Judy's Ancestors

Person Page 108

Levi Bolling

M, #2676, b. 1790


FatherRev. Benjamin ("Flat Gap") Bolling (b. 30 June 1734, d. 20 January 1832)
MotherCharity Larrimore (b. about 1748, d. 1794)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited28 May 2023

James Bolling

M, #2677


FatherRev. Benjamin ("Flat Gap") Bolling (b. 30 June 1734, d. 20 January 1832)
MotherCharity Larrimore (b. about 1748, d. 1794)
Pedigree Link
Last Edited28 May 2023

Colonel John Phelps

M, #2678, b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772
John Phelps ... was already settled in Brunswick County, Va., when Lunenburg was taken from that county, and was one of the first Justices of the new county. He, with Matthew Talbot and others, was present at the first Court of Lunenburg County held May 5, 1746. When the increase in population made it necessary to form still another county from Lunenburg's territory, and Bedford came into being, we find John Phelps again at the head of affairs-"Justice of the Peace, and a Justice of the County Court in Chancery." He and William Callaway were Bedford's first representatives in the House of Burgesses, and from Hening's Statutes, Vol. VII, we learn that he was a Colonel in the Colonial Army. He died in Bedford County in 1772, and his will, recorded in Will Book "A" page 137, mentions wife, Mary; children: Jane, Judith, Sarah, Ann, Mary, Betty, John, and Aggey.
--Our Kin : the genealogies of some of the early families who made history in the founding and development of Bedford County, Virginia Published 1930 by Ackerly, Mary Denham.


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1683, d. 16 February 1746)
MotherMargaret Talbot (b. 1684, d. 16 February 1746)
Pedigree Link

Family: Mary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)

DaughterJane Phelps+ (b. 1725, d. 1786)
DaughterElizabeth ("Betty") Phelps (b. 1729, d. 1780)
DaughterMary ("Molly") Phelps (b. 1731, d. 1 May 1844)
DaughterJudith Phelps (b. 1732, d. 1780)
DaughterSarah Phelps (b. 24 December 1733, d. 1785)
DaughterMartha ("Patsy") Phelps+ (b. 20 June 1737, d. 8 March 1767)
SonJohn Phelps (b. 1740, d. 1801)
DaughterAgnes ("Aggey") Phelps (b. 1744)
DaughterLucy Ann Phelps (b. 1745, d. 1811)
Birth1705In Albemarle County, Virginia, British America.1
Marriage1721In Virginia, British America.2,3,1
Death25 February 1772At age ~67 in Bedford, Bedford, British America.1
MiscDNA matches - Excellent. 7/10/2024 Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson
9 DNA matches on 6 siblings of Martha. Except for below, all were John Phelps and Mary Catherine Gibson
Agnes was Wiliam Rountree and Dorcas Dudley

Scott has 22 matches on siblings. (Could he possibly be related to them in addition to the way I am?)
The rest I checked were both parents.
One something from Scott's family
Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson:
48 matches through John Phelps
A random selection all said John Phelps and Mary Catherine Gibson4
OccupationJustice of the peace, repesentative. Col. John Phelps occupation: Justice of the Peace, Justice of the County Court in Chancery, Representative to the Virginia House of Burgesses, Colonel in the Colonial Army1
MilitaryColonel. Petition of John McLanachan for himself and others as a company of volunteers under Col. Bouquet on the Shawnee Expedition. 8 Dec. 1766.
Petition of William Handy et al. who served as rangers on the frontier of Augusta County in 1763 under Col. John Phelps but were omitted from his payroll. 8 Dec. 1766.
The following soldiers in the Ranging Company under Col. John Phelps in 1763 paid the amount indicated: William Handy 3.4.6 Jehu Stephens 1.17.6, Henry Haynes 2.6.6, and Ross Noble 1.10.0. 10 Dec. 1766.5,6
MiscParents: John Phelps, Mary C Gibson. See DNA matches
Occupationbetween 1746 and 1755Member of the House oF Burgesses. He was a member of the House of Burgesses, Justice of Court of Lunenburg Co. in 1746:
1746 - At May Court 1746 - Lunenburg Co., VA - John PHELPS, gentleman, was appointed to take a list of tithables in Lunenburg Co. from the Mouth of Otter River to the extent of the county upwards. John and Mary were in Brunswick Co., VA when Lunenburg Co. was formed from it. He was a member of the House of Burgesses, Justice of Court of both Lunenburg Co. in 1746 and in 1749 was a Justice in the County Court in Chancery, Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2, 1748-1752, June Court 1749 p.146.

He was appointed to take Tithables 1747 - June Court 1747 - John PHELPS, from Falling River to the extent of the county upwards, to take tithables. John PHELPS precinct from Falling River westward was sparsely settled. Lunenburg Co.,VA.

- He was a Coroner: 1748 - 2 June 1748 - John PHELPS, Gent. sworn as a Coroner of county. Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2, 1748-1752, June Court p.10.

- He was appointed a Justice/Justice of the Peace: 5 June 1749 - June Court - Robert JONES, Henry EMBRY, John HALL, Wm HAYWARD, Matthew TALBOT, Field JEFFERSON (father of Thomas JEFFERSON) [corrected by Doug Payne to" Thomas Jefferson's paternal uncle" ; Peter Jefferson was his father], Wm WYNNE, James MITCHELL, David STOKES, Lewis DELONY, John PHELPS, W, HILL, John CALDWELL, Cornelius CARGILL, Abraham COOK, Hugh LAWSON, Thomas BOLLING, Liddal BACON, Thomas LANEAR, Robert Henry DYER, Wm CALDWEL, Peter FONTAINE, Abraham MARTIN, John COX, & Nicholas HAYLE Gentlemen, sworn as Justices of the Peace/Justices in the County Court in Chancery. Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2, 1748-1752, June Court 1749 p.146.

- He was elected a Vestryman: 3 October 1749 - October Court. Vestrymen elected by freeholders & housekeepers of Parish of Cumberland, Lunenburg Co.: John EDLOE, Peter FONTAINE, junr, Field JEFFERSON, Francis EALEDGE, Wm EMBRY, Luke SMITH, THos BOULDIN, John PHELPS, John COX, Abraham MARTIN & Clement READ; each man signs conformable to doctrine of Church of England. Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2, 1748-1752, Oct. Court 1749 p. 214.
Added4/2017 by John Sinks: The 1756 date for John Phelps being commissioned as captain of the rangers seems to be in error. It was 1755. It appears that he was commissioned captain in August and in October commissioned colonel. See related pages from Order Bks 1A and 1B along with his commission as justice.in the downloadable files below.

1758 - Bedford Co., VA - September 1758 - 32d George II.

Money paid to the Militia of the County of Bedford, and for Provisions furnished by sundry Inhabitants

of the said county, viz.

To John Phelps, as captain (£2.8.0).

Information about military status: reported in the Phelps Families of America by a Benjamin T. Phelps, Ottawa, Ill, 1865 including that his great grandfather (this John d. 1772) was a colonel.in the British Army.

Comment from JC Rogers:
The original Phelps lands in Bedford were actually located on an outskirt of the City of Lynchburg and closer to there than actual Bedford. (JC Rogers)

JC Rogers, a respected researcher of the central VA Phelps lines, says he can tie John d 1772 and Mary Phelps of Bedford to Thomas d. 1751 Albemarle with land transactions and feel they are related perhaps closer than any of the other line to Thomas.

- He was a Captain during the French & Indian War while living in Bedford Co., VA:

1750 - 3 July 1750 - July Court - John PHELPS, Gentleman, was appointed to take list of tithables &

give public notice of time & place. From Falling River to Goose Creek. Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2,

1748-1752, July Court 1750 p. 278. And Francis ELLEDGE, John PHELPS, Wm CALDWELL, & Wm

POOL Gentlemen were sworn as Captains of the Foot in this County. Lunenburg Co., VA, Order Bk. 2,

1748-1752, July Court 1750 p. 290.

1756 - On the 20th of August 1756 Capt. John PHELPS was commissioned to command a Company of

Rangers to be raised in Bedford Co., VA to protect the settlers from the French and Indians in the area.7,1,5
Misc1747Named in his father's will.8
Property17511067 acres in 1751 in Goochland County, Virginia, British America.9
Occupation27 May 1754In Virginia, British America.10
Occupation26 November 1754In Bedford County, Virginia, British America.10
Will1771. Will Book A page 137. His will, recorded in Will Book “A” page 137, lists wife, Mary and children, Jane, Judith, Sarah, Ann, Mary, Betty, John, and Aggey. Note, Martha died in 1767, before her father.11
Last Edited6 September 2024


  1. [S5487] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94462808/john-phelps: accessed June 4, 2024), memorial page for Col John Phelps II (1705–25 Feb 1772), Find a Grave Memorial ID 94462808; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  2. [S3759] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94474950/mary-c-phelps: accessed 29 May 2023), memorial page for Mary C. Gibson Phelps (1705–1763), Find a Grave Memorial ID 94474950; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  3. [S5494] "Mary Catherine (Gibson) Phelps (abt.1705-abt.1763)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-543. Accessed 4 Jun. 2024., PDF of WikiTree page:
    Phelps Mary Catherine (Gibson) (abt.1705-abt.1763) WikiTree.pdf
  4. [S4138] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages." 03. John d1772 Bedford Co, VA https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/10-john-d1772-bedford-co-va. Accessed 18 Jul. 2023., See PDF of the document: Phelps John d1772 DNA
  5. [S5822] "They Migrated From Maryland to Virginia – Just 300 Years Apart." Our Unbounded Heritage: 12th Century https://joannedi.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/they-migrated-from-maryland-to-virginia-just-300-years-apart/. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024., The entire article is here:
    Phelps Bolling - They Migrated From Maryland to Virginia.pdf
  6. [S1321] Ackerly, Mary Denham and Parker, Lula Eastman Jeter (1930). "Our Kin", J. P. Bell Company, Inc., Lynchburg, VA. Downloaded.
  7. [S4939] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages." 03. John d1772 Bedford Co, VA https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/10-john-d1772-bedford-co-va. Accessed 9 Mar. 2024.
  8. [S5807] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104620960/john-phelps: accessed July 8, 2024), memorial page for John Phelps (1683–16 Feb 1746), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104620960; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948)., It is believed that his mother was not Anne Rachel Gorsuch
  9. [S5814] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages - 02. John Phelps d 1747 Goochland Co E." M96 > P147> L499> P2> V38> M2 https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/john-phelps-d-1747-goochland-co. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024., Phelps Cumberland & Goochland Deeds - Phelps John, John Jr, William, Samuel.pdf
  10. [S6488] Knight, R. T. (1924). Genealogy of the Talbot and Wingfield Families. (n.p.): (n.p.). Downloaded from archive.org 9/6/2024
  11. [S4243] "Col. John Phelps b. 1705 Albemarle, Virginia, USA d. 25 Feb 1772 Bedford, Virginia, USA: Our Family History." 9thgenerationtexan https://www.9thgenerationtexan.com/getperson.php?personID=I9024&tree=BlakeDeCluitt. Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.

Mary Catherine Gibson

F, #2679, b. about 1705, d. about 1763


FatherColonel Thomas Gibson (b. 3 November 1667, d. 7 November 1734)
MotherMary Frances Allen (b. 1680, d. before 7 December 1734)
Pedigree Link

Family: Colonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)

DaughterJane Phelps+ (b. 1725, d. 1786)
DaughterElizabeth ("Betty") Phelps (b. 1729, d. 1780)
DaughterMary ("Molly") Phelps (b. 1731, d. 1 May 1844)
DaughterJudith Phelps (b. 1732, d. 1780)
DaughterSarah Phelps (b. 24 December 1733, d. 1785)
DaughterMartha ("Patsy") Phelps+ (b. 20 June 1737, d. 8 March 1767)
SonJohn Phelps (b. 1740, d. 1801)
DaughterAgnes ("Aggey") Phelps (b. 1744)
DaughterLucy Ann Phelps (b. 1745, d. 1811)
Birthabout 1705In Hanover Co, Virginia, British America.1,2
Marriage1721In Virginia, British America.1,2,3
Deathabout 1763In Bedford County, Virginia, British America.1,2
MiscDNA Matches - excellent. Scott's DNA on Samuel Anderson
Looks just like John Phelps with 47 matches, 22 on siblings.
Mary Catherine Gibson, mother of Martha Phelps, is a match to several children of Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances Allen.

Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson, 21 matches

Eunice 3 Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances Allen
Dulcebella called half children 2 Only Thomas Gibson 2 both
Thomas called half only 1 match, and Thomas only
1 Mary Ann called half - Reuben Ratliff and Frances Hollowell!
9 Valentine called half 4 Thomas only, one Benjamin Bolling and Martha Phelps

Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson, 6 matches
Dulcebella called half, only Thomas.
1) Common ancestor John Joseph Berry
ancestors of Benjamin Stiglar!
2)2 Thomas only
and one first common ancestors Abraham Childers and Susannah Goldsby
MiscParents: Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances. And DNA. see DNA matches with siblings under parents.4,5
Last Edited4 September 2024


  1. [S3759] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94474950/mary-c-phelps: accessed 29 May 2023), memorial page for Mary C. Gibson Phelps (1705–1763), Find a Grave Memorial ID 94474950; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  2. [S5494] "Mary Catherine (Gibson) Phelps (abt.1705-abt.1763)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-543. Accessed 4 Jun. 2024., PDF of WikiTree page:
    Phelps Mary Catherine (Gibson) (abt.1705-abt.1763) WikiTree.pdf
  3. [S5487] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94462808/john-phelps: accessed June 4, 2024), memorial page for Col John Phelps II (1705–25 Feb 1772), Find a Grave Memorial ID 94462808; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  4. [S6481] "Mary Frances (Allen) Gibson (abt.1673-abt.1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Allen-4816. Accessed 4 Sep. 2024., There are claims but no evidence... The only listed source is findagrave.
  5. [S5783] "Thomas Gibson (1667-1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-1919. Accessed 5 Jul. 2024., For entire page and sources see PDF:
    Gibson Gibson (1667-1734) WikiTree.pdf

Colonel John Phelps

M, #2680, b. 1683, d. 16 February 1746
John Phelps (1683-1747)


FatherCaptain William Phelps (b. 26 March 1655, d. 1748)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Mary Burgess (b. 1683)

SonColonel Thomas Phelps (b. about 1700, d. 1751)

Family 2: Margaret Talbot (b. 1684, d. 16 February 1746)

SonSamuel Phelps
SonColonel John Phelps+ (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
SonWilliam Phelps (b. about 1725, d. 1814)
Birth1683In Goochland, Virginia, British America. He was born in Virginia but his father lived his life in Maryland?1
Marriage1700In Virginia, British America.
Marriage1705ISSUES! 1) her father indicates she had no children when he died in 1713.
2) When was she born?
If he married Margaret Martha Talbot and her parents were William Talbot and Catherine Ogg, she was too young to have John Phelps in 1705. Trees show it, but there is a birth record for a Katern believed to be her mother Catherine, in 1695. WikiTree does not know about the birth records? They are in Family Search, but that does not bother their brain there - the tree is just the same...

Early Colonial Settlers has no husband for Margarite Talbot b1711 of William Talbot and Katherine Ogg.

I think she may have married Benjamin Hammond b1706/7 Later Hammonds use the name Talbot as a middle name.

In her husband's will she is called Margaret. She is also called Margaret in her father's will. (Where does the Mary come from?)

The Talbots were from Maryland. The Phelps were Goochland Co., VA. So relevant Phelps names in Baltimore County Families that is so full of Talbot and Ogg people.

See some notes in WinOrganizer1
Death16 February 1746At age ~63 in Goochland, Virginia, British America. He and his wife died on the same day???

At death owned at least 1914 acres and 16 Negros.1,2
MiscDNA Matches - OK. 9/5/2024 Judy's DNA on GW Ratliff
3 DNA matches with William: all both parents (whoever those parents are)

Judy's matches for John Phelps shows Scott as being under
Thomas Phelps (1685-1751)
and Judy being under
John Phelps (1705-1772)
with the father born in 1683?
need to look at this later!

7/10/2024 Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson
6 matches, 4 on siblings
Thomas - 1 both parents
William 3 both parents

Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson
William 3 - 1 both parents, 2 as William Rountree and Dorcas Dudley

Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson:

5 matches
3 to John Phelps and Margaret Martha Talbot
The other two are under our guy and hence to more recent common ancestors.

Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson:
4 matches, 3 to William Phelps
2 to William Rountree and Dorcas Dudley
1 to john Phelps and Margaret Talbot
1 connected to John Phelps is to Benjamin Bolling and Martha Phelps
MiscPhelps ancestry.3
MiscNamed in his father's will.4
MiscConnection to Matthew Talbot. If you look at the ages of Matthew Talbot and John's wife, it would appear that Margaret was a sister of Matthew. Most of what I see STARTS with a Matthew. But this below is John Phelps Jr so his mother was a Talbot and what connection with his "friend" Matthew? So the arrival of Matthew and his brother etc may be a bit late for the wife of John Phelps Sr.

"John Phelps, the first of the name of whom we have any authentic record, was already settled in Brunswick County, Va., when Lumenburg was taken from that county, and was one of the first Justices of the new county. He, with Matthew Talbot and others, was present at the first Court of Lunenburg County, held May 5, 1746."
-- Our Kin

This might also help figure out which Talbot is Margaret's father. Note, the cmment that Margaret Talbot was born in Maryland still might be correct!

Also consider this:

Also see meetings with John Jr and Matthew Talbot "occupation" facts in John Jr's entry.5,6,7
Will16 March 1747. Recorded. Will of John Phelps of Goochland Co., ”sick”
To son John, use of land where he lives next to John Woodson and John Pleasants, and at his death to his son John Phelps.
To my son John, 1 negro woman Sarah
To my son Samuel, land where John Stafford lives and where George Buts lived, next to Wadson and John Pleasancs. Also to him negroes: Charles , Dick, Hanah, Cate, Peter & York; also 500 acres on Fleamons Creek, 400 being part the plantation is on and 100 of the joining survey; also items and livestock
To son William, all rest of my land at Fleamon's Creek, being 560 acres held by him, and also land and plantation where I live at my wife's death. Also negroes: Franky, Harry and Ned; items and livestock
To my grandson John Phelps, 54 acres next to Cardwell, Tabors Horsepen branch & Col Randolph; also 1 negro Joe, when he comes of age.
To Dorothy Learwood, 1 young mare and 4 cattle
To wife Margrate, for life, 3 negroes: Thom, Jeney and Robin,
and then to my son William
Rest of estate to wife and son William
Executors: sons Samuel and William
Dated 10 Feb. 1747
Wit: Wm Stone, Joseph Wood, James Barnes
Signed: John (F) Phelps
Recorded 16 March 17471
Last Edited10 September 2024


  1. [S5807] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104620960/john-phelps: accessed July 8, 2024), memorial page for John Phelps (1683–16 Feb 1746), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104620960; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948)., It is believed that his mother was not Anne Rachel Gorsuch
  2. [S5814] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages - 02. John Phelps d 1747 Goochland Co E." M96 > P147> L499> P2> V38> M2 https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/john-phelps-d-1747-goochland-co. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024., https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/john-phelps-d-1747-goochland-co
  3. [S5814] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages - 02. John Phelps d 1747 Goochland Co E." M96 > P147> L499> P2> V38> M2 https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/john-phelps-d-1747-goochland-co. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024.
  4. [S5815] "William Phelps (1655-bef.1748)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Phelps-744. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024., see PDF with lots of information and sources:
    Phelps William (1655-bef.1748) WikiTree.pdf
  5. [S1321] Ackerly, Mary Denham and Parker, Lula Eastman Jeter (1930). "Our Kin", J. P. Bell Company, Inc., Lynchburg, VA. Downloaded.
  6. [S5822] "They Migrated From Maryland to Virginia – Just 300 Years Apart." Our Unbounded Heritage: 12th Century https://joannedi.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/they-migrated-from-maryland-to-virginia-just-300-years-apart/. Accessed 10 Jul. 2024., The entire article is here:
    Phelps Bolling - They Migrated From Maryland to Virginia.pdf
  7. [S6490] "Colonel Matthew Talbot (1699-1758)." Family History Treasures https://familyhistorytreasures.wordpress.com/colonel-matthew-talbot-1699-1758/. Accessed 6 Sep. 2024., This is not about an ancestor, but might be related, plus has references to John Phelps AND Robert Baber, ancestors, AND has personal information about the Indian wars.

    Talbot Colonel Matthew Talbot (1699-1758) _ Family History Treasures.pdf

Jane Phelps

F, #2681, b. 1725, d. 1786
She has been traditionally called Jane Pendleton, despite no evidence ever shown for that last name. Some believe she is Jane Phelps and I am convinced by this. (It does not really change my ancestry because I am already descended from this family).

BUT DNA suggests Pendleton even though she is not in the ancestry tree and likes her ancestors.
Some no CA, but one has both parents. 3 matches.


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link

Family: Robert Edward Baber (b. about 1725, d. 6 July 1786)

DaughterMary Baber (b. 1744, d. 1810)
SonWilliam Baber+ (b. 12 December 1747, d. 27 February 1809)
DaughterElizabeth Baber (b. 1749)
DaughterJane Baber (b. about 1752)
SonJohn Baber (b. about 1760, d. 1 July 1809)
SonJames Baber (b. 2 June 1762, d. 17 July 1836)
SonAchilles ("Killes") Baber (b. about 1772, d. 1828)
Birth1725In Virginia, British America.1
Marriage1745In Virginia, British America.2,3,4,5,6,7
Death1786At age ~61 in Campbell, Virginia, United States.1
MiscWho was she? 1) Jane Peldleton (marriage record)
Fact: No Jane Pendleton's lived in the area. More likely Jane Phelps as the families were in many transactions.

2) Dau of John Welch2,3,4
Last Edited25 October 2024


  1. [S6496] "Jane (Pendleton) Baber (1725-1786)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Pendleton-133. Accessed 7 Sep. 2024., It links to the genealogy.com forum post "Re: ROBERT BABER's wife: JANE PHELPS not PENDLETON"

    The only other sources are ancestry trees which are dead links of course.
  2. [S2896] Historical Southern Families. Volume XIII, pages 152-157, downloaded from ancestry.com and OCRed 1/6/2023. File: Baber Family in Southern Families XIII -OCR.pdf
  3. [S2903] "Robert Baber in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/43248:7836?indiv=try&h&pid=34479822211&db. Accessed 6 Jan. 2023.
  4. [S2291] "Descendants of Robert Baber, the Immigrant." Baberfamilytree https://www.baberfamilytree.org/usa/robert1651.htm. Accessed 28 Aug. 2022.
  5. [S5843] "Robert Baber in the Family Data Collection." Individual Records https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/3720554:4725?indiv=try&h&pid=252044030055&db. Accessed 12 Jul. 2024.
  6. [S5302] "Ancestry.com." Historical Southern Families. Volume II https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/48274/images/SouthernFamiliesII-002715-14?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 10 May. 2024., see PDF file:
    Baber in Historical Southern Families Volume II -OCR.pdf
  7. [S6497] "Re: ROBERT BABER's wife: JANE PHELPS not PENDLETON." Genealogy https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/baber/859/. Accessed 7 Sep. 2024.

Sarah Phelps

F, #2682, b. 24 December 1733, d. 1785


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Birth24 December 1733In Goochland, Virginia, British America.
Death1785At age ~52 in Wilkes County, Georgia, United States.
Last Edited21 April 2024

John Phelps

M, #2683, b. 1740, d. 1801
John Phelps (Lieut.), who died 1801, Bedford Co., VA (son of Col. John Phelps & Mary), m. 1) Jemima Turner, dau. of James Turner & Ruth Admire; m. 2) Miss Susannah Younger, dau. of John Younger & Ann Moss.

He was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary Army. He married (first) Jemima Turner; (second) August 18, 1787, Susannah Younger. He died in 1801. His will, recorded in Bedford (Will Book "B,” page 323), mentions: children, Mary Hall, Jemima Forguson, Nancy Forguson, John, Lucy Haynes, Washington, Jenny, Overton, Robert James, Richard, Thomas, Bethsheba, Glenn, Betsy.


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Birth1740In Virginia, British America.
Death1801At age ~61 in Little Otter River, Bedford Co, Virginia, United States.1,2
Misc1787M. Jemima Turner and Susanna Younger in 1787.1
Last Edited8 July 2024


  1. [S4939] "Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages." 03. John d1772 Bedford Co, VA https://sites.google.com/site/archivedydnaphelpsgenealogies/10-john-d1772-bedford-co-va. Accessed 9 Mar. 2024.
  2. [S5183] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/177358241/john-phelps: accessed April 21, 2024), memorial page for LT John Phelps II (unknown–1801), Find a Grave Memorial ID 177358241; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Christie Cirone (contributor 47106285).

Mary ("Molly") Phelps

F, #2684, b. 1731, d. 1 May 1844


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Birth1731In Albemarle, Lunenburg, Virginia, British America.
Death1 May 1844At age ~113 in Bedford, Bedford, Virginia, United States.
MiscMarried James Turner III.
Last Edited29 May 2023

Judith Phelps

F, #2685, b. 1732, d. 1780


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Death1780At age ~48.
Last Edited29 May 2023

Elizabeth ("Betty") Phelps

F, #2686, b. 1729, d. 1780


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Death1780At age ~51.
Last Edited29 May 2023

Agnes ("Aggey") Phelps

F, #2687, b. 1744


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
MiscMarried Nathan Turner.
Last Edited29 May 2023

Lucy Ann Phelps

F, #2688, b. 1745, d. 1811


FatherColonel John Phelps (b. 1705, d. 25 February 1772)
MotherMary Catherine Gibson (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
Pedigree Link
Birth1745In Virginia, British America.1
Death1811At age ~66 in Morgan County, Georgia, United States.1
MiscMarried George Haynes.1
Last Edited29 May 2023


  1. [S3760] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/146628966/lucy-ann-haynes: accessed 29 May 2023), memorial page for Lucy Ann Phelps Haynes (1745–1811), Find a Grave Memorial ID 146628966, citing Haynes Family, Madison, Morgan County, Georgia, USA; Maintained by Lewie Dunn (contributor 47860774).

Colonel Thomas Gibson

M, #2689, b. 3 November 1667, d. 7 November 1734
Thomas Gibson b1687


FatherNicholas Gibson (b. 1649, d. October 1734)
MotherDeanna Martin (b. about 1651, d. after 1691)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Mary Catherine

SonThomas Gibson (b. 1687, d. 1734)

Family 2: Mary Frances Allen (b. 1680, d. before 7 December 1734)

DaughterFrances Gibson
DaughterMary Martha Gibson (b. 1691, d. 1773)
DaughterMary Catherine Gibson+ (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
DaughterDrucila Gibson (b. 1705, d. 1763)
DaughterEunice ("Nice") Gibson (b. about 1712, d. 8 October 1776)
SonThomas Gibson (b. 1712, d. 1802)
SonJohn Gibson (b. 1713)
SonValentine Gibson (b. 1723, d. 1801)
Birth3 November 1667In Isle of Wight County, Virginia, British America. Birth date may be wrong.1,2
Marriage1700At St. Martins Parish in Hanover County, Virginia, British America.1,3,4,5
Death7 November 1734At age 67 in Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, British America.1,3
BurialAt Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery in Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, British America.
MiscDNA Matches - good. 9/23/2024 DNA on Marthenia Ratliff
Judy - 8 matches some of which are a Mary (my ancestor is Mary Catherine). They are all half.
Valentine - 2 Thomas, 1 Childers, 1 no CA
Dulcebella is of course here! with BOTH! Drucila(1705-1763)
Eunice 1 called half no CA
another Mary b1691 with only Thomas
Another Mary 1688-1734 John Phelps and Mary Catherine 21cM 2 segments...
This is PAINFULLY SLOW today...
Scott has 30 matches total.
Valentine 15 matches, sigh 1 Thomas only
Thomas 1 match Thomas only
messy ones galore and very slow...
Dulcebella 5 WOW! 1 both parents!
Eunice 5 matches
Two more Mary girls... no CA
Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson, 21 matches

Eunice 3 Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances Allen
Dulcebella called half children 2 Only Thomas Gibson 2 both
Thomas called half only 1 match, and Thomas only
1 Mary Ann called half - Reuben Ratliff and Frances Hollowell!
9 Valentine called half 4 Thomas only, one Benjamin Bolling and Martha Phelps
I think maybe Dulcebella is a Berry and we may be related through the Berrys.

Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson, 6 matches
Dulcebella called half, only Thomas.
1) Common ancestor John Joseph Berry
ancestors of Benjamin Stiglar!
2)2 Thomas only
and one first common ancestors Abraham Childers and Susannah Goldsby
Religious AffiliationColonel Thomas Gibson was affiliated with Episcopal.1
MiscAnother wife? Mary Catherine Unknown (born about 1665 in Hanove.2
MiscFamous Descendants. Elvis Presley (1935-1977), American Entertainer, 2nd Cousin 8 times removed; Bill Clinton (1946-), 42nd President of the United States of America, 7th Cousin; Dwight D Eisenhower (1890-1969), 34th President of the United States, 8th Cousin 3 times removed;
MiscParents. No DNA for the generation after Colonel Thomas Gibson b1667. However, there are very few with DNA matches in that generation...
Will7 November 1734In St. Martins, Hanover County, Virginia, British America. WILL

>>7 Nov. 1734 I Thomas Gibson Senior of St. Martins Par., Hanover Co. Sick and weak but of sound mind and memory do make this my Last will and Testament. I recommend my soul to the hand of Almighty God and my body to the earth. After all my debts and funeral charges are paid I give to my loving son Thomas Gibson 50 a. of land; to my well beloved son John Gibson 50 a. of land; to be well beloved daughter Nice? Nicks wife of Edward Nicks, Frances Humdrey and Mary Brook one Shilling each; to my well beloved son Edward Nicks awhom I do hereby constitute sole Exor. of this my will and Testament my house likewise my stock of hogs and cattle together with all my Estate goods and Chattels moveable and unmovable to enable c. I do hereby utterly revoke and make void all former wills made by me.

Thomas (+) Gibson Wit: Isaac (x) Johnson, James (x) Phillips, G. Gillingham, School Mstr. 7 Nov. 1734 proved by oaths of the witnesses. REF: Hanover Co., VA Court Records, 1733-1735<<

Note: The 'Nice' questioned is likely Eunice/Unice Gibson, wife of Edward Nicks/Nix3
Probate5 December 1734In Hanover Co, Virginia, British America. Probate Record

Court records of probate as follows:[2]

At a Court held for Hanover County the Seventh day of November 1734 This Will of Thomas Gibson deceased was this day proved in Open Court by the Oaths of the Witneses thereto and admitted to record. Next entry, p. 152: EDWARD NIX and ANTHONY POUNCEY (sic), £100 bond... Edward make a true and perfect inventory of the estate of Thomas Gibson deceased. Signed, EDWARD NIX and POUNCEY ANDERSON (sic.) Inventory, p. 152:

(Edward Nix is recorded extensively in early Virginia records.He owned land in Hanover Co. VA and bought land in Amelia County, a portion of which became Prince Edward county.)

An Inventory of THOMAS GIBSON Estate decd.

2 Cows 2 heifers 1 Steer 1 year old 1 Sow 8 shoats 1 Old Mare 1 colt ..... old Chest 1 stewpot (has a hole in it) pr pothooks 1 very old torn Rugg 1 pair of old 1 old pail 1 old piggin 1 old 2 set of to ditto 2 small old pewter basons 1 old Caskit 1 1 broad hoe 1 old Gun not fixt 1 old Straw(?) Caskitt old pair of small 2 Cupps 2 drinking glass 2 old pewter porringers 1 old brass skillet 1 old frying pan 12 18 pewter spoons 1 old pair of fire tongs 2 old iron 2 hooks 1 old Raged millbagg. (signed) EDWARD NIX. At a Court held for Hanover County the fifth day of December 1734 the Inventory of the Estate of THOMAS GIBSON deceased was returned by the Executor and ordered to be recorded.

Inventory of Estate dated 5 Dec 1734 [3]3
Last Edited27 September 2024


  1. [S5468] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104653097/thomas-gibson: accessed June 1, 2024), memorial page for COL Thomas Gibson (1667–7 Nov 1734), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104653097, citing Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery, Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, USA; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  2. [S5783] "Thomas Gibson (1667-1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-1919. Accessed 5 Jul. 2024., For entire page and sources see PDF:
    Gibson Gibson (1667-1734) WikiTree.pdf
  3. [S5493] "Thomas Gibson (1667-1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-1919. Accessed 4 Jun. 2024., see PDF with will, probate, some sources:
    Gibson Thomas (1667-1734) WikiTree.pdf
  4. [S5469] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104683607/mary_frances-gibson: accessed June 1, 2024), memorial page for Mary Frances Allen Gibson (1680–1734), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104683607, citing Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery, Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, USA; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  5. [S6481] "Mary Frances (Allen) Gibson (abt.1673-abt.1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Allen-4816. Accessed 4 Sep. 2024., There are claims but no evidence... The only listed source is findagrave.

Mary Frances Allen

F, #2690, b. 1680, d. before 7 December 1734
Big problem with her birth year. Married at 6 and first child at 11?


FatherJohn Allen (b. 1655, d. September 1681)
MotherBarbara Withers (b. about 1655, d. 1689)
Pedigree Link

Family: Colonel Thomas Gibson (b. 3 November 1667, d. 7 November 1734)

DaughterFrances Gibson
DaughterMary Martha Gibson (b. 1691, d. 1773)
DaughterMary Catherine Gibson+ (b. about 1705, d. about 1763)
DaughterDrucila Gibson (b. 1705, d. 1763)
DaughterEunice ("Nice") Gibson (b. about 1712, d. 8 October 1776)
SonThomas Gibson (b. 1712, d. 1802)
SonJohn Gibson (b. 1713)
SonValentine Gibson (b. 1723, d. 1801)
Birth1680In New Kent County, Virginia, British America. Her birth date might be 1642 or it may be 1680 or it might be... This problem is discussed in her findagrave entry.1,2
Marriage1700At St. Martins Parish in Hanover County, Virginia, British America.3,4,1,2
Deathbefore 7 December 1734Before her husband's will was written in Doswell, Hanover, Virginia, British America.1,2
BurialAt Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery in Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, British America.
MiscDNA Matches -. 9/3/2024
Judy has one with Dulcebella Bunberry. One has CA Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances Allen and one no CA.
Scott has 4 matches on Dulcebella, 3 out of 4 with both parents.
Ducebella is I think Drucilla who married a Bunberry first

I see nothing to help with parents.

Dulceballa Bunberry is supposedly the daughter of William Bunbury
1670–1725 and Frances Mason 1674–1737.

Scott now has 0 matches with Mary Frances Allen
Judy has 0 matches with mary Frances Allen

Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson
Mary Frances has only 6 DNA matches but 21 for Thomas Gibson. They are Eunice 1 none, 3 Thomas Gibson and Mary Frances Allen
and our Mary C.

Judy's DNA as Samuel Anderson, 2 matches only 6/4/2024
Mary Baugh - only Mary Frances
Mary C is our line so common ancestor is Benjamin Bolling and Martha Phelps
MiscParents - dubious. DNA connects to a half sibling Reuben Samuel Allen (1675-1756) and a tree with no evidence but connections, sigh, to Massachusetts... Connected through the father "Negro Allen".
Other possible parents are John Allen and Barbara Withers. Barbara Withers is suggested by DNA, but her husband in the tree that is pointed to is "Negro Allen". Elsewhere I see him as John Allen. I don't see them having a Mary that seems to fit.

Her WikiTree entry has her parents Arthur Allen and Katherine Baker. NO EVIDENCE but findagrave and "firsthand knowledge"... Sure.

WikiTree shows a mary child marrying someone else... And different parents for Barbara... https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Withers-513

Then there is this: Hucklescott?

Findagrave. Has a chidl mary with little info...

This tree shows Barbara Withers mother's name as Frances! Hence child Mary Frances? This tree shows no female children.
I see no proof of any parents, nor anything in DNA. Some suggest her parents are Richard Allen and Mary Hobbs and there is proof. What is that proof? Richard Allen did have a daughter named Mary, but is that enough with such a common name? I see trees with TWO children named Mary in them.

Also, the birth location given does not seem to be consistent with where Richard Allen and Mary Hobbs. other children were born.

Findagrave says this:
Mary Allen was born abt 1642 in Doswell, New Kent County, (now Hanover County), Virginia, United States. She was the daughter of Richard (Allin) Allen (1611-1690) and Mary (Hobbs) Allen (1615-1664). There is no actual record of the birth year on ancestry for Mary Allen. There is proof that she was the daughter of Richard and Mary (Hobbs) Allen and that she married Thomas Gibson in 1685, and they had 6 known children born after 1685. Since her husband was born abt 1667, and her mom died in 1664, she could have been born in the 1660's which would make more sense with the other dates of her husband's and children's birth years and her marriage date.2
Last Edited27 September 2024


  1. [S5469] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104683607/mary_frances-gibson: accessed June 1, 2024), memorial page for Mary Frances Allen Gibson (1680–1734), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104683607, citing Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery, Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, USA; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  2. [S6481] "Mary Frances (Allen) Gibson (abt.1673-abt.1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Allen-4816. Accessed 4 Sep. 2024., There are claims but no evidence... The only listed source is findagrave.
  3. [S5468] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104653097/thomas-gibson: accessed June 1, 2024), memorial page for COL Thomas Gibson (1667–7 Nov 1734), Find a Grave Memorial ID 104653097, citing Fork Episcopal Church Cemetery, Doswell, Hanover County, Virginia, USA; Maintained by Stella (contributor 47848948).
  4. [S5493] "Thomas Gibson (1667-1734)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Gibson-1919. Accessed 4 Jun. 2024., see PDF with will, probate, some sources:
    Gibson Thomas (1667-1734) WikiTree.pdf

Lucinda ("Lucy") Childers

F, #2691, b. about 1786, d. 15 November 1866
Not mentioned as still living in 1839/9 when Pleasant died. Is she not his child?


FatherPleasant Childers (b. about 1761, d. 25 April 1839)
MotherSarah ("Sally") Jeffries (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1786In Pike County, Kentucky, United States. Maybe not. Jesse's findagrave leads one to believe they moved from Virginia to Pike Co, KY after he was born...1,2
Death15 November 1866In Buchanan County, Virginia, United States.3
MiscDNA Matches. 3 with Pleasant Childers and Sarah Jeffries
1 with John Ratliff and Charlotte White
Residence1860In Buchanan, Virginia, United States.2
Last Edited27 April 2024


  1. [S5175] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191515655/lucinda-elswick: accessed April 21, 2024), memorial page for Lucinda “Lucy” Childers Elswick (1786–15 Nov 1866), Find a Grave Memorial ID 191515655; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by WAHH (contributor 49642408).
  2. [S5179] "Household of Joseph Elswick, 'United States Census, 1860'." Familysearch https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:2:MW2W-K79. Accessed 21 Apr. 2024.
  3. [S4498] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191515655/lucinda-elswick: accessed 06 October 2023), memorial page for Lucinda “Lucy” Childers Elswick (1786–15 Nov 1866), Find a Grave Memorial ID 191515655; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by WAHH (contributor 49642408).
  4. [S4499] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191515143/joseph-elswick: accessed 06 October 2023), memorial page for Joseph Elswick (4 May 1788–1861), Find a Grave Memorial ID 191515143; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by WAHH (contributor 49642408).
  5. [S5163] "DAR Genealogical Research Databases." Services https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/default.cfm?Action=Search&Last_Name=Childress&First_Name=Pleasant&sortby=Last_Name. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024., For full record, see:
    Childers Pleasant b1761 DAR Genealogical Research Databases.pdf

Jesse J. ("Jake") Childers

M, #2692, b. about 1795, d. after June 1880
Jesse J. "Jake" Childress was born 1795, the son of Pleasant Childers and Sarah "Sally" Jeffries. He married Sally Belcher on 12 August 1821. Sally (1804-1894) was the daughter of George.. Belcher I and Mary Ann Fugate Belcher. ... Jesse died ca. 1880. Jesse moved with his parents from Virginia to Pike County, Ky. He met and married Sally Belcher in Pike Co. KY. Shortly after their marriage Jesse moved the family to Buchanan County Virginia, where they lived the remainder of their lives. Jesse also changed his name from Childers to Childress at that time. His descendants, except for Tipper Childers, have been Childress ever since. Tipper's line are the only known(at this time) descendants of Jesse who use the Child-e-r-s version of the name. However over the many generations (about 500 years) of traceable family lineage the spelling changes back and forth every few generations.


FatherPleasant Childers (b. about 1761, d. 25 April 1839)
MotherSarah ("Sally") Jeffries (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 17951
Marriage12 August 1821In Floyd, Kentucky, United States.1,2,3
Deathafter June 1880In Buchanan County, Virginia, United States.1,4
MiscDNA Matches. 2 matches Pleasant Childers and Sarah Jeffries
ResidenceJune 1880In Grundy, Buchanan, Virginia, United States.4,1
Last Edited27 April 2024


  1. [S5174] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/143345726/jesse_j-childress: accessed April 21, 2024), memorial page for Jesse J “Jake” Childress (1795–1880), Find a Grave Memorial ID 143345726; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by Joanie Childress (contributor 48638587).
  2. [S5176] "Entry for Afso Childers and Sally Belcher, 'Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797." 1954" https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:2:QLWD-ZZ9T. Accessed 21 Apr. 2024., "Afso" definitely starts with an J (see the James above). Later comes a tall S followed by a short s and then...
  3. [S5163] "DAR Genealogical Research Databases." Services https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/default.cfm?Action=Search&Last_Name=Childress&First_Name=Pleasant&sortby=Last_Name. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024., For full record, see:
    Childers Pleasant b1761 DAR Genealogical Research Databases.pdf
  4. [S5177] "Household of Joseph Loony, 'United States Census, 1880'." Familysearch https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:2:M48D-SFD. Accessed 21 Apr. 2024.

Nathaniel Childers

M, #2694, b. about 1800, d. 1880


FatherPleasant Childers (b. about 1761, d. 25 April 1839)
MotherSarah ("Sally") Jeffries (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)
Pedigree Link
Birthabout 1800In Floyd, Kentucky, United States.1
Marriage17 January 1859In Pike County, Kentucky, United States.2
Death1880In Pike County, Kentucky, United States.
OccupationFarm Laborer.1
Residence1880In Lower Elkhorn, Pike, Kentucky, USA. Says he was born in Virginia.1
Last Edited21 April 2024


  1. [S4501] "Nathaniel Childers in the 1880 United States Federal Census." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/12279288:6742?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 6 Oct. 2023.
  2. [S4500] "Mary E Ratliff in the Kentucky, U.S., Marriage Records, 1852." 1914 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/74612:1117?indiv=try&h&pid=6899696084&db. Accessed 6 Oct. 2023.

Pleasant Childers, Jr

M, #2695, b. 1806, d. 1870


FatherPleasant Childers (b. about 1761, d. 25 April 1839)
MotherSarah ("Sally") Jeffries (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)
Pedigree Link
Death1870At age ~64.
MiscMarried Mary Polly McClanahan (1818-1880.)1
MiscDNA Matches. All 4 matches are Pleasant Childers and Sarah Jeffries
Last Edited28 April 2024


  1. [S5163] "DAR Genealogical Research Databases." Services https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/default.cfm?Action=Search&Last_Name=Childress&First_Name=Pleasant&sortby=Last_Name. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024., For full record, see:
    Childers Pleasant b1761 DAR Genealogical Research Databases.pdf

Flemmon ("Fleming") Childers

M, #2696, b. 9 January 1805, d. 24 June 1877


FatherPleasant Childers (b. about 1761, d. 25 April 1839)
MotherSarah ("Sally") Jeffries (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)
Pedigree Link

Family: Charity Matney (b. 1810, d. 1878)

SonLovel Childers (b. 1838, d. 1907)
SonAlexander Childers (b. 1844, d. 7 June 1915)
SonWilliam Childers (b. 1844, d. 1917)
Birth9 January 1805In Floyd, Kentucky, United States.
Marriage19 March 1829In Tazewell County, Virginia, United States.1
Death24 June 1877At age 72 in Marrowbone Creek, Pike, Kentucky, United States.
MiscDNA Matches. Both matches are Pleasant Childers and Sarah Jeffries
Last Edited27 April 2024


  1. [S5163] "DAR Genealogical Research Databases." Services https://services.dar.org/public/dar_research/search_adb/default.cfm?Action=Search&Last_Name=Childress&First_Name=Pleasant&sortby=Last_Name. Accessed 19 Apr. 2024., For full record, see:
    Childers Pleasant b1761 DAR Genealogical Research Databases.pdf

Captain Nathaniel Jeffries

M, #2698, b. 25 October 1733, d. about 1795
Nathaniel Jefferies

He married first Sarah Steen and second Mary Tate. His wife is Mary in his will.

His will mentions the children of Mary Tate very specifically, but ALSO a huge number of children who would seem to belong to Sarah Steen, yet I do not see these Nathaniels combined into one.

Note Sarah Brown Steen is listed as being born in Pennsylvania. Is she correct? If not, where do all the children listed in the will come from?

Also, his birth dates are all over the place.

He is confused everywhere with a Nathaniel in Pennsylvania. Everything is suspect.


FatherWilliam Jeffries (b. 17 September 1697, d. 23 November 1777)
MotherElizabeth Ring (b. about 1690, d. 23 November 1777)
Pedigree Link

Family 1: Mary Tate (b. about 1723, d. before 1800)

DaughterAnn Nancy ("Annie") Jeffries (b. 20 October 1756, d. 21 January 1833)
DaughterMary Jeffries (b. about 1765, d. 9 February 1815)
DaughterSarah ("Sally") Jeffries+ (b. 1765, d. 10 August 1843)

Family 2: Sarah Brown Steen (b. 1738, d. 29 September 1810)

SonJesse Jeffries
SonThomas Jeffries
SonNathaniel Jeffries
SonRobert K. Jeffries (b. 1755, d. 1818)
DaughterMary Jeffries (b. 1760, d. 1816)
SonCaptain John Randolph Jeffries (b. 6 March 1760, d. January 1851)
DaughterElizabeth ("Lucy") Jeffries (b. about 1764, d. 1821)
SonWilliam Jeffries (b. 1764, d. 1850)
SonJames Jeffries (b. about 1766, d. before 16 January 1816)
Birth25 October 1733In King and Queen County, Virginia, British America. WikiTree had 17351,2
Marriage1754The marriage date of 1754 would not seem to work because children born of Mary Tate5,6
Deathabout 1795Then, Kentucky in Clarksville, Tennessee, United States. I think 29 Jan 1812 maybe the death date of Nathaniel Jefferies Jr! It cannot be someone whose probate was in 1795.

He is said to die in three places! His will etc in Virginia, then Kentucky in DAR records, and Tennessee? Clearly his son Nathaniel is confusing this, but still...1,2,7,7
MiscDNA Matches to mary Tate. Robert (1755-1818)- 1 Nathaniel only
Nancy (1756-1833) - 2 N and Tate
Elizabeth- neither...
John (1760-1851) - 2 N only
Mary "Steen" (1760-1816) - 2 N only
Mary A (1765-1833) - 3 N and T (there are more not checked)

Looking at Mary Tate, we get Nancy (1756-1833) and Mary A (1765-1833)

Scott's DNA has the same
MiscTwo Nathaniel Jeffries? I cannot make sense of the two wives: Sarah Brown Steen and Mary Tate. What could make sense is there is yet another Nathaniel Jeffries, possibly even a son of this Nathaniel.

An interesting point is in FS, Sarah Brown Steen was born in 1735 in Chester Pennsylvania. How did she find our Nathaniel Jeffries who was born in Virginia. Chester Pennsylvania is also where a Nathan Jeffrey had died and son Emmor and other children were left. Her parents both died in Chester Pennsylvania.
Father John Richard Steen and Mary Jane Moore.

Name Sarah Steen
Description Daughter
Date 10 Apr 1749
Prove date 24 Aug 1753
Book Page C:437
Remarks John Steen. West Nantmeal. Farmer. April 10, 1749. August 24, 1753. C. 437. Provides for wife Jane including plantation to raise and school the children for 14 years. To son James £100 at 21. To son John the plantation I live upon at 21. To daughters Sarah and Mary £40 each at 18, also £60 to the child yet to be born. Executors: Wife Jane and brother-in-law John Moor. Letters to Jane, John Moor being out of the Province.

I can't find a record, but people have her marrying a Nathaniel Jeffries (our Nathaniel Jeffries) in Pennsylvania in 1756 or 1758.
I see a marriage record on ancestry with no date or place nor image.
Record ID 7836::1159161
URL https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/1159161:7836
Name Sarah Steen
Gender Female
Spouse Name Nathaniel Jefferies
Number Pages 1
Source.Title U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900

Her father dies.
MiscParents. Maybe
Edward Jefferies
Birthdate: 1681
Birthplace: London, England
Death: 1730 (48-49)
Virginia, USA
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Jeffery Jeffreys and Sarah Dawes
Husband of Berta Jefferies
Father of Nathaniel Jefferies, Sr. and Mary Jefferies
Brother of Anne Jeffreys and John Jeffreys

From ancestry
Gentleman Edward "Edwan" Jefferies
1681 - 1733
Burt (Elizabeth) Ring
1692 - 1736
MiscConfusion with Pennsylvania. There is a Nathaniel Jefferis in Pennsylvania who left an orphan named Emmor. the hearing was in 1795. There is no Emmor spelled any way you like in our Nathaniel Jeffries' will.

This may be the husband of Sarah Steen


This is his findagrave. BUT we seem to have DNA matches with the Pennsylvania people?
MiscDNA Matches - excellent. 6/8/2024 Scott's DNA as Samuel Anderson
30 matches to siblings of Sarah Jeffries
JJ b1753 1 Jefferies
Ann Nancy matches with
Nathaniel Jeffries and Mary Tate

Elizabeth Jeffries b1759 links to
Childers and Goldsby and Gordon and Morriset

John Steen
Nathaniel only
MiscNewspaper article. Snippet from the article:

In 1776, Nathaniel Jefferies and Wade Hampton I, patriot soldiers serving in the first regiment, were together on the day that the Indians killed a part of Wade’s family. His father, Anthony Hampton, his mother, his brother, Preston, and an infant boy, son of his sister (James Harrison’s wife) were all killed. The Indians burned their house and carried off a boy named John Bynum. When they heard of the massacre, Nathaniel went with Wade and helped to bury his parents, brother and nephew.

Nathaniel brought Wade and gave him a home
for several months during the early part of the war when they were not fighting Tories. Wade spent a part of his time visiting with the John Beckham family. Beckham, also a Patriot soldier, lived nearby in present day Union County. He was a racehorse trainer and kept several of Hampton’s horses. Adam Chisholm had a race tract within three miles of the Beckham plantation (just off present day Jerusalem Road). Hampton was a Patriot Cavalry officer rising to the rank of Colonel. (References: Unpublished manuscript of Jefferies Family by James Jefferies, History of Qrindal Shoals by J. D. Bailey; History of Spartanburg County by Dr. J. B. O. Landrum)
In John Jefferies, Sr.’s Reminiscences of the Revolutionary War, he states that the Tories plundered his father’s house, stole his horse, drove off the cattle, raped his mother and tried unsuccessfully to burn his house. In 1776, after this traumatic experience, his father purchased the land that is referred to today as ‘The brick bftise place” and moved his family into a log cabin already on the land This cabin was on or near Gilkey Creek that flows into Thicketty Creek.

J. D. Bailey in his book, History of Grindal Shoals, states: “A party of British and Tory raiders were passing through the country committing their usual depredations
(rapes, etc.), and coming to Grindal Shoals encamped for the night Without the least suspicion on their part, (William) Sharp and two of his associates were close on their trail The night being dark, their first intimation of danger was Sharp’s bold demand for their immediate surrender, or they would be blown into that region which is reputed to be pretty hot,

In the surprise of the moment they begged for quarter and twenty men laid down their arms. The victors threw the enemies’ guns into the river, before they discovered the fewness of their captors, and the captives were driven to the nearest Whig encampment” No date is given for this encounter.

Bailey has written the following about the John Nuckolls family: “The greatest suffering inflicted on the Whig settlements was by thieving tones, with which the country was Infested Whig Hill was not fanmim* to these depredations. A number of raids were made, but perhaps the most noted one was made in 1780.

They made a clean sweep. The only bed left for the youngest child was a sheepskin used for a saddle blanket It was, probably, at this time when they were shooting stock, breaking up furniture and ripping open feather beds, that Mrs. Nuckolls, womanlike, began tongue lashing them. One of the dastardly scoundrels struck at her head with a saber, and throwing up her arm to ward off the blow, received a wound, which left a scar that she carried to her grave.
MiscWives and children.
JN later -- I wrote elsewhere that Chalfant is related to a Pennsylvania Nathaniel!
Residence1756In Prince Edward County, Virginia, British America. Birth of his daughter Nancy
MilitaryMilitary records. DAR Ancestor number A0619692,9,10,11
Residence1782In Buckingham Co., Virginia, United States.12
Will29 June 1793In Buckingham Co., Virginia, British America.13
Probate17 October 1795In Buckingham Co., Virginia, United States.13
Last Edited4 August 2024


  1. [S3764] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/110202787/nathaniel-jefferies: accessed 31 May 2023), memorial page for Capt Nathaniel Jefferies (25 Oct 1733–29 Jan 1812), Find a Grave Memorial ID 110202787; Burial Details Unknown, family property burial; Maintained by The Navigator (contributor 47717040).
  2. [S5224] "Nathaniel Jeffries in the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889." 1970 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/986372:2204?indiv=try&h&_phsrc=VFH543&db. Accessed 27 Apr. 2024., See attached PDF:
    Jeffries Nathaniel b1733 SAR application.pdf
  3. [S5225] "William Tate Sr. (abt.1702-bef.1751)." WikiTree FREE Family Tree https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tate-1049. Accessed 27 Apr. 2024., Errors in transcription possible. See jpg file.
  4. [S6031] "Mary (Tate) Jeffries (abt. 1725." bef. 1800) ID/Link/URL/Cite/UserID https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tate-3503. Accessed 26 Jul. 2024.
  5. [S5242] "Nathaniel Jeffries in the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560." 1900 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/644774:7836?indiv=try&h&_phsrc=VFH545&db. Accessed 27 Apr. 2024.
  6. [S5243] Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/110202787/nathaniel-jefferies: accessed April 27, 2024), memorial page for Capt Nathaniel Jefferies (25 Oct 1733–29 Jan 1812), Find a Grave Memorial ID 110202787; Burial Details Unknown; Maintained by The Navigator (contributor 47717040).
  7. [S6135] "Martha Jones (Childress) Williamson (abt. 1718." abt. 1758) ID/Link/URL/Cite/UserID https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Childress-598. Accessed 4 Aug. 2024.
  8. [S5172] "Feb 13, 2004, page 9." The Gaffney Ledger at Newspapers.com https://www.newspapers.com/image/79440158/. Accessed 20 Apr. 2024., See PDF:
    Jeffries Nathaniel b1733 in The_Gaffney_Ledger_Fri__Feb_13__2004.pdf
  9. [S5245] "North America, Family Histories, 1500." 2000 for Nathaniel Jefferies https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/61157/images/46155_b290228-00166?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024., See PDF of the pages:
    Jeffries Nathaniel b1733 North America Family Histories -OCR.pdf
  10. [S5246] "DAR Genealogical Research Databases." Services https://services.dar.org/Public/DAR_Research/search_adb/?action=full&p_id=A061969. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024., See PDF:
    Jeffries Nathaniel b1733 DAR Genealogical Research Databases.pdf
  11. [S5247] "John Randolph Jefferies in the North America, Family Histories, 1500." 2000 https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/2217184:61157?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 28 Apr. 2024.
  12. [S5971] "Ancestry.com." Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6131/images/VGS_1979_01_01_0109?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 21 Jul. 2024.
  13. [S3763] "WILL OF NATHANIEL JEFFRIES." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/31006787/person/12347924144/media/5b7fbca6-db56-4c51-810a-27e69eb8e628?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 31 May. 2023.

Jesse Jeffries

M, #2699


FatherCaptain Nathaniel Jeffries (b. 25 October 1733, d. about 1795)
MotherSarah Brown Steen (b. 1738, d. 29 September 1810)
Pedigree Link
MiscNamed in will.1
Last Edited31 May 2023


  1. [S3763] "WILL OF NATHANIEL JEFFRIES." Ancestry https://www.ancestry.com/mediaui-viewer/tree/31006787/person/12347924144/media/5b7fbca6-db56-4c51-810a-27e69eb8e628?indiv=try&h&db. Accessed 31 May. 2023.