maggie Z. (deceased), Augustus Floyd, Eliza R., Sylvester, Vadney V., Louisa M. Richard Ratcliff of Tazewell County, son of Richard Ratcliff of Montgomery County, was the father of Meshack S. His mother is Lydia, daughter of John Ratcliff of Jackson County, Missouri, in which county he died. Lucinda, wife of Mr. Ratcliff, is a daughter of Shadrack Ratcliff, of Tazewell County, whose father, John Ratcliff, died in Jackson County, Missouri. Her mother was Elizabeth, daughter of Brooks Matnet, of Tazewell county.
Mr. Ratcliff was a resident of Buchanan County previous to his coming to Washington County, and has worthily filled a number of public offices. He represented Buchanan and Wise counties in the Virginia legislature; was two years postmaster in Buchanan County, and two years commissioner of revenue in that county. In 1861 he went into service, captain Company G, 10th Kentucky Cavalry, and so served through the war. His brother Abednego served in the same company; his brother John S. was captain Company I, same regiment, was captured in 1863, at Cynthiana, Kentucky, and held at Johnsons Island, Lake Erie, till June 27, 1865. Four brothers of Mrs. Ratcliff were in service, one, John M., lieutenant Company G, 10th Kentucky Cavalry, wounded and captured at Cynthiana, Kentucky, in 1863, held at Johnsons Island till June, 1865; the other three served in Derrick's battalion of Virginia Infantry. Five cousins bearing the name of Ratcliff were in service; two of them in the 10th Kentucky Cavalry; two commanding companies, rank of captain.
Birth | 1835 | In Tazewell County, Virginia, United States.1 |
Misc | 31 January 1850 | Marrriage: Lucinda R. Ratliff. |
Misc | 1889 | Marriage: Eliza Jane Peake.1,2 |
- [S4041] "Virginia Marriages, 1785." 1940 Accessed 8 Jul. 2023.
- [S4040] Brock, R. A. (Robert Alonzo)., Lewis, V. A. (Virgil Anson). (1888). Virginia and Virginians: eminent Virginians ... History of Virginia from settlement of Jamestown to close of the Civil War. Richmond, Va.: H.H. Hardesty. pages 747-748. Downloaded V2 and V2 8 Jul. 2023., This is on page 747-748 of Virginia and Virginians V2 by By Virgil Anson Lewis, Robert Alonzo Brock · 1996. I downloaded V1 and V2 from 7/8/2023.
William Harper
M, #2871, b. 1817, d. 1887
Birth | 1817 | In Tazewell, Tazewell, Virginia, United States.1,2 |
Marriage1 | | |
Death | 1887 | At age ~70 in Grundy Co, Missouri, United States.1,2 |
Residence | 1880 | In Edinburg, Grundy, Missouri, United States.3 |
Occupation | 1880 | Farmer in Edinburg, Grundy, Missouri, United States.3 |
- [S3765] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 01 June 2023), memorial page for Nancy Harper (1817–1892), Find a Grave Memorial ID 47803349, citing Brassfield Cemetery, Chillicothe, Livingston County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by KAREN SIMPSON (contributor 47511603)., Tombstone has birth and death dates of Nancy and William Harper
- [S4045] Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed 08 July 2023), memorial page for William Harper (1817–1887), Find a Grave Memorial ID 47803317, citing Brassfield Cemetery, Chillicothe, Livingston County, Missouri, USA; Maintained by KAREN SIMPSON (contributor 47511603).
- [S4047] "Wm. Harper in the 1880 United States Federal Census." Ancestry Accessed 8 Jul. 2023.
Peter Ratliff
M, #2873
James Ratliff
M, #2874
Shadrack Ratliff
M, #2875, b. 1820, d. 1883
Birth | 1820 | |
Death | 1883 | At age ~63. |